NAESB Electronic Tagging (e-Tag) Specification Version 1.8.3Implementation Plan
Description of change(s):
Please see the functionality document created by the NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee (CISS).
Implementation Timeline:
E-Tag vversion 1.8.3 Vendor Interoperability Testing Dates:
June:13and 15(NAESB Conference Bridge from 1:00pm CPT to 4:00pm CPT)
July:11 and 13(NAESB Conference Bridge from 1:00pm CPT to 4:00pm CPT)
Proposed E-Tag vversion 1.8.3 Implementation Date: 10/10/2017 Midnight CST (1:00 AM CPT)
October 10, 2017 00:00 CST (Midnight CST between October 9 and October 10 2017)
Prevailing times for Implementation Date –
Atlantic Daylight Time October 10, 201703:00
Eastern Daylight Time October 10, 201702:00
Central Daylight TimeOctober 10, 201701:00
Mountain Daylight TimeOctober 10, 201700:00
Pacific Daylight TimeOctober 9, 201723:00
Proposed E-Tag vversion 1.8.2 Retirement Date: 11/07/2017 Midnight CST
November 7, 2017 00:00 CST (Midnight CST between November 6 and November 7 2017)
Prevailing times for Retirement Date –
Atlantic Standard Time November 7, 201702:00
Eastern Standard Time November 7, 201701:00
Central Standard TimeNovember 7, 201700:00
Mountain Standard TimeNovember 6, 201723:00
Pacific Standard TimeNovember 6, 201722:00
Implementation Plan:
Since the implementation of e-Tag v1.8.3 changes impacts both the Electric Industry Registry (EIR) and tagging, and in an effort to provide the industry sufficient time fortransitioning their e-tags from one version to another, the roll out of version 1.8.3 can be achievedis planned in three phases:
Phase 1: Availability of EIR functionality to support the Market Operator Role
EIR functionality to support the registration of Market Operators will be available by E-Tag v1.8.3 Testing Dateson May 2, 2017.
As part of this phase, industry participants will be able to register under the Market Operator role in the EIR. The EIR will also start publishing the Market Operator registry data. All tags created during this phase will be v1.8.2 tags, and market adjusts from BAs/TSPs registered as market operators in the EIR via the legacy flag will still continue to work as they do today. This phase is intended to provide Market Operators sufficient time to register under the Market Operator role in the EIR.
Phase 2: E-Tag v1.8.3 Implementation
Vendorswill enable the new e-Tag version at the Implementation Date. E-Tags created prior to the cut-over will be 1.8.2 e-Tags and will work as they do today. E-Tags created at and after the cut-over will be 1.8.3 e-Tags and will behave as per the 1.8.3 changes (these e-Tags may optionally have Market Operators listed on them, however, if present, these Market Operators will be required to approve e-Tags and will have the ability to perform market adjusts on these e-Tags).This will mark the start of a parallel operations phase of the e-Tag 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 versions, during which the tagging systems will behave as follows:
E-Tags CREATED on or after the Implementation Date, but ENDING prior to the retirement date will be version 1.8.2 e-Tags. These e-Tags may optionally have Market Operators listed on them, however, they will continue to behave as they do today, i.e., Authority Services will ignore these Market Operators, and these Market Operators will not be required to approve e-Tags. Market adjusts from BAs/TSPs registered as market operators in the EIR via the legacy flag will still continue to work.
E-Tags CREATED on or after the Implementation Date, but STARTING on or after the Retirement Date will be version 1.8.3 e-Tags. These e-Tags may optionally have Market Operators listed on them, however, if present, these Market Operators will be required to approve e-Tags and will have the ability to perform market adjusts on these e-Tags.
E-Tags may not span the Retirement Date, i.e., Agent and Authority Services must ensure that e-Tags CREATED on or after the Implementation Date do not start BEFORE the Retirement Date and END after the Retirement Date
With a successful transition to e-Tag 1.8.3, all remaining 1.8.2 e-Tags should be terminated, and a new 1.8.3 version of the e-Tag created by the Tag Author.
If there is a need to roll back, a decision must be made within 30 minutes, and the roll back must be complete no later than one hour after the Implementation Date. In the event of a roll back, the e-Tags created on or after the Implementation Dateafter the cut-over, up to the point of roll back must be terminated. E-Tag Vendors shall configure their authority services to automatically terminate any outstanding 1.8.3 e-Tags.
Phase 3: E-Tag v1.8.2 Retirement
With a successful transition to e-Tag 1.8.3, all remaining 1.8.2 e-Tags should be terminated, and a new 1.8.3 version of the e-Tag created by the Tag Author no later than the 1.8.2 Retirement Date. Vendors will work with end users to provide the ability to determine which tags are using version 1.8.2 of the e-Tag Specification. Tag Authors will be responsible for recreating the tags. Recreation of the tags may be made at any time between the 1.8.3 Implementation Date and the 1.8.2 Retirement Date.
E-Tag vendors shall configure the Authority Services to automatically terminate any outstanding e-Tags using the 1.8.2 Specification on 1.8.2 Retirement Date (these would be e-Tags created prior to the Implementation Date and spanning the Retirement Date). This termination shall be entered seven days prior to the Retirement Date to ensure customers are provided ample notice. Outstanding 1.8.2 e-Tags will receive termination request with a comment on the tag that the termination is due to the retiring 1.8.2 specification. The specific verbiage of the comment field should be as follows:
This tag is using 1.8.2. It will be terminated on TBD November 7, 2017 at 00:00 CST. Please create a new tag if needed.