MVYHA General Board Meeting

June 11th, 2007

Present: Absent:

Allen RiessMike MataEric McCabe

Jeff SeplakMike SullivanPat Nagle

Carrie NorthropMike Gallagher

Loren UnterseherScott Payzant

Peter Rupert

Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Loren Unterseher

Secretary’s Report

The April and May meetings minutes were reviewed. Allen made motion to approve, Mike Mata seconded and motion passed.

President’s Report

Loren gave his president’s report.

Treasurer’s Report

Allen reported updated financials for MVYHA. Scott made a motion to approve seconded by Carrie. Motion passed.

Vice President’s Report

Peter reported progress on all fronts...

Tournament planning is coming together, still looking for a couple of volunteers to help out.

Sunday night hockey is great, kids are having fun. Many recent inquiries about getting into the Sunday night program is a little disappointing as we promoted this program in January and February - makes planning a program like this impossible to plan for. Cullum and Morgan Buetow-Staples have been great help on the ice.High School coach Brad Schwartzbauer will be attending some of these sessions laterin thesummer. Will be asking LakeRegion for $600 to fund the prizes for the 5,000 Puck Club that is running in conjunction with the Friday and Sunday on-ice programs. My best guess is that we have about 30-40 kids working towards achieving this goal.

Super Rink ice is basically done and carved up with Irondale. Still working on garnering a few more hours up there for purposes of more consistent scheduling. Would like to put a warm up schedule in place, but need to get a few more things worked out. It would be nice to have some more input on a goalie development program in order to include that in the schedule. Also, it would be nice to incorporate a goalie program along the same lines as our Acceleration program from last year. Sheila Payzant has offered to help with some of the ice scheduling tasks and data entry until we find a replacement.

Registrar’s Report

Jeff listed two dates, August 28th and September 13th or 20th, as possible in-person registration dates.

Equipment Coordinator’s Report

Carrie said there is a bunch of stuff in the storage shed that needs to be thrown out or sold. She will bring the items that we could sell to the in-person registration nights with the hopes of moving some items.

District 2 Rep

Mike reported that screening forms are now available on-line. D2 president Nagan will be contacting Association board presidents soon about affiliation agreements.

Boys Coordinator

Pat Nagle was not present

Initiation Coordinator

Eric McCabe was not present

Girls Coordinator

Mike will meet this Wednesday with some prospective U10 coaches and parents and he will send out an e-mail with the results. Mike has had discussions recently with Irondale and Roseville about the U14 program and the possibility of a co-op in 07-08. Nothing definitive came out of the meeting at this point. There was also discussion with Irondale about joining forces on the U8 front.

Tryout Coordinator

Scott reported that Peter has gotten ice time for warm-ups and tryouts. He and I are in the process of dividing it up. Try-out times will be similar to last year. I have begun the process of finding evaluators. In addition, with respect to goalies, I have been talking to Goalcrease about handling the goalie specific portion of tryouts.

Old Business


New Business

2 parents of a U12 player brought to the board’s attention their desire for a feedback system be built into the tryout program, so girls would have a better understanding of what they need to work on the next year to make the next tier team They would also like to have the girls given instruction prior to tryouts on what to expect. Feedback from the board highlighted that MVYHA has tryout warm-up sessions that work exclusively on the drills the girls will see in the tryouts. The board also sees a conflict in giving feedback after tryouts, as the tryout information is confidential and can not be used for any such purpose. A further recommendation from the parents was for the coaches of each team to give individual feedback to players after the season, which is something the board hopes is happening already to some degree. Overall the presentation was well received by the board and Loren asked them to come back to a future meeting with some more specific requests that they would like to see added to the program.

An Association member introduced a non-checking Bantam level league that his kids will be participating in next Fall/Winter. Although it is not part of the Association, it gives kids that don’t have the desire for a full fledged checking team another option to continue playing the sport they enjoy. It could include any Bantam age kid, along with Junior Gold and High School age kids. The board was very receptive to the idea and thanked the member for bringing it to our attention at one of the open meetings. There was further discussion about possibly advertising this non-checking league at our registration nights. Nothing formal was decided.

An Association member requested that MVYHA give the kids in his family a permanent waiver into the Association. His kids have been playing in the Association their entire lives, and only last year were they officially challenged on their residency status by the MVYHA. The special circumstances led to a motion by Mike Gallagher to offer the permanent waiver. The motion was seconded by Scott Payzant. There was then some discussion and the motion passed with a vote of 8 to 0 in favor. Allen, Jeff, Carrie, Loren, Peter Mike S., Mike G. and Scott all voted in favor (please note Mike Mata was not part of the vote, as he came in late). Further steps will have to be taken by the family with regards to District 2 and the Association in which they reside.

An Association member brought to our attention the opportunity for the Association to work with Rob Stauber for our goalies next year, utilizing his goalie facilities in Blaine. Numerous advantages to moving in that direction included very good one-on-one instruction for all our goalies, the chance to have our goalies use the Acceleration MN nights more effectively, having them go to the Stauber facility instead (Accl MN is not geared towards goalies) and location and scheduling conveniences would be a vast improvement over last year’s goalie clinics. The idea was well received by the board, with discussion of having the cost be built into the team ice bills. The member will finalize some details and bring a more formalized proposal to a future board meeting.

An Association member offered to MVYHA the services of his internet based company free of charge for a period of time. This would allow his new business a chance to integrate some of their systems while providing the Association some added value. Another well received proposal that warrants further discussion.

Mike Gallagher made a motion to adapt a Grade Appropriate registration policy. Mike Sullivan seconded the motion. There was much discussion and Mike then withdrew his motion, allowing for more time for further discussion.

Peter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jeff, and a unanimous vote to adjourn followed. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM

Respectfully submitted by Mike Gallagher, Secretary