Myland Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Community Council held on Wednesday 10th June 2015, 7.30pm, at Mile End Methodist Church Hall, Nayland Road, Colchester.

Present: / Cllr Pete Hewitt (Chair) / Cllr Jean Dickinson
Cllr John Stewart (Vice Chair) / Cllr Martin Goss
Cllr Evelyn Agyekum / Cllr Dominic Graham
Cllr Richard Beauchamp / Cllr Carolyne Hurst
Cllr Catherine Clouston / Cllr Robert Johnstone
Cllr David Clouston / Cllr Peter Pipik
Cllr John Dickson / Cllr John Sutcliffe

There was one member of the public present.

053-15/16 Apologies

Cllrs Cardle, Gray and McGonagle.

054-15/16 Declarations of Interest

There were none.

055-15/16 Have your say

Mrs White asked what the Contingency Fund was for. The Clerk said this fund was for unforeseen spending, such as Neighbourhood Plan expenditure that would be claimed back. Mrs White asked how much was in the Contingency Fund. The Clerk said there was £500 in the budget and £2,000 in reserve, a total of £2,500 as shown on the Finance sheets.

056-15/16 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 13th May 2015 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 13th May 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

Proposed: Cllr Johnstone Seconded: Cllr Stewart (11 For; 1 Abstention)

057-15/16 Matters arising from the Minutes

The Chairman asked Cllr Goss if there was any progress on speed checks on Bergholt Road. Cllr Goss said there was none.

The Chairman said the proposed letter to Sir Bob Russell would be dealt with under Item 062–15/16.

The Chairman said the issue of graffiti on bus shelters was being actioned by the Community Working Group.

058-15/16 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman said that following the Planning Liaison meeting held on 9th June 2015, MCC would be receiving a copy of CBC’s Sports Strategy document, which would then be forwarded to MCC’s Sports Champions.

059-15/16 Clerks Report

The Clerk said the Annual Return had been sent to the external auditor on 15th May 2015.

The Clerk asked all Cllrs to check they had completed their Register of Interests following the email sent on 11th May 2015. She also asked any Cllrs who had not already done so to send a photo and a few words about themselves to her or the Assistant Clerk for inclusion on the MCC website.

The Clerk said that at the Planning Liaison meeting on 9th June 2015 MCC had been told that CBC now has written authority from ECC to include PRoWs “On the Map”. She said CBC was organising a meeting to discuss all PRoW issues and that this meeting would include Cllr Johnstone. The Clerk said a report from CBC Enforcement regarding non-compliance with conditions by developers on Severalls Phase 1 on action taken was awaited. She said that CBC would hopefully be announcing the developer for Severalls Phase 2 within the next three weeks. She said that CBC had advertised two plots of land at the Northern Gateway in the Estate Gazette. She said these plots of land were south of the A12. She said that CBC would be arranging a meeting with MCC to discuss the Sports Strategy that would soon be published. She said that CBC and MCC would be arranging a residents’ meeting regarding the Mill Road Sports Ground in July or August.

The Clerk said a new list of Working Groups and Committees would be published as soon as all the Chairs and Vice-Chairs had been elected. She said Cllr McGonagle had resigned from the Community Group and Neighbourhood Plan Group. She said if any Cllr wished to join or leave a Working Group or Committee would they please advise the Clerk and Assistant Clerk as soon as possible.

The Clerk said she would send out the latest EALC training calendar and if any Cllr was interested in attending training to let her know.

The Clerk reminded Cllrs to let her know if they, or anyone they knew, were able to help in any way with the Fete.

060-15/16 Finance - To consider and possibly resolve to approve details of expenditure and income to date.

It was resolved to approve details of expenditure and income to date.

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hurst (12 For; 2 Abstensions)


Date / Amount / Paid to / Type
20-May-15 / 94.08 / CNG Ltd / Gas
20-May-15 / 15.00 / Colchester CVS / Subscriptions
20-May-15 / 35.00 / CALC / Subscriptions
20-May-15 / 1,038.03 / EALC / Subscriptions
20-May-15 / 90.00 / M&K Gardens / Gardening
20-May-15 / 220.00 / C Pearn / Contingency Fund
08-Jun-15 / 6,169.16 / PWLB / Office Loan
11-Jun-15 / 37.08 / Copy IT / Office Equipment and Mtce
11-Jun-15 / 33.00 / Mile End Methodist Church / Community Council Meeting
11-Jun-15 / 30.00 / M&K Gardens / Gardening
12-Jun-15 / 55.14 / Npower / Electricity
15-Jun-15 / 29.30 / Anglian Water / Water
15-Jun-15 / 20.00 / Contract Services / Cleaning
25-Jun-15 / 3,964.71 / Various / Staff costs


Date / Amount / Received from / Type
1-Jun-15 / 70.00 / Gillian Acland (Revival Hypnotherapy) / Mylander
1-Jun-15 / 45.00 / Carole Sawo / Mylander
2-Jun-15 / 45.00 / Vic Tallowin / Mylander
8-Jun-15 / 45.00 / D Smith / Mylander
8-Jun-15 / 6.82 / Barclays / Bank Interest

061-15/16 To consider and possibly resolve to agree the Terms of Reference for the Planning & Development Policy Committee – Issue 3, May 2015

It was resolved to agree the Terms of Reference for the Planning & Development Policy Committee – Issue 3, May 2015

Proposed: Cllr Stewart Seconded: Cllr D Clouston (Unanimous)

062-15/16 To consider and possibly resolve to write to Sir Bob Russell thanking him for his support for Myland over many years

It was resolved to write to Sir Bob Russell thanking him for his support for Myland over many years

Proposed: Cllr D Clouston Seconded: Cllr Goss (13 For; 1 Against)

063-15/16 To consider and possibly resolve that a costed business case for a practicably functional Community Centre (either Severalls or Chesterwell) should be produced by the 31st December 2015

It was resolved that a costed business case for a practicably functional Community Centre (either Severalls or Chesterwell) should be produced by 31st December 2015

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickinson (Unanimous)

064-15/16 If 063-15/16 is resolved to consider and possibly resolve to delegate responsibility for producing the business case to the Community Group

It was resolved to delegate responsibility for producing the business case to the Community Group

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Hurst (Unanimous)

065-15/16 To consider and possibly resolve to produce a list of Myland & Braiswick Assets of Community Value for submission to Colchester Borough Council

It was resolved to produce a list of Myland & Braiswick Assets of Community Value for submission to Colchester Borough Council

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Beauchamp (Unanimous)

066-15/16 If 065-15/16 is resolved to consider and possibly resolve to delegate responsibility for producing the list of Assets of Community Value to the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group

It was resolved to delegate responsibility for producing the list of Assets of Community Value to the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Hurst (Unanimous)

067-15/16 Items raised by Community Councillors

Cllr D Clouston said a resident had asked about the tree planting on the latest planning application received for the Chesterwell development. The Chairman said that he and the Clerk had spoken to the resident.

Cllr D Clouston asked about the Reserved Matters planning application for Chesterwell and whether this represented an accelerated timescale for the development. The Chairman said that this was in line with the Schedule of Work following granting of planning permission which stated the homes would be built in 2016 or earlier if necessary. He said planning permission for more than 200 homes had been applied for to be built 2015 – 2016. He said that the Schedule was mapped out and current applications were in line with that. He said applications had also been received for landscaping Fords Lane and an attenuation pond. Cllr D Clouston asked when the Community Centre was likely to be built. The Chairman said that the triggers for the Community Centre were known but might be brought forward.

Cllr Dickson said he had received a comment from a resident that the traffic in Mill Road had not reduced after the opening of NAR3. He asked if there were any plans in place to reduce traffic along Mill Road. Cllr Goss said that that ECC would monitor traffic six months after the opening of NAR3 and then decide on any plans for Mill Road. He said he had written to the Local Highways Panel to log the issue. Cllr Stewart said some residents had noticed a marked improvement. Cllr Graham said that residents had told him they had seen an increase in traffic coming south down NAR3 to Turner Road. He said residents had suggested a P&R stop at the hospital but that at the moment there was no indication that this would happen. Cllr C Clouston said the filter light allowing traffic travelling north on NAR3 to access the A134 was not required. The Clerk suggested requesting the light to be set at constant green until the RTR was in place. Cllr Goss said the NAR3 traffic was being reviewed on a regular basis.

Cllr Hurst said she had used the Park and Ride and had been very impressed.

Cllr Beauchamp asked why it had been necessary to close Mill Road for the landing of the Air Ambulance attending an incident at the Mill Road Recreation Ground on 8th June 2015. Cllr Stewart said there were strict air regulations for such events and it would have been standard regulation to close the road.

068-15/16 To receive reports from Working Groups – maximum two minutes each

Community Group – Cllr Hurst said that at the meeting on 8th June 2015 a sub-group for the Community Centres had been set up. She said that the Assistant Clerk would take the lead and the Group would also include other Community Group members. She said the Community Group would also be focusing on the War Memorial and the Community Garden. She said she would be following up a quote from Bakers of Danbury for work on the War Memorial and Cllr Agyekum would be looking into the possibility of getting grants to cover the cost. She said the Community Garden needed attention and Cllr Agyekum had suggested possibly making use of the Community Payback scheme. She said she, Cllr Agyekum and possibly the MCC Office gardener would look at the garden, following which community involvement would be encouraged and possibly local schools would be asked to contribute to the design. Cllr Graham suggested Cllr Hurst speak to Cllr Cardle who may be able to get assistance from the Princes Trust.

Footpaths Group – Cllr Johnstone said the Group had met on 27th May 2015 and had set goals for the year. He said the purpose of the Footpaths Group was to promote “getting about”. He said the Group would be producing publications about the PRoW network and that they had set a goal of mid-July 2015 to produce a survey of the network. He said that they could then apply for funding for maintenance. He said that the Group would be looking at planning applications received by MCC to note and take necessary action where there were implications for PRoWs. He said Cllr Beauchamp and the Assistant Clerk would be looking at adding information about the local footpaths and the work of the Footpaths Group to the MCC website. He said that Daniel Cameron at ECC had told him that the definitive PRoW map was at the Town Centre Library but when he had visited the library had found that the map was not available. He said that following this he had discovered that the definitive map was available at Rowan House.

Neighbourhood Plan Group – Cllr Hewitt said that the Plan was still in the 2nd consultation phase and that comments had been arriving which were being recorded by the Clerk. He said that he had checked that MCC had taken all the necessary actions at the right time. He said MCC could map its policies across CBC objectives for sustainability.

069-15/16 Reports by Ward Councillors

Cllr Graham said that a consultation on dealing with waste Borough-wide had begun.

Cllr Graham said that the cost of visitor parking permits had risen by £10 under residential schemes.

Cllr Goss said he had attended a briefing on bridges over the A12 in North Colchester. He said that as there were already three bridges and that the cost of a new one would be astronomical, the Council were looking at innovative ways to use the existing bridges. Cllr Hewitt said care should be taken to distinguish between the project of the proposed bridge over the A12 for FP39 and any new bridge providing access for the Northern Gateway development between the north and south sides of the A12.

Cllr Graham said he had attended a meeting of the Local Highways Panel. He said procedures for the Panel would shortly be tightened up. The Clerk asked if the proposed zebra crossing for Brinkley Grove Road had been raised. Cllr Graham said he would check. The Clerk said she would send Cllr Graham a copy of what she had sent to ECC and the response she had received. Cllr Goss said the crossing had not been mentioned in the minutes. Cllr Johnstone said he had encountered problems when attending a LHP meeting and also that he had found ECC to have a disparaging attitude to Colchester and its Cllrs. Cllr Graham acknowledged that there were some issues to be ironed out.