Informal Enquiries : Mary Heyler – 0114 250 6730
DIRECTORATE / Children and Young People’s Directorate
SERVICE / Learning and Achievement Service
POST TITLE / Assistant Music Service Manager (Teaching and Learning)
Music Strategy Adviser and Head of Music Service
RESPONSIBLE FOR / Instrumental/Vocal Music TeachersHOLIDAY AND
- To be an advocate for access to high quality music education for all young people in every part of the City.
- To advise, challenge and influence teachers and other colleagues to continually develop the quality of teaching and learning.
- To support, develop and manage a large team of Music Service specialist teachers including the recruitment and mentoring of new teachers.
- To develop new opportunities for children from a wide range of backgrounds to participate in musical activities.
- To coordinate and lead activities including instrumental lessons, Wider Opportunities classes and ensembles which take place both in and outside of the school day and term-time.
JOB DESCRIPTION FOR POST OF: Assistant Music Service Manager (Teaching and Learning)
- To advocate for the improvement of the quality of music teaching through challenge, support and encouragement.
- To contribute to the identification of relevant schools, groups and service areas for improved access to musical opportunities for young people.
- To make a significant contribution to the Local Authority Music Plan in providing effective, coherent and co-ordinated music provision within identified cohorts and/or areas.
- To work in close collaboration with members of the Inclusion and Learning Service, cultural and Arts Council organisations and community groups to ensure that schools receive support for high quality music education for all young people.
- To provide training and consultancy for school based staff and to promote local activities and ensembles which are provided by schools or other cultural organisations.
- To provide advice and training to schools on provision for pupils with special educational needs and under-attaining groups of pupils to maximise their progress.
- To identify gifted and talented pupils and provide encouragement, advice and support for those with musical ability.
- To coordinate Wider Opportunities projects in schools.
- To ensure that wherever possible, projects during school hours are part of a wider strategy to establish new provision for activities outside of school hours.
- To lead and inspire instrumental teachers to continuously improve, share and develop good practice to include those who lead ensembles and large-group activities.
- To focus on the development of improved practice in Wider Opportunities teaching and learning including continuing professional development opportunities for Wider Opportunities teachers.
- To be responsible for the continuing development of good teaching and learning practice including improving schemes of work, planning and lesson content.
- To line-manage salaried and hourly paid instrumental teachers including one-to-one meetings and observations.
- To provide additional support to teachers who are identified as needing improvement including opportunities to visit other teachers and modelling good practice.
- To contribute to the content and delivery of continuing professional development opportunities for specialist music teachers.
- To keep records of visits and observations and to share these with the Head of Service and Management Team to identify areas for development and training.
- To be responsible for the recruitment and mentoring of new instrumental teachers.
- To direct ensembles and teach instrumental lessons as directed by the Head of Music Service.
- To teach Wider Opportunities Projects in schools.
- To ensure that the planning and delivery of teaching and ensembles direction is of a high standard and sets an example for less experienced teachers.
- To organise and manage residential courses by agreement with the Head of Service.
- To be available evenings and weekends to direct and lead and support activities which take place regularly outside of school hours.
- Devise and contribute to programmes which meet the priorities of the Standards Funds Music Grant 1.11, Music Manifesto, the Sheffield Children and Young People’s Plan and other relevant frameworks.
- Contribute to own performance management through diary management including leave and ‘time off in lieu’ records, notes of visits and reports and preparation for performance management.
- Attend Management Team Meetings of the Music Service, Extended Learning Team and Learning and Achievement Team meetings as required.
- Ensure own on-going professional development including attendance at conferences and courses as well as keeping up-to-date with relevant information and research.
- Undertake other such duties as the Executive director of the Children and Young People’s Directorate and/or Head of Service consider appropriate.
- To use own car for work.
- To ensure compliance with the data protection act.
- To work within an Equal Opportunities policy that ensures that no pupils are disadvantaged nor excluded on the grounds of race, gender, class or special educational needs.
- To be responsible for Health and Safety of pupils who attend ensembles at the Bannerdale Centre and in other venues.
- To attend termly Health and Safety Meetings at the Bannerdale Centre.
- To be aware of Health and Safety issues and staff responsibilities in relation to their work and that risk assessments are up-to-date and acted upon.
ISSUE DATE: December 2009
Person Specification
Knowledge, Skills, Experience / AssessmentExtensive experience of teaching a musical instrument and/or voice individually and in small and large groups. / Application/observation at interview
Extensive experience of leading and directing musical ensembles from beginning to senior level to a high standard. / Application/observation at interview
Good knowledge of current educational issues and an understanding of how children learn. / Application/Interview
Good knowledge of current resources and repertoire for instrumental lessons and ensembles. / Application/Interview
Ability to devise, plan, monitor and evaluate music projects and programmes / Application/prepared presentation at interview
Ability to manage and organise time / Application/written task at interview
Good knowledge of how schools are organised and current issues to do with teaching music in schools. / Application/interview
Experience of leading, motivating and managing instrumental teachers and ensemble directors / Application/written task at interview
Professional Qualifications
DCSF Qualified Teacher Status / Evidence
Music Degree or equivalent diploma from a Music Conservatoire / Evidence
High level of performance skills on instrument or in voice or equivalent professional experience / Evidence
Current driving license / Evidence
G:\CEX\OD and Communications\HRFirst-Admin\Recruitment Service\Adverts New Processes\Placed Adverts\0102 Assistant Manager\0102 JDPS.doc
Sheffield Music Plan
2008 – 2011
December 2009
Mary Heyler
Music Strategy Adviser and Head of Sheffield Music Service
Sheffield Music Service
Bannerdale Centre
Carterknowle Road
Sheffield S7 2EX
0114 250 6860
Sheffield Music Plan 2008 – 2011
1. Sheffield Music Service works with schools, families and partners to bring high quality musical experiences to every child’s personalised learning.
The Music Service provides:
- subsidised instrumental lessons
- central ensembles and theory classes
- affordable instrument hire
- subsidies for ‘Rare Breeds’ instrument lessons
- Sheffield Music Service Exams
- A large Associated Board Exams Centre
- residential courses and tours
- Music IT tuition for children with Special Needs
- professional development for teachers and community musicians
- advice and support for schools
- live performances and workshops
- links with partners including Sheffield Music School, Sheffield Academy, Sheffield Cathedral Singing Project and Musical Works, Music in the Round and YAMSEN (Yorkshire Association for Music for Special Educational Needs) City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra.
2. The development of the role of the Music Service and what it provides is guided by the following:
- Every Child Matters
be healthy
stay safe
enjoy and achieve
make a positive contribution
achieve economic well-being.
- Music Manifesto
- Sheffield City Council Corporate Plan 2008 – 2009 (A City of Opportunity)
- Children and Young People’s Plan 2007 - 2010
- Learning and Achievement Service Aims and Objectives (see below)
- Achievements in 2008/2009
In 2008/2009 the Music Service:
- appointed a new Assistant Manager for Access and Opportunities
- appointed a new Music Development Coordinator
- formed a new Music Development Team and appointed 5 additional teachers (total 9 teachers including one specialist singing teacher).
- increased number of Wider Opportunities Teachers from 4 to 15 through ‘trainee’ programme for hourly-paid staff.
- participated in Federation of Music Services Impact Survey of Wider Opportunities in 8 schools.
- reviewed pay and conditions for instrumental teachers consulted with HR, teaching unions and staff.
- established a Staff Development Team who carried out observations of all teaching staff.
- completed schemes of work for instrumental families
- devised and piloted a new Performance Management and Mentoring Scheme
- improved the quality of CPD for instrumental teachers (see evaluations) and increased attendance from 45% to 75%.
- conducted a noise survey at Bannerdale Ensembles
- audited Music Provision in all Secondary Schools
- recruited a Lead Professional (Primary)
- provided and evaluated CPD for Primary and Secondary Teachers
- worked closely with Sing Up to provide 5 twilight sessions and 3 Singing Days for teachers.
- worked with Music Leader to provide a Music Creativity Day for instrumental teachers and community musicians.
- organised two large-scale concerts at City Hall for Ensembles and Wider Opportunities classes involving over 1000 children and their families.
- introduced a new bursary scheme for 400 families
- re-designed and simplified ‘starter letter’ for instrumental tuition.
- shared data on children with special needs with teachers
- consulted with Headteachers in schools who are currently having Wider Opportunities Projects (City-wide) and Heads of Children’s Centres in Service District B
- delivered special workshops and live performances in majority of primary schools and concentrated efforts in Service District B.
- delivered Rock Projects in 4 Secondary Schools.
- took over the direct management of the ‘Powerplus’ GCSE Composition/IT project led by AST and involving ‘Music in the Round’ (RFO) + Gifted and Talented Funding.
- collected data for SEF as ‘baseline’ to track service improvement starting 2009/2010.
- launched Music Hub Project with joint concert with ‘Music in the Round’ (Arts Council RFO).
- made stronger links with City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra through instrumental teachers day.
- continued to work with Sheffield Music Academy to develop better governance.
- supported Youth Music project in North of City which will complement Music Hub initiative in North East.
- made a significant contribution to a successful ‘Customer Service Excellence’ evaluation and received a score of 90% in ‘Mystery Shopper’ exercise for business support team.
- Challenges 2008/2009
In 2008/2009 the Music Service met the following challenges:
- The Pay Review implementation was delayed whilst awaiting outcome from study of instrumental teachers’ pay and conditions commissioned by Federation of Music Services.
- Two attempts to work with one SCC consultant who left the post just before implementation and the second consultant who pointed out problems with the system have resulted in delays with the installation of a new database.
- Issues to do with recruitment of a team of music lead professionals have arisen. Headteachers and/or teachers invited did not want to take part.
- The learning platform has not got off the ground due to other priorities with managers’ workloads.
- Communication with the Musical Futures ‘Champion’ School have been poor resulting in clashes with other CPD.
- Plans to build relationships with SSAT colleges have met with difficulties due to long-term illness of one Head of Music and the other Academy’s decision to replace Music Service teachers as a cost-cutting exercise.
- External Evaluation 2009
Following an external evaluation (funded by the DCSF) in March 2009, the service was judged to be satisfactory overall with many good elements. The following recommendations were made in the report:
- To revise the music development plan placing its priorities more firmly within the Learning and Achievement Service.
- To continue the teaching and learning CPD programme.
- To clarify incremental changes to and implement revised pay and conditions of employment.
- Action Plan for 2009/2010
Vocal objectives in light grey
Inclusion and Learning Service Objectives / Lead / Met by / ECMRaise standards of achievement at a faster rate than the national average
- Improve Key Stage Three music assessment with working party of secondary teachers.
- Improve Wider Opportunities planning and assessment.
- Deliver singing project in 10 schools for 300 children in Northeast led by Lin Marsh.
- Win Sing Up Awards in 10 Schools to support literacy skills.
- Deliver ‘Creativity with Singing Games’ CPD and pack for Headteachers’ Conference and Primary Music Coordinators to boost creative literacy skills.
- Deliver singing project in Stocksbridge family of schools involving 150 children with Lead Professional funding.
- Promote and describe the new Primary Curriculum and links to literacy and numeracy.
- Post examples of good practice on Learning Platform.
- Ensure new database tracks pupil’s music progress and drop-out rates.
- Continue to support Powerplus composition project for GCSE music with Gifted and Talented funding
Improve the quality of teaching and learning
- Provide Open University Key Stage Two Music CPD Programme as a requirement for all Music Service Teachers in partnership with Rotherham. (Core modules including singing to be held in Sheffield)
- Ensure clear learning objectives is focus for 09/10 observations.
- Move 10% of teachers at ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’.
- Move 50% of ‘Satisfactory’ into ‘Good’
- Tackle all inadequate teaching within three weeks and begin procedures where necessary.
- Continue to support Sing Up, Musical Futures and Music Leader Kodaly Course.
- Plan and support South Yorkshire FMS conference day for all Music Service teachers
- Put a programme into place for looked-after children with LAC team.
- Ensure all Music Service teachers have completed SC Council safeguarding on-line short course.
- Meet with safeguarding team and key teachers to write new safeguarding policy + plan CPD
- Focus first set of practical improvements on Bannerdale ensembles.
- Issue guidance re swine flu
Helen Perry / 12/01/10
- Provide one CPD day for Music Service Teachers by Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)Team.
Improve the quality of leadership
- Improve relationships with school leaders through visits to schools (min 30 visits this year)
- Recruit new assistant Music Service Manager for Teaching and Learning fixed term to July 2011.
- Re-visit attempts to work in partnership with SSAT colleagues.
- Involve students in planning and support of City Hall concerts as beginning of student leadership programme.
- Involve work experience students in music service office Summer 2010
Elsie Elliott / 01/2010 / Make a positive contribu-
Gather customer feedback in a more consistent manner as a contribution to achieving the Customer Service Excellence standard.
- Involve partners in strategic planning including Music in the Round, Halle Orchestra, Extended Schools Coordinators, Arts Colleges, SSATs and others.
On-going / Enjoy and Achieve
- Ensure positive involvement in ‘City of Culture’ Bid.
- Send out and collate schools questionnaire re instrumental tuition and customer service.
- Repeat last year’s secondary students’questionnaire with new schools.
- Create feedback and pupil voice cycle and recording plan.
- Respond to feedback from pupils from Music in the Round performances.
- Create new publicity for the Music Service and send out clear information to schools and parents.
- Train managers in media and communications with ‘Think Again Media’
Plan for and monitor value for money across Service activities
- Implement new Pay and Rewards Strategy on agreed time-line with unions and phase two to be determined by confirmation of funding for September 2011.
Phase 1 / Enjoy and Achieve
- Create business plan with options for various funding scenarios post March 2011.
- Enstall database which tracks income against teaching hours etc.
- Ensure all teachers have agreed timetable of activities (hourly paid and MDTs)
- Ensure all schools have SLAs
- Move billing onto the main SCC (OEO) system to increase admin capacity for other tasks.
- Develop registration system for WOPPS and Pathways lessons
- Build relationships with a minimum of five external music/education organisations to ensure City-wide strategy beyond Music Service. Focal point to discuss feasibility of DCSF Music Partership Bid.
- Apply to Youth Music for singing project funding with City family of schools Extended Schools Coordinator
- Liase with Kate Lewis for BSF involvement in music accommodation.
Widen participation of children and young people in all parts of the City (Additional Music Service Objective)
- Increase number of schools having a Wider Opportunities class from 50% - 75%
- Increase number of children in Wider Opportunities classes from 1700 to 3000
- Introduce ‘Pathways’ lessons for continuation following WOPPS for 20 schools 375 children
Woodhead / 11/2009
- Music Hub Project in Service District B (Northeast) will
- increase children having WOPPS from 370 to 800
- involve 150 children in 5 new after-school ensembles
- increase ‘specialist’ instrumental tuition from 150 to 300 children.
- involve 5000 children in live performances and workshops
- deliver on-going music sessions including music IT and choir at Hinde House School (Secondary) for 300 children
- provide on-going music lessons at both Children’s Centres and nurseries.
- involve 700 children in own performances.
- Involve 15 adults in community choir
Helen Saunders / 07/2010
- Celebrate National Year of Music with Special Concert of Music Groups across the City and massed choir. Involve Adult Choir and apply to ‘Making Music’ for Secondary Choir project.
Ian Naylor / 03/2010
- Continue to support children with severe special needs through the Music IT programme
2009/2010 Budget Summary