Female entrepreneurs worldwide can be connected via MYente, a new online community. MYente must grow towards a brisk market place to establish direct contact, to do business and to exchange knowledge.

In October, will be formally launched, but you can already benefit from this forum before the launch date. The MYente-community is exclusively for female entrepreneurs and their network organisations. They can take advantage of the amazing possibilities, as listed below:

Expose yourself and your company on MYente: complete a personal profile page with extended information regarding your company, products and/or services, a picture of yourself and the logo of your company.On top, you will have your personal photo album at your disposal, to present as such your company in an even more explicit way.

Demand and offer

Propose your products and/or services via the market place on MYente. Each item you propose, can be enriched with a picture and with extended product information. The website is equipped with an intelligent search system in order to find back in a user friendly way, your branch, country, region, product or service. As such, a true ‘market place’ becomes reality.

Message board

Use the message board to expose your messages to the World. This can be about the launch of a new product or about the extension of your export towards another country. You can use the message board as well to address a question or to exchange knowledge. The MYente-participants have the possibility to react immediately to every posted message.


Involve the members of the MYente-community in the activities of which you are proud of as an entrepreneur. No matter the subject, whether it is about the opening of a new building or about an invitation to participate to a workshop you will organize.

The other way around,MYente-participants dispose of the ability to search on their proper initiative in the agenda, with the support of headwords, region or country.

Network Organisations

Network Organisations for female entrepreneurs can create their own profile page on MYente. They will obtain as such special rights to provide their members with an access to the MYente network.

Participation as from October
‘Building on trust, moving together’, that is the slogan of Yente. ‘Trust’ is the condition on which Yente invites female entrepreneurs to participate to the MYente-community. A condition for participation is that a candidate is known by at least three colleague-female entrepreneurs, or to be already member of another network organization for female entrepreneurs. As such, Yente wants to avoid that non-existing companies propose themselves to participate, with the eventual purpose to abuse the website.

Yente Foundation