HELD ON MONDAY, 14TH MAY, 2012 AT 7.30 P.M.

PRESENT : T.Tallack, Y.Whalan, A.O’Neill, K.Hope, J.McNally-Mannes, M.Edwards

J.Simpson, J.Thomas, R.Dyson, W.Whelan.

APOLOGIES : J.Nash, B.Russell, J.Applin, C.Paine, L.Richardson, R.Smith, E.Thomas, J.Peare.

CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES : Resolved on the motion of B.Whelan seconded by J.Thomas that the minutes of the previous meeting held in April, 2012, be confirmed.



From Fiona Mann, Hawkesbury City Council – Asking for students details to report to Council to obtain authority for cheques. Also referring to sponsorship agreement which is due on 6th August.

To 2012 Hawkesbury Exchange Students – Giving details of the information required for airline tickets, resume and preparation sessions.

To Prospective Host Families for Visiting Exchange Students – Advising that visits will be made to homes on 19th and 26th May and families will be contacted re times.

To All Unsuccessful Exchange Student Applicants – Asking if they are interested in hosting visiting exchange students from Kyotamba and Temple City this year.

From Kyotamba International Exchange Association – Attaching the list of their students and advising that their resumes will be forwarded as soon as possible.

To Kyotamba International Exchange Assoc. – Attaching details of Hawkesbury students visiting Kyotamba in September/October

From Kyotamba I.E.A. – Advising that they intend to book their students on flights on July 24th returning on August 20th but will confirm as soon as possible.

From Hawkesbury City Council – Forwarding remittance advice showing a payment of $8000 into the Association’s account.

From Sally Armsworth – Advising of certain activities that she will be participating in whilst the exchange students are in Hawkesbury.

To Fiona Mann, Hawkesbury City Council – Forwarding students details as requested. Advising dates of visits by Kyotamba and Temple City students and expected time of visit of Hawkesbury Students to both cities.

From Sisters Cities Australia – Advising submission dates for entries into the SCA National Awards.

To Kyotamba I.E.A. – Advising that Jetstar have a special at the moment for 19th September and 16th October and flight details will be forwarded as soon as possible.

From Kyotamba I.E.A. - Advising flight details for their students being arrival on 25th July and departure on 20th August.

Steve & Nancy Terry - Expressing appreciation for the committee organising their recent trip to Hawkesbury and saying how wonderful their trip was.

Resolved on the motion of M.Edwards seconded by J.McNally-Mannes that the correspondence be accepted.



30th April 2012


Hawkesbury Council $8,000

Unused Student Funds $1,200



Bank Fees -$10

C Tallack (Internet, Travel, Catering, Stationery etc) -$967.03

Y Whalan (Postage, Accom, Catering etc) -$372.60

A O’Neill (Catering, Travel) -$21.99

R Smith (Sapphire Accounting – Auditor) -$155.54

NSW Fair Trading -$79


Credit Balance as at 29.02.12 -$92.24

Plus Income $9,200

Less Expenditure -$1,606.16

Available Funds as at 29.02.12 -$7,501.60


Credit Balance Against Statement 29.02.2012 $8,490.62


#130 A O’Neill $21.99

#128 C Tallack $967.03

Giving a Credit Balance as at 31.03.2012 $7,501.60


Brian Russell / $429.82


Ashlie O’Neill / $12.85
Christina Tallack / $956.30

Resolved on the motion of Y.Whalan seconded by J.Thomas that the above accounts be passed for payment.


The President referred to the recent visit by a delegation from Temple City and advised the committee that the visit was highly successful with the visitors giving praise for the wonderful organisation of the itinerary for them.

It was reported to the meeting that exchange students to visit Kyotamba have been able to purchase an airfare for $950 on Jetstar departing on Wed. 19th September and returning on Wednesday, 17th October. Exchange students visiting Temple City will be departing on Sunday, 9th September and returning Wednesday, 10th October.

Dates for Temple City exchange students visit is from Friday, 20th July to Saturday, 18th August and for Kyotamba students from Wednesday, 25th July to Monday, 20th August.

A proposed itinerary for the incoming students is to be prepared by T.Tallack and Y.Whalan, taking in suggestions by committee members for Opera House, Botanic Gardens, visit to Royal National Park and Guide Dog Centre, and submitted to the June meeting for approval.

Prospective host families for Temple City students are to be visited by T.Tallack and R.Dyson on 19th May and host families for Kyotamba students are to be visited by T.Tallack and J.Thomas on 26th May if convenient to all.

Preparation sessions for outbound students on Monday 21st May should see the students produce their speeches.

Ashlie O’Neill put forward a proposition to organise a group of past exchange students to visit Temple City in 2013 or 2014. The committee thought this was a very good idea.

Clr. Bill Whelan is to look into more details re a leadership forum to be held over a weekend at Merroo Conference Centre during October 2012 with the possibility of displaying a promotional stand for H.S.C.A.

Louise Markus, local member, is to be contacted re the possibility of supplying an Australian flag and DVD to outgoing students.

The meeting concluded at 8.15 p.m.

The next meeting is to be held on Monday, 4th June at 7.30 p.m. in the Tebbutt Room of the Deerubbin Centre, Windsor.