Murkonia Integrated NTD Database: PLAN FOR Historical Entry / July 24, 2014 /

Information for this report is generated from the data review meeting sessions and training on Integrated NTD Database in the capital of Murkonia from July 7-July 18. This document outlines the plan for historical data collection, data cleaning, review, analysis, and data entry for PC NTDsinto the database. It is targeted that historical data entry process will be completed by October 31, 2014. The NTD Control Program in Murkonia started in 2001; therefore, historical data from 2001-2014 will be entered into the database.

Table of Contents

Integrated NTD Database




User access and responsibilities



Historical Data Entry

Sources of data

Quality Control of data

Timeline of data entry

Criteria/assumptions for historical data entry



Disease Distribution




Proposed budget

Integrated NTD Database


The Integrated NTD Database (database) will be stored on the shared drive at the Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) in Murkonia Ministry of Health. Individuals will need to be at the MoH and will need access to the local area network (LAN) in order to connect to the database. A computerdedicated for NTDs will be used for data storage. The computer uses the Windows Operating System, has Microsoft Office 2007 and is also connected to internet.


Theprimary computer where the database is housed will be password protected and the password will be kept by the administrator and data enterer. The folder where the database is stored will be password protected and only administrator, data enterers, and data viewerswill have access.


Database will be backed up automatically in addition to manual backup.

Automatic:Two external hard drives will be programmed to automatically back up the Integrated NTD Database access file daily at 9pm rotating between the two on a weekly basis.

Manual:Data enterer will manually save the Integrated NTD Database file in the local computer at the end of the day using the date. The file with the most recent date should be used the next time.

User access and responsibilities

During the historical data entry period, it is decided that the access to the database will be limited to the administrators and data enterers that are identified and agreed upon in collaboration with the MoH. This is to streamline the process of data entry and ensure uniformity. Access and privileges for all users will be reviewed on November 1, 2014 once the historical data entry has been completed.


The administratorwill assign user names and user settings for all the users of the NTD database. A request to change user settings will need to be formally sent to the administrator. See the list below for all the users of the NTD database.

Title / Name / User Settings
NTD M&E Coordinator / Petey Cruiser / Admin
Assistant NTD M&E Coordinator / Paul Molive / Admin
Data manager / Mario Speedwagon / Data enterer I
Data manager / Anna Sthesia / Data enterer II
Data manager / Gail Forcewind / Data viewer
Data manager / Nick R. Bocker / Data viewer
Program manager / Barb Ackue / Data viewer
Program manager / Buck Kinnear / Data viewer
Program manager / Greta Life / Data viewer
Program manager / Ira Membrit / Data viewer
NTDs Program Director / Shonda Leer / Data viewer


For the purposes of entering historical NTD data into the database, only the administratorswill have administrative access to the database. Data enterers will be responsible for entering data into the database. Thedata managers and program managerswill be provided data entry access to the database at an agreed upon time after November 1, 2014.


The administrators will be responsible for the following activities during the historical data entry process:

  • Identify and assign privileges to different users
  • Work with program and data managers to identify and agree on the indicators to be included in the database, including custom indicators
  • Review indicators in the Import files downloaded from the database to ensure all relevant data is collected
  • Verify the data entered into the database by data enterer
  • Other duties as needed during the historical data entry period
Data enterer

The data enterers will be responsible for the following activities during the historical data entry process:

  • Collect data from agreed sources, including demographic data and redistricting events.
  • Download Disease Distribution, Survey, Intervention, and Process Indicators excel spreadsheets.
  • Enter historical data in the pre-populated excel spreadsheets.
  • Upload excel spreadsheets after validation.
  • Enter PC NTDs data from 2001-2014 in the database.
  • Develop a folder for saving raw data (database spreadsheets and reports) on the shared drive and hand over this folder to the administrator at the end of the data entry period.
  • Record any technical issues with the database and report to the administrators.
  • Communicate regularly with the administratorsregarding their progress, e.g., providing updates on status and any challenges faced.
  • Hand over all relevant historical data to the administrator in a timely manner in order to reach specified deadlines.
  • Other duties as assigned by administrators.
Data viewer

The data viewers will be responsible for the following activities during the historical data entry process:

  • Work with administrator, program, and data managers as applicable to agree on the indicators to be included in the database including custom indicators
  • Collaborate with the coordinators at Province and District levels to collect historical data not currently available at the MoH in a timely manner.
  • Review data entered in the database and communicate with data enterers/administrators in case of data discrepancy.
  • Other duties as assigned by administrators.

Historical Data Entry

District will be selected as the aggregating level. However, sub-district level data will be entered for diseases, as applicable and available. Data will be entered for the following administrative levels:

Disease / Administrative levels
LF / Province/district levels
Oncho / Province/district/sub-district levels
Schisto / Province/district/sub-district levels
STH / Province/district levels
Trachoma / Province/district/sub-district levels

Sources of data

Refer to the table below for where NTD historical data is stored and the individuals or organizations who should be contacted to collect this data.

Item / Location of data / Who should be contacted?
Population / Murkonia Bureau of Statistics / Director, Murkonia Bureau of Statistics
Growth Rate / Murkonia Bureau of Statistics / Director, Murkonia Bureau of Statistics
Population Breakdowns / Estimate based on Murkonia Bureau of Statistics / N/A
Disease Distribution, Survey, Intervention
LF / LF Data Manager’s Office/Computer / LF Data Manager
Oncho / Oncho Data Manager’s Computer / Oncho Data Manager
Schisto / Schisto Data Manager’s Computer / Schisto Data Manager
STH / STH Data Manager’s Computer / STH Data Manager
Trachoma / Trachoma Data Manager’s Office/Computer / Trachoma Data Manager
Morbidity management
LF / LF Data Manager’s Office / LF Data Manager
Trachoma / Trachoma Data Manager’s Office / Trachoma Data Manager
Process Indicators
Supply Chain Management / Low priority for historical data
Training / Not needed for historical data
SAEs / Program Managers’ Computer / Program Managers of respective diseases

Quality Control of data

The following steps will be taken to ensure the quality control of data:

  1. Data enterer I and II will prepare a list of questions about data discrepancy and meet with administrator to discuss.
  2. Data enterer II will review all the Excel spreadsheets before data enterer I uploads them into the database.
  3. Run reports after entering data for every year and meet with MoH team for data verification. Make changes to the data in the database based on a final decision, if needed. Data enterer should make a log of all the questions and decisions made.
  4. Data viewers will review data entered in the database on a weekly basis and communicate with data enterers/administrators in case of data discrepancy.

Timeline of data entry

Murkonia has redistricted into multiple provinces and districts since 2001. Therefore, data will be entered on a yearly basis. The following steps will be followed for data entry:

  • Step 1: Setup the database for the total number of districts in 2001.
  • Step 2: Enter data (demography, disease distribution, intervention, surveys, etc.) for 2001. Use bulk import feature for importing data in batches.
  • Step 3: Use redistricting feature available in the database when redistricting occurred.
  • Step 4: Enter data for the new number of districts after redistricting (demography, disease distribution, intervention, surveys, etc.).Use bulk import feature for importing data in batches.
  • Step 5: Repeat Steps 1-4 to enter data till 2014. If there were no redistricting in a particular year, skip Step 3.

Historical data entry will be prioritized in the following order:

Year / Data to be entered / Due Date for entering in database / Type of redistricting / Total number of districts in Murkonia
2001 / Demography
Disease Distribution
Process Indicators / Aug 1, 2014 / 25
2002 / Aug 8, 2014 / 25
2003 / Aug 15, 2014 / Split / 40
2004 / Aug 15, 2014 / 40
2005 / Aug 22, 2014 / Split/Merge / 55
2006 / Aug 29, 2014 / 55
2007 / Sept 5, 2014 / 55
2008 / Sept 12, 2014 / 55
2009 / Sept 19, 2014 / Merge / 53
2010 / Sept 26, 2014 / 53
2011 / Oct 4, 2014 / 53
2012 / Oct 11, 2014 / 53
2013 / Oct 18, 2014 / Split / 60
2014 / Oct 25, 2014 / 60

Criteria/assumptionsfor historical data entry

Criteria outlined below will be used for historical data entry. During this period, all assumptions/decisions made should be recorded.


  • If data are not available for required indicators, a proxy value will be entered as follows:
  • Text field: Enter ‘Not known’.
  • Number field: A code should be made and noted in the log book
  • Date field: The 15th of a month will be recorded as a proxy date if an exact day of a month is unknown. A best guess will be made if an exact date within a year is unknown.


  • Census population from the National Census BureauStatistics will be used for district’s total population.
  • National level percentage will be used to estimate male and female population, and PSAC and SAC population.

Disease Distribution

  • If a district is endemic for LF, population at-risk, and population requiring PC will be the district’s total population.
  • If a district endemic for LF has completed MDA and is under surveillance, population living in the districts that achieved criteria for stopping PC will be the district’s total population.
  • If a district is endemic for oncho, population at-risk will be the total population of endemic focal areas.
  • If a district endemic for oncho has completed MDA and is under surveillance, population living in the districts that achieved criteria for stopping PC will the total population of endemic focal areas.
  • If a district is endemic for Schisto, population at-risk will bethe total population of endemic communities. SAC at-risk will be the district’s SAC population. Population requiring PC will be total SAC population in endemic communities.
  • If a district is endemic for STH, population at-risk will be the district’s total population. PSAC and SAC at-risk will be the district’s PSAC and SAC population. Population requiring PC will be the sum of SAC at-risk and PSAC at-risk.
  • If a district is endemic for trachoma, population at-risk will be the district’s total population.
  • If a district endemic for trachoma has completed district-level MDA and is conducting sub-district level treatment, population at-risk will be the total population of endemic sub-districts.
  • If a district endemic for trachoma has completed MDA and is under surveillance, population living in areas that have achieved criteria for stopping district-level PC will be the district’s total population.


  • If multiple surveys exist for mapping, regardless of the district’s endemicity, list all surveys under 'mapping'.
  • For age range in LF mapping,
  • Before 2002, enter age range as ‘Not known’.
  • For 2002-2011, enter age range as‘13-65 years’.
  • 2012 onwards, use the available age range.


  • The total target population for LF MDA should be the total eligible population in the WHO Annual Report. If the total target population is not available, 85% of total population will be used as an estimate. For males/females, PSAC, and SAC target population:
  • 2001-2010: Will not be entered
  • 2011 onwards: Enter from WHO reports
  • The total treated population for LF MDA should come from the WHO Annual Report. For males/females, PSAC, and SAC treated population:
  • 2001-2010: Will not be entered (leave it blank)
  • 2011 onwards: Enter from WHO reports
  • The total treated population for Oncho, schisto, STH, and trachoma should be taken from the data records available with the data managers for the respective diseases. For males/females, PSAC, and SAC treated population:
  • 2001-2012: Will not be entered
  • 2013 onwards: Reports provided by districts
  • When a district is treated with a single drug package, the treatment will count for a specific disease, for example, IVM for oncho, PZQ for schisto, ALB or MBD for STH, etc.
  • When a district is treated with IVM+PZQ+ALB and if a district is co-endemic for LF, oncho, schisto, and STH, the treatment will count as one round for all four diseases.
  • When a district is treated with IVM+ALB
  • If a district is co-endemic for LF, oncho, and STH, the treatment will count as one round for all three diseases.
  • If a district is co-endemic for LF and STH, the treatment will count as one round for both diseases.
  • If a district is endemic for LF only, the treatment will count for LF only.
  • When a district is treated with IVM+PZQ and if a district is co-endemic for LF, and Schisto, the treatment will count as one round for both diseases.
  • When a district is treated with PZQ+ALB or PZQ+MBD, and if a district is co-endemic for schisto and STH, the treatment will count as one round for both diseases
  • LF Morbidity Management data should be compiled from the WHO Annual Report which provides the number of cases by clinical type in a cumulative fashion for all years except 2013.
  • TT surgeries data should be compiled from the reports sent to ITI


  • Serious Adverse Events will be recorded only after 2005 as data before 2005 are not available.

Proposed budget

Item / Unit Cost (USD) / Number of Units / Total (USD)
Anti-virus software / 50.00/year / 1 / 50.00
External Hard Drive / 150.00 / 2 / 300.00
Internet / 40.00/month / 12 months / 480.00
Phone / 300.00 / 1 / 300.00
Phone rechargecard / 25.00 / 10 / 250.00
Total / 1,380.00