Directions for Completing the New Program Proposal Form for Faculty
Part I. Basic Information: Completely answer all questions.
A. Enter the proposed program title. The titles of existing programs at other campuses can be viewed online at
B. Enter the Proposed degree or certificate. (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., Certificate). See the Curriculum Committee Handbook for degree requirements.
C. Enter the total number of credits required for completion of the program.
D. Enter the name of the Academic Department that will offer the program.
E. Enter the proposed start date of the program. A minimum of two semesters in advance of program start is generally required for internal and external processes to be completed.
F. The signature of the Department Head confirms formal departmental approval.
G. Please use the current date for the current version of any program proposal.
Part II Review and Actions
This section will be used by the Office of Academic Affairs to track the internal and external actions on the program proposal.
PART III Program Summary
The purpose of the Program Summary is to provide a complete picture of how the proposed program will fit into the mission of the campus and to explicate the general parameters of the program curriculum. Respond fully to each of the lettered points and attach new and revised extended course outlines and catalog material.
Part IV Enrollment
Provide the projections for the initial enrollment and the enrollment after five years. Explain how these projections were determined.
Part V. Impact of the New Program on the Service Area and Consultation with Other SUNY Institutions
A. Need: It is important to justify the need for the proposed program in terms of the community it will serve and the economic and/or educational needs of Dutchess County and of New York State and to describe how the level of need was established. (Provide data on need from New York State labor projections ( If there are similar programs in Dutchess County, the Mid-Hudson Region, and the state explain why this program will not unnecessarily duplicate University resources.
B. Employment: For programs designed to prepare graduates for immediate employment, document the potential employers of such graduates. Specify employers who have requested establishment of the program and describe their specific employment needs. Careful assessment of employment demand, especially for focused programs requiring new resources, is critical.
C. Similar Programs: Enrollment data for SUNY institutions is available from the Academic Programs Information System at Information for non-SUNY institutions is available from SED’s Inventory of Registered Programs at
D. Transfer. Given the high priority that SUNY places on the facilitation of transfer (especially intra-SUNY transfer), it is necessary to identify institutions with which articulation arrangements have been made or discussed, and to document the articulation of the program with the next appropriate level of instruction. Each program specific course should appear on the same row as the baccalaureate program course with which it is deemed to be equivalent. Table cells are to be filled in according to the key below:
1. Indicate the departmental identifier and course number (e.g. PHI 101).
2. Indicate the title of the course (e.g., Introduction to Philosophy).
3. Indicate the number of credit hours granted for completing that course.
4. Indicate whether the course will count toward General Education, the Major, or Graduation (i.e., Graduation-only) requirements at the baccalaureate campus. (General Education may include but is not limited to the SUNY-GER.) If a given associate degree course will not be credited at all toward graduation by the baccalaureate institution, enter None in this cell.
Part VI. Resources
Describe additional and reallocated resources required for implementation of the new program. Resources may include personnel, library, equipment, laboratories, facilities renovation, and other expenses.
Attach new and revised Extended Course Outlines.
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