Muswellbrook South Public School
Mathematics Learning Sequence
Stage 3 Term 1 Unit 5
Outcome/Key Ideas / Sample teaching, learning, working mathematically activities / Differentiation / Resources / Planned AssessmentNS3.3 Selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division
Select and apply appropriate mental, written or calculator strategies for multiplication and division
Explore prime and composite numbers
(Year 5)
Select and apply appropriate mental, written or calculator strategies for multiplication and division in word problems
Explore prime and composite numbers
(Year 6)
strategies, efficient, multiplication, division, average, calculate,
mental, written, multiply, divide, operations, product, quotient, prime, composite, fraction, decimal, solution, select,
appropriate, estimate, explain, guess, check, is equal to, share,
remainder, remaining / Ignition Activities
Mixed Operations Game
In pairs, students are given a set of different-coloured counterseach, three dice and a game board. Students create the gameboard by using any 25 numbers from 1 to 50. In turns,students roll the three dice, use these numbers with anyoperations to create a number from the board, and cover thenumber with a counter .The game continues until one playerhas three counters in a row in any direction.
Variation: Students use four dice and make game boards withhigher/lower numbers.
The game could also be played with cards.
- Provide each student with a 4X4 grid
- Students write products from 1X1 up to 10X10 in each square
- Roll ten sided dice twice, multiply numbers together
- Students cross off the answer on grids
- First with four in a row win – any direction
This game is played with a short pack (2-10 only). One player is the “dealer” who deals a single card to each player. When the dealer deals the cards he/she says “Salute” and the two other players hold the card up to their forehead so that the dealer and the other player can see the card. The dealer multiplies the cards mentally and announces the total. The first player to calculate the number on their own card wins both cards. The winner is the one with the most cards by the end of the deck. The dealer plays the winner and the game continues.
Multiplication Grid Race
Students race to finish a 10X10 grid of multiplication
Explicit Mathematical Teaching
Revise multiplying two digit by one digit numbers 32 x 6= 30x6 + 2 x6 =
Look at estimating skills eg 89 x 32 ≈ 90 x 30 =2700
Explain that when we estimate we are getting ‘a feel’ for the size of the answer not necessarily the correct answer. Present students with a range of multiplication and division questions and ask them to find the closest estimate from a list of possibles.
103 x 78 2
3998 x 21 7 800
97 x 302 80 000
13.99 ÷ 7.02 64
7.98 x 8.04 30 000
Express numbers as a product of two other numbers plus some remainder in different ways eg:
32 = 16 x 2 or 32 = 10 x 3 + 2 or 32 = 5 x 6 + 2 or 32 = 9 x 3 + 5 etc
This leads in to looking at remainders when a number is divided by a non-factor.
Students are asked to express three numbers in four different ways each, using this method.
Demonstrate division with no remainders. 42 ÷ 7 = 6 Not all numbers are so nice! What happens when we divide a number by a non factor? We form as many groups contiang that number as possible and the rest is called the remainder.
Eg 13 ÷ 4
Can’t always use this method - we would go dotty! We find another method of dividing. Repeated subtraction is presented (discuss the time factor). Present the formal method of division for single digit divisors.
Written Division
Students solve problems that involve dividing a three-digit number by a one-digit number using written strategies, showing remainders as a fraction:
Students solve division problems interpreting when remainders need to be rounded up eg finding the number of cars with four seats to take 341 people to an event, the solution would be 86 not 85¼ .
Variation: Students use calculators to check answers and discuss.
Demonstrate that the inverse operation is multiplication by obtaining the original number eg. 204 ÷ 6 = 34 -> 34 x 6 = 204 (show using the formal methods that this is true)
Show how division with remainders becomes a multiplication with an addend.
Eg. 19 ÷ 3 = 6 r 1 means 19 = 6 x 3 + 1. Express remainders as fractions.
19 ÷ 3 = 6 1/3
Provide examples of both simple multiplications and divisions expressing remainders as fractions.
Multiply numbers by powers of 10. Describe what happens to the number. This will be important when students begin to multiply by two digits.
x x = 100. How many solutions can you find? Make up some other tasks for your partner to solve.
Explain how you would multiply 12 x 14 in your head
Number Patterns
Students are given a table such as:
They are asked to continue the pattern and describe the
number pattern created. Students are encouraged to create
further number patterns and are given access to a calculator.
Further number patterns could include:
Possible questions include:
❚what happens if you multiply a number by a multiple of ten?
❚what happens if you divide a number by a multiple of ten?
❚can you devise a strategy for multiplying by a multiple of ten?
❚can you devise a strategy for dividing by a multiple of ten?
Demonstrate the formal method for multiplication. EXPLAIN that the multiplication of a digit in the tens place value is multiplying by a multiple of ten and that is why we put the 0 place holder in the algorithm.
Extended Form of Multiplication
Students multiply numbers by breaking the calculation into
two parts
eg 32 × 14 = 32 × 10 + 32 × 4.
Students are shown how these can be combined in using an
extended algorithm.
Extension: Students solve three-digit problems by two-digit
multiplication using extended multiplication.
Present students with a range of word problems (see BST and SNAP questions). Help students to draw diagrams, act out and write algorithm from word problems. Students are then given number sentences to write as word problems.
Investigation-Youare having a pizza lunch as a treat for your class. Pizzas are cut into 8 pieces. How many pizzas will your teacher need to buy?
-How could you calculate 16 x 25 if the 6 button on your calculator is broken?
-What is the best way to multiply a number by 99? Give some examples and show how you worked it out?
-Writea word problem which will give you an answer of 25 and a quarter. Now write another problem that will give you an answer of 25, remainder 1.
Explore prime and composite numbers
Ask students what they understand by a prime number (ie a number that has exactly two factors – ie 1 is not a prime or composite number) Use the sieve of Eratosthenes. A hundreds chart – cross off the 1. Put a circle around the first number (2) and cross off all multiples of 2. Circle the next available number and cross off all the multiples of three – continue until all prime numbers are found. How many primes are there less than 100? Is there any pattern to the prime numbers? (no). Prime numbers that are two apart are called twin primes. How many twin primes exist on your chart?
Ask questions relating to prime numbers – what is the next prime after 30? What is the closest prime to 50?
Composite numbers are numbers that have more than 2 factors. List all the factors of the numbers 2-16. Some numbers have an odd number of factors and some have even number of factors – why? (Square numbers have an odd number of factors)
Build number webs that list the factors of given numbers eg. 24, 32, 42, 35
Counting On Teaching activities
Forming Equal Groups
Multiple Count
Rectangular Grids
Card Capers
Blobs and Rectangles
Perceptual Multiples
Hundreds Chart
Array Grids
Array Dice
Array Fish
Division Array
Partially Covered Arrays
Figurative Units
Multiplication Grids
Factors From Rectangles
Repeated Abstract Composites
Dice Times
Dice Tables
Four In A Row or Four in a Square
Multiplication and Division as Operations
Games and Activities
Computer Learning Objects
The Multiplier: Generate Easy Multiplications
TaLe Reference Number: L83
Solve multiplications such as 9x88. Use a partitioning tool to help solve randomly generated multiplications. Learn strategies to do complex arithmetic in your head. Split a multiplication into parts that are easy to work with, use simple times tables, then solve the original calculation. This learning object is one in a series of five objects.
The Divider :without remainders-Years 4-6
TaLe reference number: L2007
The Divider :Whole Number Remainders-Years 4-6
TaLe Reference Number : L2008
Remainders Count
Using the three numbers shown on the dice to make a division number sentence with the largest possible remainder
Arrays-Solving Word problems
TaLe Reference Number:L2055
Working Mathematicallyis modelled throughout. / Count Me In Too
Developmental stages of building multiplication and division through equal groups
Level 1: Forming Equal Groups
Student can form groups but counts all items by “one” without using the structure of the grouping
Level 2 : Perceptual Multiples
Student can form groups and uses rhythmic counting of items in the group to get the total e.g. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9”
Level 3 : Figurative Units
Student can form groups and before skip counting the student raises their fingers as perceptual markers to get the total e.g. “ 3, 6, 9”
Level 4 : Repeated Abstract Composite Units
Student can form groups and raise fingers as trackers as they skip count
Level 5: Multiplication and division as operations
Uses multiplication and division as inverse operations flexibly in problem solving tasks / 2002 Syllabus p.56
Counting On pg 177
Counting On
Counting On
Counting On
pp157- 162
Counting On
pp 163-166
Counting On
pp 177-178
Teaching and learning Exchange (TaLe)
Using Learning Objects To Teach mathematics CD ROM / Pre Assessment
Present students with a multiplication and division question and ask them to solve each one in two different ways.
Present word problem
Sarah Rose – Mathematics Consultant K-12 – Hunter/Central Coast Region