‘My Neighbourhood’ – Polsloe
3rd April 2008
St Marks Church Hall
Ruth Lloyd (Morley Road); Michael Crow (Pinhoe Rd); Jon Taverner (St John’s Rd); Vron Cross (Abbey Rd); Ken Hutchings (Wykes Rd); John Williams (Commins Rd); Jayne Gale (Herbert Rd); Richard Gale (Herbert Rd); Andy Matthews (Elton Rd); June Dix (Monks Rd); Jennifer Kevern (Thompson Rd); Tim King (Park Rd); Gabby Hoad (Park Rd); Susan Stone (Hamlin Lane); Natalie Stone (Anthony Rd); Fiona O’Connor (Monks Rd); Sam Timbrell (Priory Rd); Matthew Parker (Polsloe Rd); Nick Burrow (Morley Rd); Dawn Rivers (Exeter City Council); Cllr. Rachel Lyons (ECC ); Cllr. Richard Westlake (DCC); Dave Cropp (Devon & Cornwall Constabulary); Emma Hall (Exeter CVS) and Carole Pilley (Exeter Community Initiatives)
1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies:
DR welcomed everyone to the meeting and everyone introduced themselves. Apologies were received from Simon D’Albertanson (Pinhoe Rd); Gert Vonhoff (King’s Rd) and Cllr. Yolanda Henson (ECC)
Cllr. RL said that the latest on the Park is that ECC are taking legal action against the developer Persimmons. Persimmons need to produce a certificate from the Environment Agency confirming that the area is safe and they also owe the Council £400,000.
2. Review of the Meeting of 6th March and feedback from residents’ survey:
At the last meeting people were asked to sign up if they were interested in being part of 3 groups: a local partnership which is about working with statutory agencies and local partners about local priorities; a social events groups which is about planning community events and a Residents Association which is about local people organising themselves to address their needs. There were some people who had signed up for more than one of these groups so it was decided to hold one meeting for all interested parties.
There was discussion about how to move forward. KH said that he is a rep for Exeter Housing Society and would like to be part of a broader group than EHS tenants. Cllr. RW proposed that members of neighbouring Community Associations, namely, Whipton CA and Newtown CA be invited to a future meeting to talk about what their associations are about. It was agreed that this was a good idea.
Action: DR to invite members of the Associations to the next meeting
JT said that it is important to try to do things rather than meeting to talk about what to do. JG suggested that one group oversees everything with small groups splitting off to work on an individual basis.
3. Ideas for projects and grants for Polsloe and the decision making process:
DR proposed that the group could vote on spending money. DR proposed that the money be spent in £500 chunks.
JD proposed that CCTV Cameras and lights could be put in the back lanes as a deterrent. DC said that CCTV cameras cost between £50,000 and £100,000. He also said that the lighting was a DCC issue, there are a lot of back lanes in Polsloe and the cost would be horrendous. DC suggested that the group needed to do research to see where the priorities are in relation to crime and safety, then canvas the residents concerned to see if they want lighting. Cllr RW will then put that request through the DCC system.
JG proposed a Garden Competition. JK asked what is the feasibility of putting trees in Thompson Rd? Cllr. RL said that there is a Tree Officer at City Council and she will talk to them about this and ask for a review across Polsloe.
There was general support for the idea of some form of garden competition and AM asked if resources could be increased by getting support from local businesses. This was confirmed.
Cllr. RW has his own budget and said that he would be able to put money into setting up costs for a Residents Association. He is also currently working on a special project for kids with SD’A.
JK observed that the focus of the evening so far had been on Environmental Issues and Social Issues and highlighted the needs of older people as well as young people. NS supported this.
Cllr. RW highlighted that Devon PCT are currently carrying out a consultation on their priorities for the next years. There are issues that a core group could focus on to discuss because much can get done by community involvement. It was agreed that this would be put on the next meeting agenda.
Action: DR to circulate copies of the consultation to people and add to next agenda
DR said that other ideas for projects were helping to sort out gardens she had received an email from Gert Vonhoff with some suggestions. There was also Jo Ashdown and the Hope 08 initiative focusing on working in the community, they may form an action group to work on gardens. JD said that Pinhoe Road Baptist Church has a men’s group who do decorating and gardening for people who need help.
Action: DR to pursue this idea further and Cllr. RL to get students involved as well
Cllr. RL proposed that a gardening sub-group be set up to work on a gardening issues/ competition.
The following volunteered to be part of the group:
Michael Crow; John Williams; Matthew Parker; Sam Timbrell; Natalie Stone; Fiona O’Connor; Jennifer Kevern; Cllr. Rachel Lyons and Gert Vonhoff (volunteered in his absence). The first meeting was scheduled for Monday 7th April, 8pm in the Living Room Café.
DR asked if the meeting would agree to a grant being made available to the group to organise a competition, etc. It was agreed that £350 be made available to the group.
It was suggested that we look at the priority social and environmental issues at the next meeting. ST asked if they could be geographically mapped.
SD’A had proposed organising social events. He is working on a fun-day through the Pinhoe Road Baptist Church but it was proposed that a group be formed to look at putting on community events. NB suggested Street Parties across the area as the ones they organise in Morley Rd are very successful. The following people volunteered to be part of a sub-group to look at community social events:
Nick Burrows; Ruth Lloyd; Vron Cross; Andy Matthews; Natalie Stone; Dave Cropp; Emma Hall and Simon D’Albertanson (Volunteered in his absence).
Again it was agreed that a grant of £350 be made available to this group.
4. Date of Next Meeting:
15th May at 7pm in St Mark’s Church Hall
The meeting closed at 8:30pm