October 14, 2008
7:00 P.M.
325 N. Third Street
Fairborn, Ohio
Visitors Welcome
MVQG: The Early Years
This month’s program will be a special evening with the founding members of our guild. The Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild was formed during a time when the quilting world was experiencing a revival. Invitations were sent out to the ladies who were a part of this exciting time in our craft’s history.
It will be a real treat to hear how our guild took shape and see the colors and styles of quilts that were popular at that time.
If anyone would like to bring cookies to share on this special occasion, please call or drop me an email.
Shari Brindley
Vice President
A Note from the President
Storm Edition:
Ron was still without power as this newsletter went to press, so I’m repeating the call for volunteers.
The time has come for a Nominating Committee to scout out a slate of officers for the guild to vote on at the October meeting. I am very grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve the Guild, but now it’s time for a new President as well as a new Treasurer.
Please call the nominating committee to offer your skills:
Billie Ferguson
Ed Chamness 9373725821
Nancy Smith 9374268233
Pat Emanuel 9378791339
Loretta Stephens 9373725439
Our final board meeting will be on November 3rd and all are welcome.
All this we do for the love of quilting.
Ron Lundquist
President, 9372947844
New Members
At the September meeting, 84 members attended with 6 guests and 3 new members.
Mary Bergseth
2363 S. Old Oaks Drive
Beavercreek, OH45431
Kimberly Lux
2111 Plantation Trail
Bellbrook, OH45305
Lori Miller
6912 Morley Lane
Huber Heights, OH45424
Please make the following changes to your roster:
Helen Stevenson
Last Chance To Be A Secret Stitcher
Your last chance to sign-up to be a Secret Stitcher this year will be at the October meeting. Look for the cards near the sign-in table. Please complete the card and leave it with Barbara Carruth as you enter. Check back at the break to pick up the name and some information about the person you are assigned.
Bring your first gift to the November meeting. This is a fun way to get to know another guild member. Each month bring a small gift such as a fat-quarter, sewing notion, a treat, or other inexpensive item for your assigned Stitcher, and you will receive a gift from your Secret Stitcher. The identities of the Stitchers will be revealed at the May meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact: Barbara Carruth at jccbsc(at)gmail.com or at 9372548136.
Sunshine News
If you hear of a member who could use our support, please call Lee Peterson at 439-7298.
We wish a speedy recovery to Cynthia Call who recently had surgery. If you would like to send her a get-well-soon card, her address is:
Cynthia Call
2987 Asbury Ct.
Our best wishes to Linda Johnson who had surgery last month. If you would like to send her a note, her address is:
Linda Johnson
150 Renwood Pl.
Springboro OH 45066
Twisted Bargello Ladies
Is An Open Sew
Hi! Has everyone finished their bargello?
Well, if not come and sew with us. If you have, bring your next project. We are going to have open sews on the dates below. You can sew a bargello, Niemeyer, Beyer, your own creation or, heaven forbid, finish a UFO!!!
Let’s have fun, work/sew a little, and maybe finish something!
We are still at Appalachian Quilt Shop in Enon from 6–8 p.m. The next dates are:
2 October
23 October
13 November
See you there!
Susan Hill
October 3rd Monday Stitch-In
This evening stitch-in held on the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m.
The 3rd Monday evening stitch-in will be held October 20th at Pam Hodits’ home. The address is 5071 Strathaven Drive, Dayton. Her telephone number is 9372361859.
Please call Pam for directions and to let her know you’ll be coming. Enjoy an evening with friends and get some of your quilting and piecing done!
Quilted Tree Ornaments
October is the last meeting at which to turn in your Christmas ornament as requested by Connie Combs:
As a member of TWIG 17, I am asking Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild to make quilted Christmas tree ornaments for a designer tree that would be at the 2008 Festival of Trees/Sugarplum in November.
The guild would receive publicity for designing the ornaments on the tree and free entrance tickets to go to the Sugarplum on Saturday. The ornament size should be small, such as postcard size, and the color would need be red, green or white or a combination of these.
I would collect the ornaments monthly at the meetings and also at the retreat. October is the last month to collect the ornaments.
Thank you in advance for your support for the Dayton Children’s Medical Center Festival of Trees/Sugarplum event.
Connie Combs
TWIG 17—20+ year member
Quilt Shows
October 4th and 5th
23rd Annual Farmersville Quilt Show
Show is sponsored by Farmersville Rotary Club and is held at 202 Jackson St., Farmersville, Oh. Hours are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Cost is $5. For more information, email ejames.wampler(at)gmail.com.
October 10th – 12th
27th Annual Harvest of Quilts
Presented by Towne Squares Quilt Club and is held at the Darke County Fairgrounds, State Rt. 49, Greenville, Oh. Hours are Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, noon – 4 p.m. Admission is $4. Registration of quilts will take place Oct. 9, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. On Saturday there will be a fashion show at 11 a.m. and an auction at 2 p.m. Show will feature a merchant mall, country store, demonstrations, scissor sharpening, quilt raffle drawing and food vendors. For more information, contact Jodi Kremer at 9375269101 or email harvestofquilts(at)hughes.net.
November 13th – 16th
Greater Chicago Quilt Exposition III
Presented by Mancuso Show Management the exposition is held at Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center, Schaumburg, Ill. Hours are Thursday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Admission is $12. The show includes The Grand Finale of the 2008 World Quilt Competition Tour, over 600 quilts from 11 countries, merchants mall, workshops and lectures. For more information, go to
Membership 2009
The 2009 membership dues must be paid by the end of January to remain active on the mailing list. The fee is $20.00.
Dues can be mailed to:
Kim Gros
12185 Wellington Ave.
Medway OH 45341
If you want to receive your card by mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Please mark your check with “Dues for 2009.”
Quilters’ Rendezvous
Where has your quilting taken you lately or where will it take you in the future? Join us for an exciting and fun-filled weekend of quilting at the 2009 MVQG Winter Retreat at Bergamo/St. John Conference Center, 4400 Shakertown Road, Beavercreek. Our quilting journey begins on Friday, February 20th at 9 a.m. and continues until Sunday, the 22nd at 4 p.m.
Your initial booking of this fabulous rendezvous is a $50 deposit for lodgers and a $25 deposit for commuters, payable to Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild. Registration will continue at the October meeting or you may mail your registration form to Sandy Hartz, 3208 Lantz Rd., Beavercreek, OH45432.
Forms are available on the website and will be available at the guild meetings.
Single$193.00 1 day$37.00
Double$158.00 2 days$66.00
Triple$146.00 3 days$88.00
Final payment is requested by the January meeting. Any changes or additions will be completed prior to February’s meeting. Please remember the retreat is for current guild members (2009 dues paid).
For retreat questions, call:
Lesa Bame at 9378485844, or Sandy Hartz at 9374299031
Sally F Kerr Memorial Retreat Scholarship Fund
The Sally Kerr fund is available to provide a “quilter in need” with a full or partial scholarship so they will be able to attend retreat. Anyone who would like to make a donation to keep this scholarship going into the future may do so by marking the registration form and including it with your retreat fees.
Information about obtaining a scholarship or making a donation can be had by contacting Kathy Bean, Heidi Young, or Lesa Bame.
Application forms will be at the registration table.We will accept applications through theNovember meetings. Applicants will be kept confidential and will be notified before the December meeting.
Kathy Bean ktmbean(at)yahoo.com
Quilt pins are available at each meeting from Kim Gros. Each pin is $3, up to 2 pins. After that they are $5 apiece.
Deadline for November 2008 Issue: Monday, October 20
All articles are subject to editing and approval by the editor. Materials received after the published deadline date will be considered for publication only if space and time permit.
MVQG’s 2008 Officers
PresidentRon Lundquist
Vice PresidentShari Brindley
TreasurerSandy Hartz
Recording SecretaryKathy Bean
Corresponding SecretaryDebbie Bertke
2008 Board Meetings
February 4
May 5
August 4
November 3
All officers and committee chairs are expected to attend the Board meetings which are held quarterly onMondays as listed.All Guild members are invited to attend.
Quilting stories, ideas, news?
Send to:
Chris Garcher
MVQG Newsletter Editor
6258 Gander Road East
E-mail: DJGarcher(at)compuserve.com
For fees and contracts, please contact:
Ed Chamness
P.O. Box 694
Wilberforce, OH 45384
Need to reach us?
Please send all guild correspondence to our post office box address. That way our officers will receive it. Our address is:
MiamiValley Quilters’ Guild
P.O. Box 340141
Beavercreek, OH45434
Quilters’ Quotes is a copyrighted publication of the MiamiValley Quilters’ Guild. No one may reprint this newsletter in any form, in part or in whole, without the written consent from the Guild.
Comments, suggestions, or information to post:
E-mail Ed Chamness at mvqgoh(at)aol.com