N.O.M.A. Meeting Minutes for

March 22, 2016

On the above date at 7:00 PM the New Oxford Municipal Authority met with Chairman John Spalding presiding. Authority Board members present were Vice Chairman Stan Wannop, Treasurer Al Gallo, and Personnel Guillermo Bosch. Also in attendance were Steve Hovis with Stock & Leader, Randy Bailey from Wm. F. Hill & Assoc. Engineering, Tom Beamer, NOMA Facilities Manager, and Adam Winters, NOMA Asst. Facilities Manager. Secretary Tom Olshanski and Amber Gearhart, Project Asst. /Asst. Secretary were not present.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the January 13, 2016 and January 26, 2016 meeting.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board ratified payment of the following expenditures: January 16th thru March 14th in the amount of $445,203.32.

Old Business

Miller Chemical Update – Marty Siegel, with Stock & Leader wrote DEP a letter asking DEP to file an action against Miller Chemical in regards to remediating the site. Marty’s recommendation is to proceed with action to provide DEP with a notice of intent to file a citizen action. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Gallo, the Board unanimously approved to give DEP notice of intent to file a citizen lawsuit under the Clean Stream Act as recommended by NOMA’s solicitors. There has been no further information on restitution from Miller Chemical in regards to the segregation claim.

Borough Business (MS4) – A meeting is to be scheduled to go over some guideline for the storm water.

Water Meter Billings – There has been issues with the billing. Half of the meters have been converted to read by the gallons while the remainders are waiting to be reprogrammed. This project started before the Miller Chemical Fire and has since been resumed. However, this has caused some reading to be incorrect. Robin has been working on the issue for approximately 8 months with no resolution. Tom and Adam became involved. Upon running some tests in the system, the issue was located. Tom, Adam, and Robin had a conference call with Muni-Link and Sensus to discuss the problem. Upon further investigation the problem was within the parameters that were put into the billing program. It required a digit change in each account for approximately 100 accounts. With this being said, the issue was resolved within a few days once Adam and Tom became involved.

Sensus Pilot Study – NOMA will be participating in a pilot study for Sensus. The new meters will be able to read pressure, and contain an option for automatic shut off just to name a few of the features. The new meters should be installed by the next meeting. Tom is not sure if NOMA will get to keep the meters used in the pilot study.

Consulting Proposal – Due to Olshanski not being at the meeting, on a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved tabling the consideration of the consulting proposal by Chuck Burkell until the May meeting.

New Business

Al Gallo – Gallo submitted a letter of resignation to the Board effective April 30, 2016 due to the demand of his current job. The position will be advertised on the website as well as in the newsletter that will be mailed out. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously accepts the resignation of Al Gallo effective April 30, 2016.

Facilities Manager Report

Reviewed and unanimously approved by the Board on a motion by Wannop, seconded by Bosch, was the report submitted by Tom Beamer, Facilities Manager.

Delinquent Accounts – There have been some sheriff sales in the last few weeks.

Send Out (High Service) Pump Project –NOMA is still waiting on DEP to act on the permit application. This project has 2 years to complete. In the mean time, NOMA completed some work on the raw intake pumps. The maintenance was completed in time where no damage was done to the large pump, but the two smaller pumps at one time were able to pump at least 700 GPM, and currently they can only pump less than 400 GPM. It will cost approximately $30,000 to replace a pump. Tom would like to replace one pump now and replace the other pump at a later date. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved placing a bid for the replacement of a pump as explained by the Facilities Manager in the raw water building.

Possible Bio-Solids Regional Facilities Project – NOMA has a chance to receive a $90,000 grant. Notification will be given at the end of April or during May. The funds will be used toward the study on the feasibility of the project.

Oxford Commons/Misty Creek – The NPDES permit was approved on February 29th to complete the installation of the water line on Route 30. The project is currently 65-70% complete. The developer is requesting a reduction to the financial security. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the reduction on the financial security for the project known as Misty Creek from $905,088.80 to $472,033.00.

USDA Loan for OCMW – The PNC proposal for a line of credit for the OCMW and Dam project was presented. This is a temporary loan used to pay the contractors during the above mention projects. At the competition of the projects, the USDA loan funds will be used to satisfy the PNC loan. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to accept this resolution and authorize the issuance of the NOMA water revenue note, series of 2016, in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000 to PNC Bank.

Oxen Country Meadows Well – A meeting was held between NOMA and Laughman and Smith on February 11th, to discuss a means of mitigation with a 30 day deadline. Peter has been corresponding with Laughman’s attorney. The SRBC will intervene with the matter if necessary.

Hamilton & Berwick Township Sewer – Berwick Township hired a second firm to complete a feasibility study on the removal of Hamilton Township sewer. They hope to have a response in 30 to 60 days.

Dam Project – On March 14th and engineering agreement was submitted as well as a revised preliminary engineering report for review. These are still under review.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Violations – No action by DEP as of this date on the violations from 2015. New NOV was received on February 24th for bio-solids, as well as an elevated TSS results that were reported on February 23rd.

Fire Hydrant Markers – The fire company approached NOMA about installing side mount hydrant markers on all of the fire hydrants in our service area. There are 55 hydrants in the borough and 63 hydrants in Oxford Township. NOMA owns and maintains the hydrants in the borough while Oxford Township maintains the hydrant in the township. It will cost approximately $25 to $35 per marker. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approves installing side mount hydrant markers on the 55 fire hydrants within the New Oxford borough and will do the same with the Oxford Township hydrants if the township would like NOMA to do so.

Leak Detection Equipment – The purchase of leak detection equipment was discussed last year. NOMA received two quotes for equipment and would like to purchase the equipment from L/B Water, which is the equipment that was used last year to leak detect the entire system, they are costar, and they are below the threshold for biding at under $12,000. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of the Aqua Scan Equipment and Zone Scan Loggers from L/B Water as per their quote from last year.

Leak Detection – Nate Stauffer with Fluid Conservation Technologies was in and completed leak detection on the entire system before NOMA begins using the new equipment. One leak was found on Paradise Court and was repaired today with completion tomorrow.

Route 30 Boring – In early March Tom sent an informal email to the Board members seeking approval to accept a bid from L & N Zimmerman for the boring of service lines on Route 30 in the amount of $10,512.45. With the majority in acceptance, the process was continued so that the work could be scheduled the week of March 28th. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the quote from L & N Zimmerman to complete the Route 39 boring.

Plainville Farms – The water agreement is ready so that once Plainville Farms exceeds the current limits, they will be ready to sign the agreement and tapping fees will be due. With that being said, with the increase in water usage, there will be a need for a new sewer agreement and tapping fees as well. Plainville Farms is aware of this.

Record Retention – Stock & Leader will forward Amber the record retention schedule. A resolution is required. Tom would like to know the length of time to retain DEP documents as well. Stock & Leader will have a resolution for the next meeting.

Employee Handbook – The handbook has been finalized by Stock & Leader. Tom and Amber are currently reviewing the handbook and it will be presented at the next meeting.

Enlarging the WWTP Office – Adam discussed building an addition the size of the last addition to the property. Estimates will be presented at the next meeting for discussion.

Truck Proposal – The estimate for the trucks ($23,000 per truck) came in lower then estimated last year. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of two trucks per this quote from Keystone Ford for two Ford F-150 4x4 trucks for $23,165.00 per truck.

Industrial Permits – GHD reviewed the information presented at the last meeting and questioned the legality of some of the items. Steve would like to investigate further and present his findings at the next meeting. Tom also provided Steve with a proposal for NOMA to have the pretreatment program EPA approved. Currently the program is only DEP approved. Steve will review and respond at the next meeting.

William F. Hill & Assoc. Report

Route 30 Waterline Improvement – Completed the survey on the North side of Route 30. Once complete we will submit an HOP to Penn Dot for approval and after it is approved, the bid documents will be finalized.

Oxen Country Meadows Well & Water Tank Project – USDA formally accepted and approved the Engineering Agreement. The Land Development Plan is still being reviewed and concerns are being addressed.

Dam & Fishway Replacement Project – Previously discussed.

Water Plant High Service Pump Replacement – Previously discussed.

Oxford Commons/Misty Creek – Previously discussed.

New Oxford Foods/Plainville Farms US Route 30 Meter Pit – Plainville submitted drawings. The drawings were reviewed. Plainville accepted the changes and the meter is on site.

New Oxford Foods/Plainville Farms (Orange St.) – Plainville Farms is installing the line at their expense and will then dedicate the 10” line to NOMA. Paperwork has been submitted for the permits to drill under the water lands. NOMA is waiting for the approval.

Brethren Home/Cross Keys Village/Bridgewater Phases 2 and 3 – On site inspecting the progress as completed.

GIS Mapping – All computers have been updated. Continuing to update as needed with continuing improvements.

Overall As-Built Condition Plans – no change.

Solicitor’s Report

Everything was reported on as discussed during the Manager’s Report.

Other Business

PA Rural Water Association named New Oxford Municipal Authority Water System of the Year.

With no further business to be brought before the Board, on a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM.

Reminder of the next Authority meeting will be on May 24th, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amber K. Gearhart

Asst. Secretary/Project Assistant