Preparation for

English Qual ExamPart I Vocabulary

Directions: You will see a sentence with a missing word or with an underlined part. Choose the best answer to fit into the underlined part or find the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined words.

  1. We have more donations than we expected.

(a) charity money (b) regular customers

(c) late comers(d) things that we shouldn't do

  1. Abhor the wrath of God, who will not ______injustice.

(a) honor(b) tolerate

(c) intercede(d) reproduce

  1. "Are you trying to pull my leg?" I demanded.

(a) deceive me(b) hurt me

(c) steal from me (d) enrage me

  1. According to the weather ______, there will be snow tomorrow.

(a) program(b) forecast

(c) news(d) information

  1. Bread has been a staple of the human diet since prehistoric times.

(a) great delicacy(b) basic part

(c) fastener(d) highlight

  1. Fidelity is a quality of character that is admired by most people.

(a) Faithfulness(b) Generosity

(c) Chastity(d) Wisdom

  1. Florida's perennially warm climate and plentiful rainfall make the state a center of citrus production.

(a) year-round(b) world-famous

(c) predictably(d) impressively

  1. He must be up to something but he refuses to tell me what it is.

(a) be complaining about(b) be planning to do

(c) be upstairs doing (d) be getting up for

  1. He was incapacitated for several months after the accident.

(a) traumatized(b) nervous

(c) disabled(d) confused

  1. I was overconfident that even my mediocre work warranted a top score.

(a) sincere (b) hard (c) complete (d) average

  1. A chronic problem often calls for a drastic remedy.

(a) easily solvable (b) uprooted

(c) time-consuming (d) one-time

  1. They simplified the complicated instructions so that children could understand them.

(a) complex (b) complete

(c) disconcerting (d) comprehensive

  1. Your idea seems workable. Please elaborate on it with all the details you have in mind.

(a) expound (b) extricate

(c) exempt (d) exhaust

  1. The project should be terminated right a way. That's the decision of the Trust Board.

(a) discussed (b) disunited

(c) distracted (d) discontinued

  1. The graduate advisory committee was in full accord in their approval of her thesis topic: The philosophy of artificial intelligence.

(a) ambiguous(b) anomalous

(c) unanimous (d) anonymous

  1. Parents who speak unclearly about sexual problems may cause their children to become confused.

(a) ambiguously (b) angrily

(c) abnormally (d) aggressively

  1. In Minnesota, there are lakes galore. It has more shorelines than Hawaii and Florida combined.

(a) rare (b) plentiful

(c) huge (d) small

  1. Having dialed her number for two hours to hear busy signals, he became impatient and decided to come over to her house in person.

(a) integrated (b) exasperated

(c) alleviated (d) eradicated

  1. Don't expect Paul to play the piano as well as his sister. After all, he is only a novice.

(a) beginner(b) helper

(c) looser (d) expert

  1. Is there any vacant seat left in the front row?

(a) large (b) occupied (c) unoccupied (d)comfortable

  1. We have to resume the work that we left off yesterday.

(a) restart (b) retard (c) replant (d) relieve

  1. I am _____ for your present.

(a) thankful(b) stupid

(c) credulous(d) regretful

  1. I don't mind giving him things, but he never does the same in return.

(a) retaliates(b) reciprocates

(c) replaces(d) recognizes

  1. Slavery was abolished in the North by the late 1700s.

(a) annihilated (b) animated (c) announced (d) annoyed

  1. I tried to get in touch with them, but in vain.

(a) get on(b) get in with

(c) get out(d) communicate with

  1. If nobody dissents, then the decision is ______.

(a) unanimous (b) unable

(c) ambiguous(d) contradictory

  1. In these difficult days, we must live with frugality or our money will be gone.

(a) joy(b) sorrow(c) thrift(d) safety

  1. Nobody would believe the rumor that Ms. Fletcher, a true misogamist, got married to her own secretary.

(a) a man-hunter(b) a marriage-hater

(c) a feminist(d) a woman-lover

  1. Nothing he says is spontaneous - he always thinks carefully before he speaks.

(a) improper(b) impromptu

(c) impaired (d) improved

  1. The history of the exploration of Antarctica recounts many tales of perseverance and suffering.

(a) endurance(b) skill

(c) generosity(d) disturbance

  1. My inadvertent mistake made her pretty mad.

(a) premeditated(b) unadventurous

(c) unrealistic (d) accidental

  1. The therapist attempts to help the members to feel more and more included and for the group to become more cohesive.

(a) passionate(b) glued(c) respectful (d) inherent

  1. Summer hotels do not welcome transient guests.

(a) static(b) active(c) passing(d) passive

  1. Nobody seems to dissent from my proposal.

(a) oppose(b) like(c) support(d) sympathize

  1. Tom has become a conspicuous scientist.

(a) notorious(b) remarkable

(c) useless(d) cohesive

  1. The court will be adjourned until next Monday.

(a) adhered(b) postponed

(c) processed(d) adjoined

  1. The agents will confirm your reservations for you free.

(a) purchase(b) follow

(c) reaffirm(d) verify

  1. Mrs. Spears stopped Vincent as soon as he digressed and suggested that he return to the main topic.

(a) opposed(b) deviated

(c) concurred(d) hindered

  1. With the advance of settlers across the North American Continent, wilderness became a rarity.

(a) something common (b) something not common

(c) something easy to find (d) something hard to learn

  1. No vote was taken. We had no chance to indicate whether we concurred or dissented.

(a) agreed(b) cured

(c) occur(d) disagreed

  1. If you kill me, will that ____ your revenge?

(a) overwhelm(b) glut

(c) satisfactory(d) feminize

  1. In case we fail again, we must have something to fall back on this time.

(a) fall in with(b) fall to

(c) have recourse to (d) fall short of

  1. It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how slighter or insignificant.

(a) state of being inert

(b) opiate

(c) substance that prevents infection

(d) stigma

  1. John always arrives on time. He's so ______.

(a) careful(b) bored

(c) punctual(d) timeless

  1. No one was ______to take on the extra work.

(a) work (b) daring

(c) wanting (d) eager

  1. Pocahontas, a seventeenth-century Powhatan Indian, went to the Jamestown colony as her father's emissary.

(a) ward (b) attendant

(c) messenger(d) translator

  1. San Francisco's Chinese community, comprising 67,000 inhabitants, is the largest concentration of Chinese outside of Asia.

(a) adults(b) workers

(c) visitors(d) residents

  1. That nurse was delinquent in giving the patients their medicine on schedule.

(a) neglectful(b) determined

(c) delighted(d) on time

  1. The ______of money you spent on the project is twice as much as what we are approved to spend within the budget.

(a) amount(b) height

(c) level(d) range

  1. Many rich people decided to find their houses in suburbs, avoiding the noise of urban area.

(a) city centers(b) outskirts

(c) ranches(d) seashores

  1. Tom is a voracious eater. He always has something to eat beside him

(a) moderate(b) strong

(c) insatiable(d) disgusting

  1. In permitting ourselves to weep instead of holding the impulse, we actually help ourselves to maintain emotional health.

(a) tear(b) desire(c) wit(d) refuse

  1. Former First Lady Jacdueline Kennedy Onassis died in her New York City apartment, succumbing to cancer at the age of 64.

(a) producing(b) falling

(c) feeding(d) enjoying

  1. The customer protested in such a loud, violent, and maniacal manner that I began to doubt his mental sanity.

(a) invalid(b) prudent

(c) patient(d) insane

  1. The manager conceded that increasing the sales is a very hard task, since the company had been dormant for so long.

(a) asserted(b) denied

(c) complained(d) admitted

  1. His interrogative gesture or tone of voice shows that he is not ready to believe.

(a) convincing(b) doubting

(c) unconcerned(d) careful

  1. Don't be so timorous in your performance.

(a) confident (b) trepidant

(c) aggressive (d) ignorant

  1. Manufacturers of cosmetics often use the fragrance of roses in their soap and lotion.

(a) shape (b) scent

(c) color (d) texture.

  1. Punctuality is imperative in your new job.

(a) Being efficient(b) Being courteous

(c) Being on time(d) Being cheerful

  1. The iterative conflicts finally drove the two countries into military outbreak.

(a) revised (b) rejected (c) reduced (d) repeated

  1. A statue was made in commemoration of the late Trustee Board chairman, the founder of this university.

(a) place (b) honor (c) spite (d) lieu

  1. Now the question is how to pull the little child out of the traumatic experience.

(a) negligent (b) fundamental

(c) shocking (d) peaceful

  1. Any further remonstrance would be of no use to my boss. I will have to either follow him or quit the job.

(a) compliment(b) protest

(c) explanation (d) resentment

  1. In front of your seat, you can find complimentary magazines. And, coffee, tea, and soft drink are free.

(a) gratuitous (b) interesting

(c) unexpected (d) expensive

  1. You have to get off at Seoul Station and transfer to Ansan-bound train to get there.

(a) disembark (b) discharge

(c) dislocate (d) dispose

  1. The battle was still going on when the armistice was signed.

(a) arms deal(b) military justice

(c) military court(d) ceasefire agreement

  1. The fax was ______to Belgium yesterday.

(a) translated(b) transmitted

(c) transformed(d) transcribed

  1. The outcry against the government's policies will subside only if a compromise is reached in the assembly.

(a) die down(b) succeed

(c) proceed(d) be dislodged

  1. The perpetual motion of the earth as it turns on its axis creates the change of seasons.

(a) ancient(b) rhythmic

(c) leisurely(d) constant

  1. The Revolutionary forces had to muster up enough men to oppose the British army.

(a) finance(b) convince

(c) disguise(d) gather

  1. The successful use of antitoxins and serums has virtually eradicated the threat of malaria, yellow fever, and other insect-borne diseases.

(a) improved(b) discovered

(c) removed(d) announced

  1. The Walrus, a gregarious aquatic mammal related to the seal, is found in Arctic waters.

(a) a monstrous(b) a sociable

(c) an ill-tempered(d) a belligerent

  1. These are the best students whom I handpicked myself.

(a) selected(b) trained

(c) helped(d) instructed

  1. Vendors must have a license.

(a) everyone employed in the food service

(b) everyone who drives a car

(c) everyone who works in the hospital

(d) everyone engaged in selling

  1. What we need right now is to have a ______review session.

(a) calm (b) exciting

(c) obscene (d) impossible

  1. Helen and Bob were childless, yet all tests showed that they were not sterile.

(a) infertile(b) contemptuous

(c) reasonable(d) futile

  1. A painkiller does not cure the pain at all. It will simply anesthetize your nerve so as to give you a temporary relief.

(a) stimulate(b) stupefy

(c) strengthen(d) straighten

  1. Further procrastination of the decision will only damage the national economy.

(a) delay (b) design (c) default (d) deliberation

  1. Ferments make the dough turgid.

(a) clean (b) swollen (c) sweet (d) sour

  1. I was not invited to his nuptial ceremony.

(a) inauguration(b) resignation

(c) retirement(d) wedding

  1. The high medical expenses have left Bill totally impoverished.

(a) puzzled(b) destitute

(c) embarrassed(d) lethargic

  1. That vision of learning, difficult to implement as it is, should be central to schooling.

(a) destroy(b) fulfill(c) empty(d) experiment

  1. We should not forget how our ancestors strived for independence.

(a) wished(b) struggled(c) hesitated(d) hated

  1. The writer often secluded himself from the society to rearrange his ideas for new novels.

(a) isolated(b) associated(c) persevered(d) rejected

  1. Her quaint clothes and old-fashioned language marked her as aneccentric.

(a) a stranger(b) an expert(c) a weirdo(d) a beggar

  1. The kidnapping of pets has become a national problem.

(a) abduction (b) poisoning (c) desertion (d) abuse

  1. You have to stop making acrimonious comments.

(a) bitter(b) relevant(c) proper(d) favorable

  1. You may not enjoy the novel, if you read an abridged version.

(a) shortened(b) interpreted

(c) annotated(d) detailed

  1. Democracy is characterized by universal equal direct and confidential suffrage.

(a) government (b) system

(c) population(d) voting

  1. The prejudices of childhood are hard to outgrow.

(a) seldom aggravate

(b) are difficult to get rid of

(c) seldom produce good results

(d) are slow to develop

  1. Nor is there anything special about the optical shapes that we use as letter.

(a) pertaining to sight(b) angular

(c) selective(d) operational

  1. The tiny flowers are delicate.

(a) fragile(b) stick

(c) dead(d) chewy

  1. Scientists are now able to produce more and more raw materials synthetically.

(a) deliberately(b) naturally

(c) inexpensively (d) artificially

  1. I appreciate your praise, but I have to say that any decent person would do the same.

(a) treasure(b) ignore

(c) contend(d) resent

  1. All the climbers came back alive through such an abominable weather.

(a) abnormal(b) horrible

(c) favorable(d) unbelievable

  1. Don't confuse masculinity with physical strength.

(a) power(b) manliness

(c) wisdom(d) money

  1. Jane habitually falls down on her promises. She is no more a credible person.

(a) lives up to (b) fails to keep

(c) enjoys to break (d) hates to keep

  1. The new Minister will do away with restrictive foreign exchange regulation.

(a) propose (b) advocate

(c) maintain (d) abolish

  1. I lay aside some money every month.

(a) spend(b) send (c) save (d) restore

  1. I will look into this matter and let you know if I come up with any solution.

(a) examine (b) anticipate (c) expect (d) criticize

  1. Students will not be given a chance to make up the tests that they missed.

(a) change (b) publish (c) hold (d) compensate

  1. Johnson's old car came apart in an isolated place where he had no one to turn to for help.

(a) arrived (b) collapsed(c) assembled(d) returned

  1. That is too good an offer to turn down.

(a) respect (b) accept (c) despise (d) refuse

  1. John lost the control of his car and ran into a tree.

(a) hit (b) enter (c) damage (d) avoid

  1. I am worried about Joe. He is too hotheaded.

(a) hot-tempered(b) weak hearted

(c) narrow minded(d) good-natured

  1. The government-led fighter plane purchase project takes 20% of the total defense budget.

(a) permitted by the government

(b) operated by the government

(c) leading to the government

(d) planning for the government.

  1. He has a congenital talent in music composing.

(a) learned(b) acquired

(c) innate(d) incessant

  1. Like a doctor suggesting a remedy, the IMF staff prescribed strict austerity measures for the Korean economy.

(a) control(b) thrifty

(c) generous(d) remedial

  1. In order to circumvent the conflict with the natives, Captain Cook sailed round the island.

(a) avert(b) frustrated

(c) projected(d) advocated

  1. They argue, and Japan agrees at least ostensibly, that there has to be a clear-cut limit to the growth of Japan's military which doesn't exceed defensive needs or threaten neighbors.

(a) in the heart(b) by memory

(c) on the surface(d) with purpose

  1. Snakes are dormant during the winter.

(a) inactive(b) swifty

(c) damaged(d) shrewd

  1. The little brother was too gluttonous to leave some of the cake for his sister.

(a) impatient(b) voracious

(c) starved(d) generous

  1. What a sane and sensible young man you are.

(a) sensory(b) sensuous

(c) sensitive(d) sentient

  1. You have to overcome your own diffidence to tackle the project.

(a) timidity(b) intrepidity

(c) laxity(d) voracity

  1. The scientist's explanation for the strange behavior of the test animals was conjectural.

(a) speculative(b) plausible

(c) unambiguous (d) ridiculous

  1. They’ve already presented a wide ethnic diversity.

(a) instrumental(b) artistic

(c) ethical(d) racial

  1. The FX model is the most sophisticated fighter plane.

(a) sturdy(b) strong(c) modernized (d) expensive

  1. Your assertion is too much argumentative. We need more ocular evidence to prove your point.

(a) abstract(b) visible(c) arguable (d) prevalent

  1. The fluctuation of crude oil price may cause economic problems in countries like Korea.

(a) change(b) stability(c) viability (d) competition.

  1. Forging other's signature is a serious crime.

(a) Counterfeiting (b) Interrupting

(c) Borrowing(d) Helping

  1. He looks very aggressive and threatening, and so his soft, gentle voice is rather discordant.

(a) incongruous (b) invalid

(c) instructional (d) ingressive

  1. My wife said that the movie "Late for dinner" starring by Mel Gibson was a real tearjerker.

(a) sad movie(b) happy-ending movie

(c) expensive movie(d) unorganized movie

  1. Do you have a pen or the like?

(a) something you like(b) something that likes you

(c) something pen likes(d) something like a pen

  1. Let's not go into this subject today. It will take all day.

(a) meet (b) discuss (c) expect (d) eliminate

  1. I will have to take back the proposal I have made; I found a serious problem in it.

(a) ignore (b) advocate(c) withdraw (d) reject

  1. Take a good rest for tonight; we will set off on a long journey tomorrow morning.

(a) postpone (b) explode (c) start (d) extinguish

  1. Bob and Sam seem often at odds.

(a) in harmony(b) in minority

(c) in disagreement(d) in strangeness

  1. Black bears are normally unaggressive creatures.

(a) peaceful(b) smart(c) strong(d) huge

  1. The long-term threat to the survival of elephants is the loss of their natural habitat.

(a) ivory(b) environment

(c) allies(d) instincts

  1. Double Eagle II, the first transatlantic balloon, was greeted by avid crowds in France.

(a) eager(b) surging

(c) appreciative(d) vigorous

  1. It has been suggested that people who watch television incessantly may become overly passive.

(a) seriously(b) skeptically

(c) constantly(d) arbitrarily

  1. They turned down my application for the job because I didn't know French.

(a) postponed(b) reconsidered

(c) rejected(d) invited

  1. Vice-president Lyndon Johnson became President of the United States following the death of John F. Kennedy and was subsequently elected to a full term in 1964.

(a) duly(b) formerly

(c) later(d) therefore

  1. A comprehensive theory explaining the growth of civilization has yet to be accepted by most scholars.

(a) An advanced(b) An original

(c) An acceptable(d) An inclusive

  1. A doctor's handwriting is often illegible.

(a) too small(b) neat

(c) hard to read(d) interesting

  1. The symptoms of influenza are fever, headache, and muscular pain.

(a) effects(b) delights

(c) forces(d) signs

  1. Gems are usually cut to bring out their natural luster and to remove any flaws.

(a) germs(b) samples

(c) flakes(d) defects

  1. As nineteenth-century American cultural aspirations expanded, women stepped into a new role as interpreters of art, both by writing works on art and by teaching art.

(a) patronage(b) imagination

(c) ambitions(d) opportunities

  1. Bay laurel leaves are still an emblem of victory.

(a) a symbol(b) a result

(c) a suggestion(d) a spoil

  1. Mayor Koch commended Detective Darin for his bravery.

(a) thanked (b) punished

(c) praised(d) promoted

  1. Some of the regulations seemed too severe.

(a) judgments(b) rules

(c) punishments (d) attitudes

  1. It is those who stood up for their rights that help to bring democracy in this country.

(a) supported (b) abandoned

(c) understood (d) violated

  1. He stole the military information and sold it to the enemy. Newspapers blamed him as a turncoat.

(a) spy(b) hero(c) traitor(d) stealer

  1. Somnambulism is not an incurable illness.

(a) sleep-walking(b) forest-walking

(c) sleep-fearing(d) night-flying

  1. The final description of departure of two lovers in the novel was emotion tugging.

(a) emotionless(b) touching

(c) surprising(d) unexpected

  1. I would like to buy a waterproof watch.

(a) water-like(b) water-ready

(c) water-weary(d) water-safe

  1. I don't believe I could obliterate the scar, even if I wore silk stockings for the rest of my life.

(a) erupt(b) eject(c) erase(d) earthen

  1. Do I have to see an ophthalmologist to get rid of the sty in the eye.

(a) oculist(b) operator (c) orator(d) orthopedist

  1. I suddenly became impotent, though temporarily for no reason.

(a) emasculated(b) fertile

(c) impressive(d) imprudent

  1. Daily Muff Dotter's gratitude made Tom proud of what he had done.

(a) praise(b) promise(c) profit(d) thankfulness

  1. I have an acute pain in my left ear.

(a) blunt(b) sharp(c) soft(d) rough

  1. We will replenish the bar daily and charge the consumption directly to your bill.

(a) empty again(b) supply anew