MUSI 1306W – MUSIC APPRECIATIONTentative Class Calendar Spring 2015

Read textbook sections and listen to selections discussed in textbook. / QUIZZES/POSTS
(Due Wednesday) / ASSIGNMENTS
(Due Sunday)
Week 1 / Aug. 24-30 /
  1. Welcome
  2. Syllabus
  3. Self-Intro
  4. Register at Connect Kamien
  5. Song or Dance? Pitch
  6. Note Names
  7. Beat, Tempo, and Rhythmic Symbols
  8. Nonwestern Music
  9. Ompeh
  10. Maru-Bihag
/ By Sun., Aug. 30 –
  1. P1-Post self-introduction (1).
  2. A2- Complete your WIKI page. (By Friday, decide who will complete which pages on non-western music. By Sunday, complete your page.)

Week 2 / Aug. 31 – Sept. 6 /
  1. Complete your WIKI pages.
  2. Watch Lectures on Medieval Chant and on Renaissance Music (EC – post another chant or another Renaissance madrigal or Renaissance motet)
  3. Alleluia
  4. As Vesta Was Descending
/ By Wed., 9/2
  1. Q1-Syllabus Quiz
/ By Sun., Sept. 6 –
  1. A2-Complete Team WIKI pages

Week 3 / Sept. 7-13 /
  1. Write a 300-500 word Essay on Nonwestern Music. Proof Nonwestern Music essay before submitting and check my comments on your submitted comparison WS. Have tutoring center review it twice for 5 extra points!
  2. Baroque (EC – post another Baroque composer or composition)
  3. Handel: Hallelujah
  4. Vivaldi: Spring
By Wed., 9/9
  1. Q2-Nonwestern Music
  2. Q3-Medieval Chant & Renaissance Madrigal
  3. Q4-Team Peer Evaluation for WIKI pages
  4. A3A-Submit NW comparison WS.
/ By Sun., Sept. 13 –
Week 4 / Sept. 14-20 /
  1. Watch Lectures on Classical and Romantic Music (EC – post a composition by a different Classical composer or a different Romantic composer)
  2. Classical - Beethoven 5th Symphony, Mvt. 1
  3. Romantic
  1. Chopin: Nocturne
  2. Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique
/ By Wed. 9/16
  1. A3B –Nonwestern Essay
  2. Q4 on Baroque Music
  3. Q5-Listening Quiz 1
/ By Sun., Sept. 20
Week 5 / Sept. 21–27 /
  1. Impressionism- Debussy: Prelude
  2. Stravinsky: Rite of Spring
  3. Whitacre: Lux
  4. Armstrong: Jazz
/ By Wed. 9/23
  1. Q6 on Classical and Romantic Era
/ By Sun., Sept. 27 –
Week 6 / Sept. 28–Oct. 4 /
  1. Take the Pretest for Exam I several times to prepare for
    Midterm Exam
  2. Take Midterm Exam between Oct. 2 and Oct. 8
/ By Wed. 9/30
  1. Q7-Quiz on Contemporary Styles
  2. Q8-Listening Quiz 2
/ By Sun., Oct. 4 –
  1. Study for Midterm Exam

Week 7 / Oct. 5-11 /
  1. Take the Pretest for Exam I several times to prepare for
    Exam 1.
  2. Take Midterm Exam between Oct. 2 and Oct. 8
/ By Wed. 10/7 / Midterm Exam due Oct. 8
Concert Report 1 is due by midnight, Thursday Oct. 8
Week 8 / Oct. 12-18 / Vocal Music through the Ages
  1. JosquinDesPrez – Ave Maria
  2. Dowland – Lute Song
  3. Schubert – Erlkőnig
  4. Schoenberg –Mondestrunken
  1. Baroque Opera
  2. Monteverdi – Tu se Morta
  3. Purcell – Dido’s Lament
/ By Wed., 10/14
Week 9 / Oct. 19-25 / Opera
  1. Classical Opera– Mozart: Don Giovanni
  2. Romantic Opera –
  3. Puccini: La Boheme
  4. Wagner: Die Walkűre
  5. Contemporary Opera – Glass: Einstein at the Beach
/ By Wed., 10/21
Week 10 / Oct. 26-Nov. 1 / Concertos
  1. Baroque Concerto Grosso and Concerto
  2. Bach – Concerto Grosso in D, Mvt 1
  3. Vivaldi – Spring Concerto, all mvts
  4. Mozart – Piano Concerto, Mvt 1
    Double exposition form
/ By Wed., 10/28
Q10 – Solo Songs, Motet, Madrigal
Q11 – Opera Arias and Choruses / Concert Report 2is due by midnight, Thursday Oct. 29
Week 11 / Nov. 2-8 / Concertos
  1. Mendelssohn – Violin Concerto, Mvt. 1
  2. Zwilich – Concerto Grosso 1985, Mvt 1
/ By Wed., 11/4
Quizzes 2:
Q 12 – Concerto and Concerto Grosso / By Sunday, Nov. 8 --
Week 12 / Nov. 9-15 / Instrumental Music
  1. Bach Bourrée
  2. Mozart Symphony #40, Mvt 1
  3. Haydn Surprise, Mvt 2
  4. Beethoven String Quartet, Mvt 4
/ By Wed., 11/11 / By Sun., Nov. 15 -
Week 13 / Nov. 16-22 / Classical
  • Beethoven – 5th Symphony – all mvts
  1. Smetana Moldau
    Symphonic Poem
  2. Dvorak – New World Symphony, Mvt 1
/ By Wed., Nov. 18
Quizzes 2:
Q13 –Baroque and Classical Orchestral
Q14 – Romantic Orchestra Music / By Wed., Nov. 18 or Thurs., Nov. 19
Week 14 / Nov. 30- Dec. 6 / Part VI: 20th Century
  1. Schoenberg – A Survivor from Warsaw
  2. Varèse – Poèmeélectronique
  3. Ginastera – Estancia Suite – Malambo
/ By Wed., Dec. 2 –
Quizzes 2:
Q15 – Expressionism and Serialism
Q16 – Electronic Music & 20th Century
Week 15 / Dec. 7-11 /
  1. REVIEW for final exam
  2. Take the PRETEST for the final exam.
/ Concert Report 3is due by midnight, Tuesday,Dec. 8
Week 16 / Dec. 11-16 / Take FINAL EXAMin TESTING CENTER