Mystic Rose Social Service, Inc.


Mystic Rose Social Service, Inc.


Medical Surgical Clinic

301 Hospital Dr.

Corsicana, TX 75110

Phone: (210) 929-9943

Fax: (214) 269-5953

State Directory 211

“Servicing 50 states in America”

Mystic Rose Social Services, Inc.

Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce

102 YMCA Dr.

Waxahachie, TX75165


The older population – persons 65 years or older--numbered 39.6 million in 2009 (the latest year for which data is available). They represented 12.9% of the U.S. population, about one in every eight Americans. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000. People 65+ represented 12.4% of the population in the year 2000 but are expected to grow to be 19% of the population by 2030.

The U.S. Population Is Aging …

The current growth in the number and proportion of older adults living in the United States is unprecedented in our nation’s history. Two factors — longer lives and aging baby boomers — will double the population of Americans aged 65 or older during the next 25 years. Life expectancy in the U.S. has increased from 47 years for Americans born in 1900 to 77 years for those born in 2001and baby boomers — those born between 1946 and 1964 — will begin to reach age 65 in 2011. By 2030, the number of older Americans is expected to reach 71 million, or roughly 20% of the U.S. population.

Center for Disease Control


About 1 in 5 Americans have some type of disability, and 1 in 10 have some kind of severed disability. And, with the population aging and the likelihood of have a disability increasing with age, the growth in the number of people with disabilities can be expected to accelerate in the coming decades.

If this trend continues, Americans 65 years old and older will make up 20 percent of the population by the year 2030 compared with about 12 percent currently.

Bureau of the Census


1-5 children in the U.S. is homeless

In the U.S., on any given night, there are about 750,000 people homeless, and about 1.5m are homeless at some point in the year (nearly 325,000 of them were children). Most of that was temporary homelessness, but one in five of can be considered chronically homeless

Human Rights Etc.


Americans families were having a difficult time making ends meet before the recession. With continuing unemployment and increasing costs of living, more and more families have to choose between necessities like health care, child care, and even food.

Mystic Rose Social Service, Inc.


To enhance the lives of those it serves by meeting the comprehensive needs of individuals, families, and the community through a partnership of programs that provide accessible education and health and human services of the highest quality.


To be the leading social service center in the nation and provide comprehensive services for our clients, partners and associates in the 21st century.


Our Philosophy is to maintain good business practices and professionalism in our relationship with our clients and business associates. We strive for the highest standards in servicing our community.

  • We believe that the dignity, health, safety and well-being of each individual and family we serve are human rights, not privileges.
  • We are committed to empowering individuals to make informed choices.
  • We are committed to excellence, professionalism and accountability in our services.
  • We value and foster partnership with community agencies, programs, funders, and individuals that improve the quality of life in our community.
  • We embrace the principles of equal access and non-discriminatory practices in our service delivery.
  • We are committed to integrity and accountability in the use of funds and other contributions used to service our community.


Mystic Rose Social Service Inc. (MRSS) began in 2009 as a volunteer outreach social service agency. Today the organization provides supports and services annually to nearly 5,000 children and adults with disabilities and community residents, and is one of the country’s largest advocate agencies. Its assistance is designed to support individuals and families from birth through the senior years.



Rental/ Mortgage Assistance

Emergency Housing/Shelter

Independent/Assisted Living

Assistance Programs

Emergency Utility Assistance



Personable (health, body and beauty aids)



Social Security Assistance


High School Diploma


Sex Education

Teen Parenting Classes

Alternative Education

Gang Intervention & Prevention

Personal Development


Career Training

Work Program

Career Guidance

Internships (work experience





Sex Abuse


Functional Family Therapy





Medical Supplies & Equipment

Home Health Care

Home Health Care Attendant

Mental Health Emergency Placement


Diagnostic Evaluation & Treatment

Psychiatric/Psychological Evaluations





Optical (Eyes)

Pre-Need (Burial)

Community Support

Restitution Payment Program

Licensed Social Workers

Transitional Services

Vocational Services

Foster Care Support

Community outreach programs are a standard way for groups such as social service agencies, nonprofit groups, and church/ other religious groups to identify a certain specific need in its community and provide services to the people who need it.


Individual and groups volunteers are welcome and needed. Loving, caring and sharing are reciprocal gifts from God. Let us balance both ends – giving and receiving. Please call for more information regarding how you can volunteer to make a difference in your community.

Wish List

  • Food Vouchers/Pledges
  • Monetary Gifts (Tax Deductible)
  • In-Kind Business ServicesIn-Kind Gifts
  • Men, Women & Family Personable Items
  • All & Any Donations Are Needed and Welcome


I would tell people to call Mystic Rose Social Service because they helped me get some important income resolved that I could not previous to asking them for help. Their services are good.

– James Douglas

I recommend Mystic Rose over many community services, they could not provide me with the financial assistance but the case worker got on the phone and call many people why I was there and ask for donation on my behalf and these was some of the same people that told me no told her yes. As a result we still have our home. Thanks Mystic Rose Team.

– Glorial Doug

Their services are just wonderful! They do what they say they will do.

– Nancy Banks


Cirro ElectricChatfield WaterTexas Health & Human Services

Red CrossFirst Choice PowerTexas Workforce Commission

Salvation ArmyExcel Dental100K Homes for Homeless

Navarro Regional HospitalCorsicana Housing Authority Oasis Apartments

Northside Baptist ChurchNavarro Co-OpKids Kingdom

Med Now ClinicDirect EnergyHouse of Jabez

Giving NeighborsReliant EnergyMorning Star Ministries

Hill Regional HospitalTXU EnergyFamily Services of Corsicana

P & S PharmacyAmbit EnergyJoab Home Health Services

Corsicana Community TransitMed AlertLeon Home Health Services

Teena’s PlaceFull Circle Drug & Alcohol TreatmentDallas Housing

Meritcare Home Health Care, Inc.New Vision Parkview Regional HospitalLiberator Medical Supply

Mystic Rose Social Service, Inc.

Copyright ©4/03/13