“My Name” Assignment

“My Name”

By (insert name)

Your first paragraph will be about how your parents named you and what your name means. Make sure to include the definition in here somewhere. You can talk about your first name AND your middle name. Your first paragraph will be about how your parents named you and what your name means. Make sure to include the definition in here somewhere. You can talk about your first name AND your middle name. Your first paragraph will be about how your parents named you and what your name means.

Your second paragraph will address whether or not you think your name fits you. IF yes, describe why. IF no, describe why not. Your second paragraph will address whether or not you think your name fits you. IF yes, describe why. IF no, describe why not. Your second paragraph will address whether or not you think your name fits you. IF yes, describe why. IF no, describe why not. Your second paragraph will address whether or not you think your name fits you. IF yes, describe why. IF no, describe why not.

Your third paragraph will be about what you would change your name to if you had the chance. It can be after a specific person, a place, or just a word/name that you have a strong connection to. Make sure to tell me WHY you would change it to this. Talk in the first person for this essay. Should be somewhere between 200-400 words. No more and no less. Don’t worry about MLA format on this one. Good luck! On the following page there is an example.

“My Name”

By Lauren Regester

Lauren means fierce. Lauren the name, that is. Lauren the person is far from fierce. Although I am happy with my name, and I have gotten accustomed to it, I do not think fierce is the most accurate way to describe me. Twenty-four years ago my parents found out they were having a little girl. After trying all sorts of variations of relatives’ names, they decided to just find something that sounded right. They settled on a name after my mom caught sight of the brand on a cardboard box she was disposing of: Laura Ashley. Dad did not want to name me after one of his ex-girlfriends. So instead of Laura, my adoring parents decided on Lauren Ashley.

I wish my name had more meaning behind it. I wish I could tell everyone I was named after my Great-Grandmother Anita, the one that was a rock hound, someone who would find rocks that were ugly on the outside, but beautiful when they were cut and polished. I wish I could tell everyone I was named after my great-great Aunt Betty, the one that moved from Germany in 1961 and took in over twenty foster children over the years. Although I wish there could be more behind my name, the reality of the situation is I have to create my own meaning.

If I got the chance to rename myself, I would choose Lodi. Lodi is the name of the city in California where my great-great Aunt Betty lived. Although I never have been to this city, this name has been engrained in my brain for as long as I can remember. Once a month I would put pen to paper and slowly write out L-O-D-I. The loop of the “L” always had to be perfect, or else I would grab another envelope and start again. Once a month I would write her address on a clean, crisp envelope and I would send Aunt Betty a letter. She was my pen pal, the person I confided in, and my outlet. I would write down everything I was feeling, from school to sports to orchestra to family to friends, she heard everything. These letters and Aunt Betty meant the world to me. Every single time I write an uppercase cursive “L” I think of Lodi; I think of Aunt Betty, and I think of all of the stories she told me through those letters. I want to be called Lodi so every time I hear my name I will think about my sweet Aunt Betty.