Murder of Cleitus

Date: Autumn of 328BC

Events before: Policy of Fusion,

Murder of Parmenio and Philotas

Events After: Proskynesis

Pages conspiracy

Sogdian Rock

Key people involved:


Cleitus was a friend of Alexander’s father, Philip the II, and Commander of the Royal Squadron of the companions. He was “a naturally surly person with a bad temper”- Plutarch.


At this point in time, Alexander was keen on fusing the Persian and Greek culture together, and being the leader of the new race.


A lot of wine drunk at a drinking party, someone began chanting verses written to insult and mock the Macedonian commanders, recently defeated by the natives. Older members were offended but Alexander and his group enjoyed it asking the singer to continue. Cleitus became extremely angry and a screaming match followed by him and Alexander. The words exchange indicate Cleitus’ disapproval of the Policy of Fusin and Alexander’s elevation of himself to the status of Son of Ammon-Ra. Angry, Alexander threw an apple at Cleitus and reached for his dagger, however a bodyguard had removed it. People tried to calm Alexander but he jumped to his feet and shouted in the Macedonian dialect “to sound the emergency alarm”. (the trumpeter did not obey. He was later commended for preventing complete uproar.) Cleitus was forced out of the banqueting tent but came back, reciting a verse from one of Euripides plays in which the speaker laments the “power of the kings”. Alexander snatched a spear from one of the bodyguards and killed Cleitus. Aware of what he had done Alexander tried to kill himself but was stopped by bodyguards. Alexander lay on his bed for three days refusing to eat or drink until persuaded that the tragedy was inevitable.

This outcome shows us that the widespread doubt in Alexander’s contemporary polices and actions affected him personally when confronted with it.⨪


At a drinking party in Maracanda in Sogdiana.


Resentment of some Macedonians to the policy of fusion. Cleitus’ anger was felt by many other leading Macedonians felt about Alexander’s pretension to be the Son of Zeus – Ammon. Many would also have seen this as rejection and disrespect of Philip.


Snatched a spear from guard and ran it through him.


Snippets from the argument;

Cleitus; “it was the blood of the Macedonians and these wounds that made you grand enough to disown Philip and claim Ammon as your father” – Plutarch.

Cleitus; “Alas! What evil customs we have in Greece…” – Plutarch

Alexander; “Don’t you think that Greeks among Macedonians are like demigods among wild beasts?” – Plutarch

Cleitus; “Go and live with foreigners, slaves who will bow down before your Persian girdle and your white tunic.” – Plutarch


There was no lasting resentment they even condemned Cleitus and wanted to deny him burial. Maybe Cleitus had been unpopular due to his ‘surly’ nature or the ordinary soldiers did not want to object to Alexander’s action, probably through fear.

This shows us that Alexander was both feared and respected by his men, and liked more than Cleitus. There was no real affect on the campaign.