MYHA Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008

6:00 pm

Marshfield Airport Terminal board Room

Board Members present: Jeff Barth, Lori Remeika, Brenda Baur, Jack

Bremer, Karna Sandok, Mary Besler, Dave Bjarnason

Board members absent: Steve Henrickson, Pat Andreae, Joe Krasne

Visitors: Judy Lebrick, Jeff Alboreo, Terry Rusch, Lyman Smith

I. Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

II. Steve Henrickson resignation presented. Mary Besler

made a motion to accept Judy Lebrick as replacement, next in line

with votes from election as replacement. Dave Bjarnason 2nd the

motion; motion passed.

III. Review minutes. Jack Bremer passed a motion to accept

the minutes, Dave Bjarnason 2nd; motion to accept minutes; motion


IV. Treasurer’s Report

a. Monthly report

General Checking $18,572.77

General Savings $30,823.80

MyIce $16,338.80

Scrip $8,524.14

Zamboni $5007.56

Total $79,266.32

b. Budget report:

Mary presented the budget prepared by the finance committee with

recommendations for upcoming year. Karna Sandok made a motion to

approve the budget, 2nd by Jack Bremer, motion passed. Karna Sandok

made a motion to raise the price of concession items an average of

40% to be determined between the treasurer and concession manager.

2nd by Jack Bremer, motion passed.

c. Joe Trudeau memorial fund with $3945.

d. Dave Wassenberger checked into cost-savings solutions regarding

water and electric costs. We will continue to pursue ways to decrease

summer utility costs.

V. Old Business

a. Breakfast fundraiser is scheduled for Sunday October 19, 2008,

8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at West 14th. Tickets are being sold.

b. Tail-gate party for the 300 raffle: looking into locations for

the Badger game Feb 5 or 6th.

c. Learn to skate program: large interest in program at new

member registration. Program starts Monday, Oct. 6 at 5:30-6:30 p.m.

for 5 consecutive Mondays.

d. Concession worker minimum age:

Children 14 years of age can work with prior approval: motion made by

jack Bremer, 2nd by Lori Remeika; motion passed.

e. Team photos will tentatively by the week of November 17th.

VI. New Business

a. Joe Trudeau memorial: looking into improved entrance with

better lighting and covered access. Dave Bjarnason to look into this

with architect.

b. Mandatory Parent meeting agenda: add adult conduct, take out

team binder information and add in ways parents can save on

membership through fundraising.

c. Extended Evaluation criteria: coaches to implement, will be

further discussed at the coaches meeting this week.

d. Registration numbers: preliminary numbers in; learn skate will

shift numbers as those families decide to join. Teams to be better

determined late October.

e. Mite/minimite program: initiation program discussed for

progressing beginning skaters of all ages. This will be further

addressed with the coaches at the coaches meeting this week.

f. Snowplow: Trierweiler to possibly plow this winter.

g. Defibrillator: Rick Mueller submitted a grant to the Rotary

Club for a defibrillator and training.

h. Jerseys: estimate of $40/jersey received from Team Sporting

Goods in Marshfield for Marshfield Clinic donated jerseys. Marshfield

Clinic needs invoice submitted Sept 25 for this fiscal year and will

donate for a second team with estimate submitted Oct. 1.

i. WAHA meeting: new form to possibly substitute for birth

certificate copies.

j. Building update: Lyman Smith presented updated plan with

addendums and quotes. Next is for bids to be completed, look into

moving the zamboni shed temporarily, and to shop for a loan.

k. Fair Board: discussed building plan. Concerns they have

include: water outlet, electric outlet on north door of zamboni shed,

old viewing stand by outdoor rink (wires to be removed), parking,

would like outside boards left up, new horse barn will not impinge on

parking, sign for hockey rink to be placed on building.

l. Sept 30 tentative meeting date to discuss building project.

Motion to adjourn by Karna Sandok, 2nd by Judy Lebrick. Meeting

adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Next meeting Wednesday Oct 15, 2008, 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at

the hockey rink.