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August 2014
Co-sponsor H.Res. 688
Ask Your Representative to Co-sponsor Bipartisan H.Res.688 to Build Momentum for the GAVI Alliance and Global Immunization
“It is not a question of whether the world can end preventable child deaths; it is a question of whether we will.”
– USAID Administrator, Dr. Rajiv Shah
Ensuring a Healthy Start – Getting Lifesaving Vaccines
For most parents in the United States, routine vaccinations are just another box to check off on theback-to-school to-do list. But for many parents in the developing world, the chance to protect their children from early death is a luxury they’re still not afforded. Through the GAVI Alliance, the United States can help change that—by supportingaccess to immunization to ensure children around the world get healthy starts to life and the opportunity to build their ownbright futures.
Globally, we have drastically decreased the number of preventable child deaths, but much more can be done. Each year, 6.6 million children still die before reaching their 5th birthday. Many of them are dying of things as simple as pneumonia and diarrhea—both of which can be prevented with an inexpensive, safe, effective vaccine, but remain the two leading causes of childhood deaths.
The U.S. has committed to ending preventable child deaths by the year 2035, and President Obama called on Congress and the nation to join this effort in his past two State of the Union addresses. As one of the best lifesaving investments the U.S. can make, the GAVI Alliance will help us make good on this commitment by supportingaccess to vaccines for children in poor countries.
The GAVI Alliance helps empower low-income countries to ensure lifesaving vaccines reach the kids that need them most, so that where a child is born doesn’t determine whether she gets to live. With vaccines, children stay healthy and have the opportunity to grow strong. With vaccines, countries prevent unnecessary death, save tens of billions in economic loss and health costs, and increase their work forceand economic growth.
Supporting the GAVI Alliance to Save Millions of Lives
U.S. leadership has been central to GAVI’s success, as a founding partner and its fourth largest donor. Additionally, the Administration has made ending preventable child deaths a development priority – and GAVI-supported vaccines are far and away the best tools for protecting children from the two leading causes of preventable child deaths.
Vaccines are largely regarded as a best buy in global health. With one shot they provide a lifetime of protection, which not only keeps kids healthy, but also reduces the burden on fragile health care systems so they can devote more time to other ailments.
With critical financial support from donors and co-investment from low-income country governments, since 2000, the GAVI Alliance has already helped immunize almost half a billion children,which will save 6 million lives. This success brings global immunization rates to an all-time high, but more must be done.
Building Momentum - Championing the GAVI Alliance in Congress
The co-chairs of the Global Health Caucus, Representatives Betty McCollum (D-MN) and Dave Reichert (R-WA), are now leading a charge to accelerate congressional support for global immunization.Joined by an additional 9 Democrat and 8 Republican original co-sponsors, they just introduced the bipartisanHouse Resolution 688 (H.Res.688)to emphasize continued U.S. commitment to the lifesaving work of the GAVI Alliance and itsrole in reaching every child with immunizations. H.Res.688 also commends the GAVI Alliance’s 2016-2020 strategy that focuses on equity in access to vaccines and increasing immunization coverage rates for those hard to reach children. Additionally, H.Res.688:
- Commends the GAVI Alliance’s work to save lives;
- Recognizes the U.S. leadership on child health and our contributions to the GAVI Alliance as one of six initial donors;
- Supports the ideals and goals of the GAVI Alliance to (A) accelerate equitable uptake and coverage of vaccines; (B) improve the effectiveness and efficiency of immunization delivery; (C) improve sustainability of national immunization programs; and (D) bring down the cost for vaccines and other immunization products;
- Affirms the U.S. continued support for purchasing vaccines for poor countries through GAVI;
- And, encourages continued commitment and investment from Congress to support the GAVI Alliance’s work to roll out new and underutilized vaccines for developing countries.
Call and/or write your representative and urge them to co-sponsor the bipartisan H.Res.688 to supportcontinued U.S. commitment to the GAVI Alliance and global immunization.
Sample EPIC Letter (can be used for phone calls and emails too)
Instructions: Find your representative’s email and address here: or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Call and leave a message with the receptionist. For greater impact, ask to speak with the foreign affairs aide, and send a copy of the letter via email.
Engage / The two leading killers of children under 5—diarrhea and pneumonia—can be prevented with simple, inexpensive vaccines. When low-income countries invest in vaccines like these, they’re not only saving lives; they’re building stronger, healthier, more equitable societies.Problem / While the pneumococcal vaccine, which helps prevent pneumonia, was introduced in 88 countries by the end of 2012, global coverage is only estimated at 19%. Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrheal disease in young children throughout the world, but its global vaccine coverage was estimated at only 11%. The children most at risk in poorcountries are altogether missing out on these lifesaving vaccines.
Inform about the solution / The GAVI Alliance helps empowers low-income countries to ensure lifesaving vaccines reach the kids that need them most, so that where a child is born doesn’t determine whether she gets to live. Continued investments in GAVI will help save millions of lives and build stronger, healthier societies, while moving us closer to a world free from preventable child deaths.
Call to action! / Will Representative XXX co-sponsor the bipartisan H.Res. 688 to support the GAVI Alliance and global immunization? To sign on please contact in Rep. Betty McCollum’s (D-MN) office or in Rep. Dave Reichert’s (R-WA) office.
More on the GAVI Alliance
The GAVI Alliance is an international partnership responsible for ensuring new vaccines reach the kids that need them most. Alliance members include UNICEF, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, donor countries, along with developing countries themselves. Long-term sustainability is at the very core of the GAVI Alliance model, which supports:
- Country co-financing for all vaccines, moving GAVI-eligiblecountries toward independence;
- Building stronger health systems; and
- Bringing down the costs of vaccines in the long term.
In January 2015, the GAVI Alliance will host a replenishment conference to ask donor countries, private sector, and foundations to invest in their 2016-2020 strategy of immunizing over 300 million children, which will save over 5 million lives. Congressional leadership on GAVI this year will be critical to build political will and momentum for GAVI’s bold goal of accelerating access to lifesaving vaccines for the hardest to reach.