Management report[*]
Brussels Retrofit XL
[Include project title, Cambria 24pt]
1General information
Project AcronymProject Number
Partner Name
Reporting period / M1-M6 | M7-M12 | M13-M18 | M19-M24
Date of report
Please send this reportto the project coordinator in electronic version.
2Progress of the project
Please indicate one of the following options:
The project (largely) follows the work plan and meets the milestones planned for this reporting period(option 1)The progress of the project deviates from the work plan but without significant changes to the expected outcome(option 2)
Important milestones and deliverable are not met (in time) and/or large changes in the work program are expected (option 3)
2.1Milestones and deliverables
Report on the status of the milestones and deliverables expected to be completed during the reporting periodaccording to the work plan(complete the tables). In case of delay, provide an expected date for completion.
Milestones due during reporting period:
Number / Description / Date of completionDeliverables due during reporting period:
Number / Description / Date of completion2.2Scientific results
Describe the research that has been performed and the progress of the work during the reporting period (2-3 pages).Include a summary of the progress towards the project objectives and provide details for the different work packages/tasks.
For projects consisting of multiple partners, the contribution of each partner should be specified.
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2.3Work plan
In case of delaysor changes to the work program (options 2 or 3 above at §2), describe the work that remains to be done and propose an updated project planning (max. 2 pages).
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3Feasibility valorisation objectives
Evaluate the relevance of the research results in view of the innovation and valorisation objectives by indicating one of the following options:
The project’s innovation and valorisation objectives are likely to be met (option 1)The (intermediate) research results deviate from the expected outcomes, but without significant changes to the innovation and valorisation objectives(option 2)
The (intermediate) research results do not meet the expected outcomes and large changes in the project’s innovation and valorisation potential are expected (option 3)
3.1Valorisation plan
In case of changes to the project’s innovation and valorisation objectives (options 2 or 3), please describe the expected changes and the consequences for the project (max. 2 pages).
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4Use of resources
Please indicate one of the following options:
Resources (financial, human resources, subcontracting) are (largely) used according to the original plan (option 1)The use of resources (financial, human resources, subcontracting) slightly deviates from the original plan but without significant influences for the project (option 2)
Large changes occurred /are planned in the use of resources (financial, human resources, subcontracting) for the project (option 3)
List the researchers that have been working on the project, includingtheir activities (M-project management, R-research) and work load (in person months).
Researchers working on project:
Name of person / Organisation / Activity (M or R) / Number of person months during reporting periodIn case of subcontracting during this reporting period, please specify details below.
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4.1Resources update
In case of changes to the project’s resources use (options 2 or 3), please describe the expected changes and the consequences for the project (max. 1 pages).
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5Collaborations originating from the project
Please list any interactions (meetings, workshops, …) with partners from the platform and other stakeholders (industry, government, …), as well as external collaborations resulting from the research project.
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6Project dissemination
This information is to be used for public purposes (e.g. press communications and website).
6.1Project summary (public)
Provide an up-to-date project summary in max 300 words, including the project’s general objectives and relevant intermediate (or final) results. This summary will be published on the platform website to illustrate the progress and relevance of the work.
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6.2Scientific publications
List all publications resulting from the project (over its entire period). Provide full bibliographical data for each publication (author names, journal or conference name, year, pages,…).
Please clearly indicate whether the publication is published, accepted for publication, or only submitted (indicate to which journal or conference).
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List of all presentations related to the project (over its entire period). Please provide Title, Date, Presenter, Event, Location and (estimated number of) attendence of presentation.
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7Comments (optional)
Please insert any comments or concerns you have concerning the project and its progress.
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Author(s) of the report:
p. 1|4
[*]For projects consisting of multiple project partners, a single management report should be completed describing the research and progress of the different partners.