Work Journal

Basic Craft Based Learning HA 2

Student Name: ______

Student Number: ______

Semester: ______

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  1. Distinguish the basic cooking methods applied
  2. Utilizing food produce and equipment correctly
  3. Demonstrate some basic knife skills
  4. Adhere to f basic rules of personal conduct, energy conservation, minimizing wastage, food hygiene and sanitation during storing, production and serving of food
  5. Comprehend the role the recipe, the production schedule and the work plan have quality assurance minimizing waste
  6. Recognize the importance of time management, planning and team work in food production
  7. Comprehend the flow of food, the role the kitchen department and the chefs play in the F&B Department

In reflective Journal/Note taking

In you reflective note taking you are trying to write down some of the thinking that you have been through while carrying out a particular practical activity or where instructed or lectured about a task or activity. It can be a combination of all.

Through reflection, you should be able to make sense of what you were taught and did and why and perhaps help yourself to do it better next time.

We are interested in the kind of writing that you do for assessment.

You are often asked to provide a record of what you did plus a reflection of how you did it and how you are using what you are taught in your classes and any practical experience you are gaining to do this.

Reflective note taking gives you the chance to think about what you are doing more deeply and to learn from your experience.

Writing your thoughts down makes it easier for you to think about them and make connections between what you are thinking, what you are being taught and what you are doing. Your written reflection will also serve as a source of reference and evidence in the future.


I n your notes we do not like to see any duplication from the work book questions.

The notes and the workbook are written in your own words they are not copied pasted from the web and they are not copied from your friends.

If we find any sign of plagiarism in any form you will receive a zero grade

This template should not be the note taking document for class. Use a small note pad that fits into your chef’s uniform and transfers the final notes to the work journal

Lay out and the use of English is part of the grading

You are encouraged to take lots of notes however for the journal submission per topic is limited to the on page. You are encouraged to learn how to summarize

Use graphics, photos and mind maps only if it assists improving the reflection and assisting in making point

Information about your goals and your back ground

Why I enrolled into LRJJ and how my studies will support my future goals.

What I expect from the CBL kitchen course

What grade I like to achieve and what I will do to achieve this grade

Information about myself, about my family, my home, my schooling and what I like

My notes page

  • Mise en place
  • Classification ofStocks, Soups, Sauces
  • Thickening agents
  • Needs to include at least something about knife skills and basic cutting

Handling, different application, technique, speed, realization, importance etc

  • Needs to include something about food ingredients you used during your classes

Research, detail, use, quality, differentiate quality, category, etc.

  • Needs to include something different about 5 different cooking methods

Observed, applied, importance, differentiation etc

  • Needs to include at least something about different temperature for cooking and storing. Reasons, observations, conclusion, future application, importance etc
  • Needs to include something about HACCP, CCP and Serve safe, cleaning and chemical.
  • Need to be specifically about your learning exposure to the bakery and pastry

Setup, organization, important tasks, food items, timing etc.

  • Needs to include something about you breakfast and front of guest experience

Setup, organization, important tasks, food items, timing, interaction with guest.

Basic cooking method

  1. In which temperature range are food products cooked?
  1. Which metal we use mostly for cooking utensils and equipment


Elaborate your answer:


  1. What are none stick surfaces made of and why do they prevent food from sticking


  1. Explain the heat transfer of the equipment in the LRJJ Kitchen
  1. What is the difference between (a) boiling and (b) simmering?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  1. Why is the water salted for blanching vegetables?


  1. Name 6 food products suitable for sautéing:
  1. ______d. ______
  2. ______e. ______
  3. ______f. ______
  1. List two different food items from each category that are optimal for grilling:
  1. Vegetables:______
  1. Beef:______
  1. Crustaceans:______
  1. Name the 5 cooking degrees that can be applied for grilling red meat.


  1. What kind of food is suitable for deep-frying (give at least six examples)?




  1. Why should you not overload the deep fat fryer with food, and what would be the consequences if you would do so?



  1. What are the signs of spoiled oil in a deep fat fryer? (name 3)




  1. Which kitchen appliances are suitable for roasting?



  1. Explain why roasted meat should be kept in a warm place for a short time after roasting:


  1. Name 2 items for each category than can be baked.



Fish ______


Pasta/ potatoes______




  1. Describe the three phases of braising red meat:

1st phase:

2nd phase:

3rd phase:

  1. Which vegetables are particularly suitable for glazing?


  1. What kind of heat is used for gratinating?


  1. Briefly explain the basic cooking method of “Poaching”.


  1. List five different ways in which poaching is carried out and list one food examples for each method:

a. / b. / c. / d. / e.
food / food / food / food / food
  1. What kind of food is suitable for steaming?


  1. What are the benefits of steaming?


Basic stocks

1. Why do you put the bones on in cold water for blanching?


2. What is the purpose of roasting the bones for some stocks?


3. Name two types of stock have you seen being produced at LRJJ?



Basic Sauces

1. What is the purpose of the sauce within a dish? (Detail)

a. ______

b. ______

2. What is a demi-glace?

3. How can you make a white sauce and what is important?


4. What do you have to consider in the preparation of a Hollandaise?


5. Why is it important to pay attention to hygiene in the preparation of hollandaise sauce?


6. Name the ratio of oil to vinegar ______:______in the preparation of a vinaigrette sauce.

7. What is it not advisable to make homemade mayonnaise? If we make it fresh what should we consider?


Basic Soups

1. What are the main purposes of the soup within the menu?


2. How much soup is calculated for one appetizer serving?

3. Give the name of soup and country(10 different)

Thickening Agents

1 List at least one thickening agents for the following group

2. Describe the differences between a roux and a beurre manié.

Roux: ______

Beurre manie: ______

6. How do you apply gelatin?

Dairy products

1.Explain the products that are made from milk.

2.Give the name of milk Products.

3. Different names of cheeses which is used at LRJJ kitchen.

4. How can you identify the freshness of an egg?



5. Where is it advisable to use pasteurized eggs in the food production?


Rice & Pasta

  1. Name the 3 different types of rice and its use in the kitchen




  1. How much uncooked rice to you calculates for one serving?


  1. Name the basic ingredients for fresh pasta.



  1. How much uncooked pasta are you calculating for one serving?

As a main dish: ______

As a side dish: ______

  1. Different variety of pasta (Name 6).





1. Name the chicken cuts below

2. Name all the parts of a lamb

3. Name the various cuts of beef tenderloin

5. Explain how to store fish correctly


6. What is the correct way of storing meat and at what temperature?


7. How to label food correctly. What needs to be indicated on the food label?



Cold Kitchen

1. What types of dressing were you able to prepare during your cold kitchen work?





2. Parts of Sandwich, explain.


3. Different Name of the lettuce which is used in LRJJ kitchen.

Basic Accounting terms

1. Define the following basic terms that are part of kitchen management






Sales price______



Cooking Shrinkage______

Gross weight______


Serving portion______

Usable waste______

2. Calculate the weight loss for the following item

Lamb rack gross weight: 458 g

Net weight: 414 g

Show formula ______

Calculate the above weight loss in percentage show formula______

3. Why is it essential for a chef to know the weight loose of food items during preparation and cooking.______

4. You peel 22 kg of carrots during peeling you lose 15% of the weight. How much carrots you have left after peeling.______

5. You need to prepare vealsteak for a banquet of 200 persons. You are going to serve 180g veal steak / person. You lose a total of 15% of weight during preparation (trimmings) and 7% during roasting cooking. How much veal steak to youhave to order from the butcher for this banquet?

6. The following ingredients for a recipe are for 10 persons. You need to prepare this recipe for 70 persons. Calculate the total food needed for this recipe.


For 10 person / For 70 person
20g / Butter
100g / Onions
80g / Leek
450g / Broccoli
1,5l / Chicken stock
200ml / Cream
10g / Salt
3g / Pepper white

7. The following ingredients for a recipe are for 30 persons. You need to prepare this recipe for 5 persons. Calculate the total food needed for this recipe.


For 30 person / For 5 person
60g / Butter
180G / Onions
60g / Garlic
300g / Mushrooms button
48g / Mushrooms dried
240ml / White wine
1,8l / Brown stock
300ml / Sauce Demi-glace
450ml / Cream
15g / Salt
9g / Pepper

1-Top Chef from your country



c-Food concept:

d-Restaurant name and location


2-Food trends

a-What are nowadays the most popular food trends (list minimum 5)

b-Choose two and describe what is it.

c-As a future F&B professional, investor or food enthusiastic give me your opinion about it

3-Recipe from your country or region

d-Introduction and history behind this recipe

e-Most important ingredient in this recipe

f-Recipe itself for 10people

g-Follow the sample below

Recipe: Aioli Sauce


20gregg yolk

20grdijon mustard

20mlolive oil


20mllemon juice



  1. in a bowl, whisk together the dijon mustard and egg yolk.
  2. slowly pour in olive oil while whisking rapidly.
  3. after all the olive oil is in the mixture, blend in the garlic and lemon juice.
  4. season with salt and pepper.
  5. Serve with ?????? hot/cold?????

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