Template - Methods Activity Plans and Roles
Fieldteq Configuration Template – Methods, Activity Plans and Roles
Template - Methods Activity Plans and Roles
Figure 1 –Highlighted Areas affected by Configuration
Template - Methods Activity Plans and Roles
Template Procedure to Set Up anew method and New Role for Use in Activity Plan
This step by step process can be used to prove that a planner has the qualifications required to get people assigned to a new method, and roles in an activity plan.
- Go to System > Activities > Methods page and Add New to Create a completely new method “Testmethod” in activity type Diving Mode – this is to be similar to Diving Scuba
- Set method approval ratings including all ratings up to instructor can use. Set coordinator rating required to approve “coordinator”
- Tick the method option “to show in activity plan” then Save
- Go to System > Activities > Roles to Create the new role name Testdiver (tick to “require at least one method”)
- Go to System > Activities > Roles , select the Testdiverthen Details tab
- Go to Activities > Roles > Required Qualification Types and add a simple existing qualification like Dive Medical (tick “required to be current”, “required to participate”)
- Go to Activities > Roles > Required Method Task Approvals and add the Testmethod from the pull down method list at “restricted” approval rating
- Go to system > Activity Type – select Dive Trip > details
- Then go to Activity Type > Activity Type Method/Tasks to add Testmethod to this Dive Trip Activity Type
- Then go to Activity Type > Roles to add the new Testmethod to the role Testdiver with min persons 1, max persons -1 and minimum approval rating of “restricted”
- Create an activity plan in an existing Dive Trip type project which includes Dive Trip as an activity type
- Edit your own Coordinator registration (you must be part of an SOU that includes activity type of Dive Trip
- And go to Methods/Tasks to give yourself the Testmethod with approval rating Coordinator
- Then go to Qualifications to check you can see the role TestDiver - add a valid Dive Medical qualification if you don’t have one already
- Check that all Co-Ordinator admin dates are reviewed and current.
- Edit a fieldteq_train6 personnel registration for someone attached to SOU with Boating and diving and assign the method Testmethod to them with approval rating Restricted . Make sure they are registered for activity type dive mode and qualified for Dive Medical
- Review and approve both personnel registrations
- Go to your existing project and select a Dive Trip project to edit
- Go Projects> Project Details and Edit – make sure that the project activity type list includes “Dive Trip”
- Go to Project Methods and Edit to tick and select the new Testmethod (if a method is not selected for the project we will not be able to use it)
- From the Project Details page , select Project supervisor buttons. Make sure the project supervisor added is the one which has had the new Testmethod added
- Go to Projects > Activity Plans and create a new activity plan of Activity Type “Dive Mode”
- Go the Activity Methods tab for this plan and Edit then Tick to Add the new Testmethod
- Go to the Activity Plans > Personnel page and view that the new role of Testdiver should be present
- Select the + button next to the Testdiver role and you should be able to see the two new people you have added to this method and window, tick them on
Repeat the steps for a new method requiring an entirely new qualification