Langley Saxons Soccer Team Policies

Ken Savittiere, Varsity Coach

Edward Brown, Assistant Varsity

Frank Fonte, JV Coach


Welcome to the 2011 season! We are very excited to get our season started. The policies below are in addition to the rules and regulations outlined in the Student Athletic Handbook and the SSR. We strive to have our student-athletes be the embodiment of discipline, commitment and pride, not only in our soccer program, but also in our school, community and ourselves as individuals.

Please read the following information carefully, and then, both player and parent/guardian must sign the final page acknowledging receipt and understanding of this letter.


Girls soccer tryouts for Varsity and JV begin Monday, February 21, 2011. Tryout times will vary between 2:45-6pm. For exact times and locations please check the Langley sports website ( under Girls Varsity News.

Girls should be dressed weather appropriately, be prepared for indoor practice EACH DAY, AND have running shoes with them each day. Each player should bring their own, properly inflated soccer ball & water.

All players must havea "try-out" shirt. This is a plain white t-shirt with their last name clearly printed on the front and back of it. If it is cold, you may wear anything that is necessary to stay warm under this "try-out" shirt. This shirt must be worn on the outside of all clothing. Shin guards must be worn at all times during try-outs.

All players will have a minimum of 3 days of tryouts. We may extend tryouts for some, finalizing the teams no later than February 25. Attendance is mandatory. We will keep between 18 and 23 players on each level. Criteria for evaluation includes skills, (passing, defense, shooting, first touch, dribbling, movement), knowledge of the game, coachability, physical tests, attendance and completion of paperwork.

Making cuts is unpleasant, and is the worst aspect of a coach’s responsibilities. We as coaches do the best we can to put together our best team to represent Langley. Whether an athlete makes a team or not, the experience should be seen as something to learn and grow by, not something negative. We all have successes and failures, and we all must learn to deal with each in a positive manner.

Physicals need to be turned in to the Activities Office ASAP. Emergency care cards need to be turned into the GIRLS SOCCER MAILBOX in the Activities Office.


The website is your best source for schedules, contact information and updates to tryout information: Click on Girls Varsity Soccer, then News for all tryout and preseason information. Once teams are selected, the JV section will have all the information for the JV squad.


All practices, matches, team meetings and team events are mandatory. Practices and matches are every weekday. We never have practices or matches on Sundays.

Attendance to school ALL DAY is required for players to participate in practice or matches. If a player is sick, the player (unless too ill to pick up the phone or type on the keyboard) is to contact her coach ASAP to inform her of the absence. If you miss practice the day prior to a match, you may not start. Unexcused absences to either class or team events are not tolerated and will result in the forfeiture of playing time and possible suspension from the team.

If you need to be with a teacher after school, inform your coach ahead of time and bring a signed note to excuse your tardiness. Unexcused tardies to either class or practice will result in team sprints. If it becomes habitual, the player will forfeit playing time and again risk suspension from the team. It is inconsiderate to all to be late.


Make soccer a priority in your life. You have teammates that are counting on you. This means you must manage your time accordingly so that there are no conflicts. Take care of your schoolwork. Spend time with your family. Eat properly and get an appropriate amount of sleep.

Remember: Playing time is not deserved, it is EARNED!

Conduct yourself at all times in such a manner that you bring credit and honor to yourself, your teammates, your school and your family. This includes, but is not restricted to:

-  Do not use foul language

-  Respect your teammates, coaches, teachers, opponents, and officials at all times

-  Be a positive influence at all times

-  Meet all deadlines

-  Wear proper practice attire (the practice shirt and shorts)

-  Wear proper game attire (everyone will wear the exact same thing to and from matches)

-  Complete all practice and match responsibilities (i.e. stats, equipment, etc)

-  Adhere to the school dress code

-  Adhere to the Student Athletic Handbook and the SSR (this covers our drug policy)

Violation of any of the above may result in team sprints and/or reduction of playing time. Violation of the Student Athletic Handbook and/or SSR is much more severe.


Report all injuries immediately to your coach and the athletic trainers (Mr. Welever/Ms. Chiocchio). Do all therapy prescribed by the athletic trainers or physicians. Treatment may not be done during practice unless you have received prior approval from your coach. It must be taken care of before or after practice. Never put heat on a new (acute) injury!!

Weight Training and Conditioning is offered as a class at Langley and is highly recommended to help in the prevention of athletic injuries as well as in the improvement of your physical abilities.


Again, it is the responsibility of the athlete to practice time management. You must have passed 5 classes as of the end of last year to be eligible to play. Players will complete two progress reports throughout the season.


Items included are 2 pairs of game socks (home and away), 2 pairs of practice shorts and shirts, and one warm up jacket and pants. Sweat pants and a hooded sweat shirt will be optional. Checks made payable to Langley High School. Price $150. (If you have a financial situation that makes it difficult to pay for the spirit pack, please contact the coach and we will help any way we can.)


- Play hard, play smart, and have fun!

- Play everyday for the love of competition.

- Live the moment and create memories.

- Improve each day as a team and individual.

- Represent Langley in a positive manner so that others actually comment on our positive behavior

We look forward to a very successful season!

Coach Ken

Coach Edward

Coach Frank


Student Name (printed) ______

My promise to my team is to be the best player and teammate I can possibly be. I alone am responsible for my own actions. I am fully committed to this team and therefore will conduct myself in a manner that brings positive reference to my team, my family and myself. I will learn from my mistakes, never make excuses, accept coaching comments and assignments as ways that improve my team and myself, give all out effort in all games and practices and support my teammates.

I have received, read and understand the Langley Soccer team polices for the 2011 soccer season.


Parent signature Date


Student signature Date

******New For 2010-11….Athletic Administrative Fee*******

Fairfax County has instituted a $100 athletic administrative fee for the 2010-11 school year. The fee is per athlete, per season. It is to be paid only if the athlete is selected for the team. Parents of the athlete will be billed directly by Fairfax County. Coaches will have no knowledge of the payment fee and said fee does not go to the school’s account, but is entered directly into the general county fund. This fee allows the athlete the privilege of being a member of the team, but by no means does it have any relationship to playing time.