Mental Starter / LI / SC / Teaching / Activities / Plenary

Maths Plan - Number and Place Value

Week 1 –
Day / Mental & Oral Starter / LI / SC / Teaching / Activities / Plenary
Mon / Summer Holiday / Summer Holiday
Choosing Activities
Computer- education city – golf sequence laminated numbers on the carpet
Playdough numbers Lego numbers
Talking tins/ ice roll dice and count up and back from that number counting.
Wed / We are learning to say number names in order.
Give each ch a counting stick and count up to 10 and back. / We are learning number names and to say them in order. / Put a numberline on the smartboard.
What comes before ….?
What comes after….?
What numbers come between … and …? / Take the children in groups of 4. First in the group to take a say the number and then count cound the table up to their number and back to zero. Next Ch take a card and repeat.
Hex- up to 50
Pent- up to 30?
Tri- up to 10 / Count up to to 20 there and back.
Keep it fast.
Use their names
Say in order
P7 – Join in with rote counting to 10.
P8 – join in with rote counting to 10 and beyond.
1 – To count by rote up to 30. To say what comes next and before.
2 – To count by rote up to 100. Say what comes before and after a given number. / Outcome
To be able to say number names in order.
Thurs / Choosing Activities
Computer- education city – golf sequence laminated numbers on the carpet
Playdough numbers Lego numbers
Talking tins/ ice roll dice and count up and back from that number counting.
Cut out and sticking numbers onto a sheet.
We are learning to say number names in order.
Give each ch a counting stick and count up to 10 and back.
TA- to take Hex to count in 2’s. / We are learning number names and to say them in order. / Put a numberline on the smartboard.
Concentrate on counting backward today.
Roll a dice the whole class to count backwards from this number.
Go round the class each saying the next number. / Take the children in groups of 4. First in the group to take a say the number and then count cound the table up to their number and back to zero. Next Ch take a card and repeat.
Rect- up to 20
Squ- up to 20
Tri- up to 10
Hex/Pen – place the number cards in order. Work in groups. – take photograph. / Count up to to 20 there and back.
Keep it fast.
Use their names
Say in order
P7 – Join in with rote counting to 10.
P8 – join in with rote counting to 10 and beyond.
1 – To count by rote up to 30. To say what comes next and before.
2 – To count by rote up to 100. Say what comes before and after a given number. / Outcome
To be able to say number names in order.
Frid / Choosing Activities
We are learning to count / Repeat yesterdays input. / Place Value test.
Week 2 – 10.9.12
Mon / Choosing Activities
Literacy and Theme
Tues 1st / Put the children into 2 groups – count each group saying the next number.
TA- to take Hex to count in 2’s.
TA – Food and cleaning course all am / We are learning to count a group of objects. / Children in a circle.
Put some objects in the centre and ask
How can we find out how many are her? –( count them)
Can you explain how we are going to count them?
Demonstrate how to count by moving the cube as it is counted.
Put up success criteria.
Activities in red not done due to TA course. / Call children out in grouped pairs.
Work in pairs. One to take a handful of objects and count them and write/circle the number they have counted. (don’t show partner) Then partner to count and write the number down. Show on 3. Do they have the same number?
HA –counting in twos up to 20 we went up to 10 as they were struggling with this so going to 20 was too much.
MA+ - counting in 1’s up to 20
Rect- up to 20
Squ- up to 10/15 / How can we find out how many chairs there are in the classroom?
Why would it be helpful to know?
Count them together.
Start at one.
Say the numbers in order.
Say the next number each time you move 1 cube.
Independent Activities
Laminated numbers- match the number to the dots – ducks.
Computer – education city – counting activities
Sorting rings – stickle bricks.
Playdough rockets.
Tues 2nd session / Put the children into 2 groups – count each group saying the next number.
TA – Food and cleaning course all am / We are learning to count accurately / Smartboard 1
Remind the children of the count that they did before play.
How did we count/ (moving the object as we counted it.)
What could we do if we could not move the objects? (Demonstrate crossing the out as you count them.)
Activities in red not done due to TA course. / Teacher
SN – counting to 5 and number rhymes.
MA – bingo up to 20????
LA – counting up to ten
MA+ Bingo up to 20
Jan – HA - game to bingo to the library then counting sheet. / Can you solve this problem?
How can we find out how many dinosaurs there are?
Start at one.
Say the numbers in order.
Say the next number each time you move 1 cube.
P7 – To count at least five objects reliably
P8- To count reliably at least ten objects
1-  Counts objects consistently to 20.
2-  Counts numbers up to 100 / Outcome
To be able to count a group of objects with increasing accuracy
Thurs 1st Session / Counting sticks.
Counting with the counting stick. Forwards and backwards.
Get the children to start on the left hand side and travel to the right.
What is this number?
What comes before ….
What come after…? / We are learning to count accurately. / TA to take HA to library
Roll the dice with the even numbers on it. Count out that number of cubes. Count in twos. Take 100 sq to find the 2’s.
Teacher in class
Roll a dice.
Ask the children to tell you what number it is and then draw that man circles on their whiteboards. / These activities include those that were not able to be done on Tuesday.
LA – painting the correct number of circles.
SN – Painting the correct number of shapes.
Pip to take MA and MA+ down to Ruby to access the Foundation environment.
MA+/MA – counting bingo to 20
HA – sheet. – counting the animal ears in 2’s. / How many lego bricks in the middle of the circle?
How can we record this?
After play we will be learning to write our numbers.
Start at one.
Say the numbers in order.
Say the next number each time you move 1 cube.
Independent Activities
Count the number of shoes Play dough sausage numbers counting sheets
Drawing numbers on a paint programme Draw round the numicon. Home corner
Listening area Pastel numbers.
Thursday session 2 / Counting with the counting stick. Forwards and backwards.
Get the children to start on the left hand side and travel to the right.
What is this number?
What comes before ….
What come after…?
Mrs Thorn to take stick with Ha to count in two’s. / We are learning to form our numbers. / On the board put a group of letter and a group of numbers.
Ask the children to discuss what they can see.
If we don’t recreate the correct shape the letters may mean something different.
Demonstrate how to use the large number line to for the numbers correctly. / Teacher
Call the children out in groups to 4 to practise writing different numbers.
Pip – Ruby Class – SN/LA
Playdough sausage numbers – take photographs. / Say a number and ask them to write it on their boards.
Count on the number line to fin the number.
Copy the shape.
P7 – To count at least five objects reliably
P8- To count reliably at least ten objects
3-  Counts objects consistently to 20.
4-  Counts numbers up to 100
Level 1 – write numbers to 10. / Outcome
To be able to count a group of objects with increasing accuracy
Thursday / 20 minute session after phonics. / We are learning to count forwards and backwards. / Counting sticks - count forwards and backwards.
This is number 5 what comes next.
What comes before …? / Mrs Thorn to take SN – counting rhymes and counting to 5.
Friday / 20 min session after phonics / We are learning to count in our heads. / Can you count the number of times I clap then put you hand up to tell me.
Repeat encouraging the children to count the number of claps. As the children count correctly ask them to come up and clap themselves for the children to count.
(up to 20) Target children according the their ability and the number of claps.
Week 3 – 17.9.12
Mon / Theme and Literacy
Tues 1st Session / We are learning to write our numbers.
Remind the children of the importance of writing numbers.
Children to have number lines/ whiteboards and pens.
Ask the children to write different numbers. / We are learning to order numbers. / LI
Explain that numbers need to go in order.
Ask for 10 volunteers and give each on of them a number.
Ask the class to help you order the numbers by
Saying the numbers in order
Finding the correct shape and ordering it.
Explain that about their activity in relation to the display.
Point the children to the display. Explain that we want to put up a 100 square but all of my numbers have got mixed up. / Teacher
HA – sheet – fill in the missing numbers on the stars. (up to 20)
MA+- sheet – fill in the missing numbers on the stars. (up to 15)
Pip (100 sq display)
SN – count up to 5 with the children by rote. Then count up to five pointing to the numbers on the number line. Then match the numbers one to five and stick them in the correct order on the square.
LA – stick the number 6 to 15 in the correct order. If they do not know what a number looks like encourage them to count on the numberline until the find the one they want and then match to the number they have a choice of.
MA – 15 to 25 / Put the number 5,4 and 6 on the board.
Can we put these in order.
8,7 and 9
What about these.
Count by rote.
Find number shape.
Put in place.
We did not do this input as doing circle time to improve class behaviour. (HB is aware)
Independent Activities
Computer – numicon programme wooden Blocks
Cut up and order the numicon A5 sheets. Numicon plates - In prints on playdough/clay???
Tuesd 2nd Session / Repeat the starter from before play.
HA to write numbers above 10 / We are learning to order numbers. / Now look at these numbers.
9, 4 and 6.
Can we order these?
How? Explain?
Repeat with another set of numbers. 12, 18 and 10.
Explain that even though there are some numbers missing you can still put them in the order they would come in if the other numbers were there. / Teacher
LA – pick three cards from the pile and put them in order smallest to largest.
MA - ordering number sheet. Urbrainy.
Pip (display 100 square)
MA+ - sequence numbers 20 to 30.
HA – sequence number 30 to 100.
We did not do these activities. Circle time on appropriate class room and carpet time behaviour.
Layin the foundations for the rest of the year. (Spoke to HB) / Ask the children to write these number on their boards.
10, 5 and 3.
Can they put them in order.
HA – 20, 16 and 28.
Count by rote.
What number do you say next.
Put in place.
P7 – to recognise numerals 1-5
Level 1 – order numbers to 10.
Level 2 – order number to 100. / Outcome
To be able to but a set of numbers in order.
Thurs 1st Session / Practise coming together onto the carpet.
And sitting in an appropriate manner. / We are learning to come together on the carpet.
We are learning to order numbers. / Explain:
Mrs thorn has a whiteboard and is writing the names of the children who are learning. They will get stickers at the end of the carpet session.
Also that you are putting on the timer and you want them to join in with the learning for this amount of time. When the timer has finished I will explain the activities and you can go and choose.
Give out number 1 to ten to different children and not in order. Ask the class to help you put them in order.
How can we do this?
By counting and then find the right next number.
Do this together. Counting each time to find the correct next number.
What comes next?
Activities. / We are learning to order numbers.
LA – pick three consecutive number cards from the pile and put them in order smallest to largest. (4,3,5) etc.
MA - ordering number sheet. Urbrainy.
Pip (display 100 square)
MA+ - sequence numbers 20 to 30.
HA – sequence number 30 to 100.
Adults to support independent activity behaviour. / Practise tidying up correctly.
Stop the children.
Ask the to tidy up their areas and then come and sit on the carpet.
Count by rote.
What number do you say next.
Put in place.
Choosing Activities
Sausage numbers Education city- maths – flower power.
Ordering the laminated football t-shirts on the carpet.(G) URBrainy sheets (G)
Lego sand outside.
Thurs 2nd Session / Practise coming together onto the carpet.
And sitting in an appropriate manner. / We are learning to order numbers. / Remind them of timer, Mrs Thorn with the board and stickers and expectations of their behaviour on the carpet.
Put the timer on.
Ask three children to stand up and give them 3 non consecutive numbers.
How can we order these?
Do it together. / Continue with activities and supporting the children with the correct independent activity behaviour. / Practise tidying up correctly.