The NAFC AGM Resolutions Committee should consist of at least three people, one of whom should be a member of the NAFC Board of Directors. The Committee membership will be nominated and approved by motion of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the outset of the meeting.

The NAFC AGM Resolutions Committee has the responsibility to:

1) Select a Chair of the Committee from its approved membership;

2) Gather all draft resolutions and remove resolutions which are administrative in nature;

3) Ensure that draft resolutions coming forward are numbered, worded correctly and have a mover and a seconder;

4)Ensure that all movers and seconders of draft resolutions are registered AGM delegates;

5)Assist the movers and seconders of draft resolutions in wording, writing and presenting them in the proper manner;

6)Ensure that the content of draft resolutions is clear. The Chair of the AGM Resolutions Committee will ensure that designated committee members are available to discuss the contents of the draft resolution with the mover and seconder and, if necessary, to revise the draft resolutions before they are finalized;

7)Make editorial corrections to draft resolutions with the consent of the mover and the seconder;

8)Ensure that there is no repetition between draft resolutions presented at the AGM and approved at previous AGMs;

9)Distribute printed and translated copies of the draft resolutions to the AGM Chair and the delegates prior to their introduction on the floor of the AGM;

10)Ensure the Resolutions Committee Chairperson presents the draft resolutions to the assembly floor and draws to the Assembly’s attention those resolutions which may be contrary so they can be dealt with at the same time;

11)Ensure the movers and seconders of draft resolutions are present in the assembly room when the draft resolutions are being presented and discussed; and,

12)Resolutions are adopted by two thirds majority vote as outlined in the NAFC Constitution & By-Laws, referenced in Annex A.


NAFC Constitution and By-Laws

Article V – Annual Meetings

Section 5

Notice of any annual meeting where special business will be transacted shall state the nature of that business in sufficient detail to permit a member to form a reasoned judgment on the business and state the text of any resolution to be submitted to the meeting that requires approval by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. For purposes of this Section, all business transacted at an annual meeting of members, except consideration of the financial statements, public accountant’s report, election of Directors and re-appointment of the incumbent public accountant, is “special business”.