Village of Lyndonville Electric Department
PO Box 167, 119 Park Avenue, Lyndonville 05851


Attendance: Sue Mills, Doug Conly, Ron Aiken, Chris Hunter and Bill Humphrey.

  • Meeting called to order at 6:22pm
  1. Approval of Meeting Agenda:Bill added an Executive Session for personnel matters to the agenda, Motion for approval by Chris, seconded by Ron, passed by consensus.
  2. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: Motion for approval made by Chris, seconded by Doug, passed 3 to 0, Ron abstained.
  3. Village Money Purchase Plane Trustee: Bill remined the Board that during the 04_24/17 meeting, agenda item #3 three, the Board approved both Bill Humphrey and Clay Bailey as co-trustees for the Village Money Purchase Plan. Furthermore, by working with the Town Clerk’s office, it was a mutual decision that the Village would be best served if a representative from both the Light Department and the Village shared trustee responsibilities. The Board agreed that would better serve all Village employees. Chris made the motion to remove Clay Bailey as co-trustee for the Village Money Purchase Plan and Justin Smith be named in his place. Seconded by Ron, motion passed by consensus.
  4. VLCT to Move LED WC Insurance into Assign Risk: Bill informed the Board that VLCT informed LED that their Workmen’s Compensation Insurance is to be move into Assigned Risk and will be pick up by vendor other than VLCT. The decision was made by VLCT due to LED’s WC claimsnegatively impacting the Village of Lyndonville as well as other municipalities with electric departments within the State of Vermont. VLCT stated that being in the Assigned Risk pool LED’s WC premium should drop from $102,147, paid in 2017, to approximately $28,000 annually. Bill stated that it was further explained by VLCT that the reduction in premium was attributable tohistory not being a consideration in premiums within Assigned Riskas it currently is with VLCT insurance of LED, where five years of “experience” (history) is use in premium determination. VLCT said they have moved municipal fire departments into Assign Risk, netting savings to the municipality. This move should save the Department approximately $75,000 annually. Bill stated that if all of VLCT’s statements are accurate the only down side would be on the customer service of future claims however, thatwould be dependent on the vendor whoinsured the Light Department. No action was necessary.
  5. Bill Walker’s Land Swap Request: The Board was shown maps of the proposed land parcels that Bill Walker would like to exchange with LED. Deliberation ensued however, it was decided by consensus of the Board that matter be tabled to a later dated to allow members to contemplate the proposal. No action was taken.
  6. Mural Request on Side of Grove Street Garage: Brandon Mazur, on behalf of Lyndonville’s Downtown Revitalization Team, contacted Bill inquiring if LED would allow a mural on the Main Street side of the garage at 46 Grove Street. The Board was agreeable to the idea but would like more detail on subject matter and design and ask Bill the further the conversation with Mr. Mazur. No action was taken.
  1. Executive Session for Personnel Matters:At 6:41pm a motion to move into executive session for personnel matters was made by Ron, seconded by Chris. Bill brought the Board out of executive session at 6:43 pm. No action was taken.
  2. Adjournment: by consensus at6:44pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bill Humphrey

General Manager