Java Test Paper 6

30 X 0.5 = 15 Marks

1. How many bytes are allocated for char type in java?

2. Which of the following keyword is not the keyword of Java ?

a) for b) String c) goto d) strictfp

3. What is the use of JRE?

a) hardare which gives Java Runtime Environment

b) Software which gives Java Runtime Environment

c) Software which compiles the Java Code

d) Hardware which converts the java source code

4. What is the default value of boolean variable in java ?

5. Which package contains NumberFormatExceptionClass?

6. Which of the following is used to call the super class constructor?

a) super b) parent c) inherit d) this

7. What is method overriding ?

a) recreating the same method in sub class which already exists in the parent class

b) recreating the same method with different parameter in sub class

c) giving the same name to any one of the method of super class

d) none of these

8. Which of the following statement is nottrue about Exception Handling?

a) Exception is the super class of all the exceptions

b) CheckedException is the super class of IOException

c) RuntimeException is the immediate sub class of Exception

d)Exception class is located inside java.lang package

9. Which of the following is used to implement multithreading?

a) Runnable Interface b) Thread Class

c) Both A & B d) none of these

10. Which of these Collection class is synchronized ?

a) ArrayList b) LinkedHashSet c) TreeSet d) Vector

11. Which of the following is not the right syntax of main method ?

a) public static void main(String[] args){} b) static public void main(String[] params){}

c) public static void main(String num[]){} d) none of these

12. What is the output of the following code

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args){



staticvoidprintMessage(){ return ‘a’;}


a) a b) Runtime Error

c) 97 d) Compilation Error

13. What is the output of the following

class Test{

public static void main(String[] args){

inti, j = 0;

for(j=1; j<=10; j++)

if( j % 2 == 0) continue;

else System.out.print(j+” “);



a) 1 3 5 7 9 b) 2 4 6 8 10

c) Runtime error d) compilation error

14. What is the output of the following

abstract classA { public void print();}

publicclass Bextends A{

public void print () { }


a) Compilation Error b) Runtime Error

c) No Error d) Exception

15. What is the output of the following

class Testimplements Runnable{

public static void main(String[] args){

new Test().start();



a) No Output b) Thread Started c) Runtime Error d) Compilation Error

16. HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse is the parameter of which method?

a) doGet b) doPost c) doPut d) All of these

17. HttpServletResponse&HttpServletRequest objects are created implicitly

a) True b) False

18. Which of these tag is used to import pages in JSP ?

a) <% %> b) <%! %> c) <%= %> d) <%@ %>

19. Which of these is an implicit object ?

a) request b) response

c) session d) Only A & B e) All

20. Init parameter should be configure in ?
a) method b) java file c) xml d) all of these

21. Which of the following is the correct driver for connection with MySql

a) com.jdbc.mysql.driver b)com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

c) d)com.connect.mysql.Driver

22. Which class has getConnection() method ?

a) Connection b) Connector c) Statement d) DriverManager

23. Which of the method is used to execute DML statement ?

a) executeQuery() b) update()

c) execute() d) executeUpdate()

24. Which of the following is the PreparedStatement’sMethod?

a) next() b) getString c) setInt d)B & C

25. Which of the following is available insidejava.sql package

a) DriverManager b) Statement

c) ResultSet d) Alll of the above

26. What does MVC stands for ?

a) Model View Connector b) Model View Controller

c) Module View Controller d) Module View Connector

27. Spring uses xml file for ______________

a) bean configuration b) class configuration

c) Both A & B d) none of these

28. Which of the following is the bean scope of spring ?

a) request b) Singleton

c) prototype d) all

29. FileSystemResource isused in

a) BeanFactory b) ApplicationContext c) Context d) All of these

30. Which of the following is Three tier Architecture

a) MVC b) Spring c) Hibernate d) JQuery

15 X 2 = 30 Marks

31. Write a Java Program to copy an array to another array?

32. Create an ArrayList object and add five employee names and sort it in ascending order

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