EPCF Grant Allocations - General Information for Applicants

EPCF Grant Allocations - General Information for Applicants

EPCF Grant Allocations - General Information for Applicants

The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation (EPCF) awards grants to charitable organisations and community groups on the Eyre Peninsula. The EPCF believes that local charitable organisations, community groups and proactive and visionary individuals can make a real difference to the development of our communities and wants to provide grants to assist these groups to give even better services in the future.

General Criteria

In assessing applications for a grant the EPCF will give priority to projects which:

  • Are locally run and led,
  • Use volunteers for most tasks,
  • Involve minority or disadvantaged groups,
  • Are innovative and demonstrate community collaboration,
  • Are focused on sustainable long term community development and capacity building, and
  • Demonstrate good operational and management practices.

Innovation and New Ideas

The EPCF is keen to respond to new issues and initiatives as they arise and will listen to unusual requests – particularly ideas for community projects that are normally not eligible for assistance from traditional funding programs. Don’t be afraid to ring and ask if the EPCF can help with unusual and innovative project ideas.

What we Fund

  • The EPCF is keen to support projects that involve other funding partners.
  • Grants are allocated to regions, towns, neighbourhoods and community groups across the Eyre Peninsula.

What we do not Fund

The EPCF will not allocate grants for the following purposes:

  • Projects outside the Eyre Peninsula - unless a strategic link with benefits for the Eyre Peninsula can be clearly demonstrated.
  • Sponsorship and fundraising events.
  • Small contributions to major appeals.
  • Endowments.
  • Political or religious groups.
  • Lobby groups.
  • Projects which are clearly the funding jurisdiction of local, State and Australian Government.

How to Apply

You must complete a Grant Application Form. Before completing the form, you are encouraged to contact the EPCF to discuss your ideas particularly if you are unsure whether your project meets the funding criteria.

Grant Application Form – Organisations


Organisation Name / Click here to enter text.
Postal Address / Click here to enter text.
Street Address / Click here to enter text.
Telephone number / Click here to enter text.
Facsimile Number / Click here to enter text.
Contact Person Name / Click here to enter text.
Contact Person Telephone / Click here to enter text.
Contact Person Email / Click here to enter text.
ABN Number: / Click here to enter text.
Tax Status / Click here to enter text.
GST: Have you registered for GST? / Please Tick: YES NO
Name of Grant Project or Activity / Click here to enter text.
Amount of Grant Being Requested / Click here to enter text.
Applicant Declaration:
I, (insert name)
Am authorised by the organisation to make this application on its behalf and declare that all of the information provided is true and correct.
Applicant Signature:
Date Signed: / Click here to enter a date.

NOTE: Please provide a signed hardcopy of this cover sheet when you provide the hardcopy attachments required with this application.


Please provide the following information. Use the headings as listed and write briefly and concisely. The EPCF will contact you if further information or clarification is required.

History & Purpose: Give a brief description of the history and charter of your organisation.
Click here to enter text.
Current Activities and Population Served: Summarise the current activities and past accomplishments of your organisation and list the key characteristics of the population your organisation serves – e.g. geographical location, socio-economic status, age etc.
Click here to enter text.
Staffing: Indicate the number of paid staff (full time, part time and casual) and the current number of volunteers.
Click here to enter text.
Directors or Committee Members List: Please list your Board of Directors or Committee Members and provide a brief CV for each. Please identify which Board Members are Executive Directors or which Committee Members are Office Bearers. You may provide this listing as an attachment if you have the information available in another form.
Click here to enter text.
Brief Description of Project or Activity for which the Grant is Sought: Summarise in no more than two A4 pages: (a) general description of project; (b) main purpose of project; (c) the need being addressed by the project; (d) the methods or strategies that will be used; (e) the people who will benefit; (f) the outcomes you aim to achieve; (g) how the project will be sustained once the grant funds have been expended; and (h) where your organisation seeks funding for service delivery, evidence of your ability and expertise to deliver the service.
Click here to enter text.
Project Timeframe: Anticipated dates of commencement and completion of the project.
Click here to enter text.
Evaluation Measures: Explain how and by whom the effectiveness of your project will be measured.
Click here to enter text.
Budget: Provide an itemised budget (income and expenditure) for each year of the project or activity. This is important in the event that your application can only be part funded. Indicate clearly if you are seeking a grant for general operation funds.
(You may provide the budget as an attachment if you have this information available in another form).
Click here to enter text.
Project Managers: Provide the names and qualifications of the people who will manage the project.
Click here to enter text.
Funding Sources: Please list the names of other bodies including Government grant programs from which you are seeking funding. Please indicate the amount being sought from each source and the current status of each request.
Click here to enter text.
Other Organisations: What other organisations are doing similar work on the Eyre Peninsula and in what way does your project differ?
Click here to enter text.
Recent Grants: Provide details of all grants which your organisation has received in the last three years.
Click here to enter text.
Referees: Provide the names and contact details (including telephone) of two individuals or organisations who would speak or write in support of the application if requested to do so by the EPCF.
Click here to enter text.

Attachments: Please attach the following documents.

Financial Statement: Your most recent financial statement – audited if possible. The statement should indicate actual expenditure and funds received during you most recent financial year.
Evidence of Tax Status: If you have Deductible Gift Recipient status or status as an income tax exempt charity, please attach copies of the letters of endorsement from the ATO.
Annual Report: If applicable, please provide a copy of your most recent annual report.
Privacy Statement: Your completed Privacy Statement and Consent.

Grant Application Assessment Process

Your application will be acknowledged when received and you will be advised about when grant applications will be considered. The timing of decisions will depend on Board sittings and the availability of all the necessary applicant information.

The CEO will contact you to arrange a meeting if further information is required.

Your application will be assessed against the assessment criteria (provided with this Application Form). EPCF staff will report on your application and this will be considered by the Board.

You will be advised on the success or otherwise of your application.

Unsuccessful applicants are invited to contact the EPCF for more information and to discuss possible future applications.

Whatever the outcome, the EPCF wishes to build long term relations with groups and organisations on the Eyre Peninsula who share our commitment to help build the capacity of our community.

Privacy Statement and Consents

This statement applies to the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation Incorporated

(ABN16 314 438 932), including committees and advisory panels that are appointed by the Board to which your grant application relates. It also applies to the terms of the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation Trust Fund Trust Deed and/or the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation General Fund Trust Deed. These together provide the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation with necessary information when considering your grant application.

Collection of Personal Information

In its application to the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation for a grant, your Organisation (the Applicant) gives the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation contact details and other personal information about Directors or Committee Members and other key personnel (Individuals). In the future the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation, its researchers and advisors may obtain other information about the Individuals from the Applicant, from any of them, or from other sources. We may collect ‘sensitive information’ but only when it is necessary for the purpose of the Application. This is all “Personal Information”.

Use of Personal Information

We use Personal Information for the primary purpose of assessing the Applicant’s application, and if it is successful, to provide a grant to the Applicant.

We may also use Personal Information for our internal operations including accounting, record keeping, archiving, compliance monitoring and compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements.

Without some or all of your information, we might not be able to process your application.

If your application is not successful, we may hold Personal Information we collect in relation to the application for our records. If your application is successful, after the grant is completed we may hold Personal Information concerning the grant for our records. We will not continue to hold Personal Information if it is not necessary.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose Personal Information for the purposes set out above, to people and organisations who carry out functions for us, for example our agents and our researchers, any person you authorise, your legal advisors, any party to whom we are authorised or required by law to disclose the Personal Information, and any party to whom the person whose Personal Information we hold authorises us to disclose it.

Data Quality

We take reasonable steps to make sure that the Personal Information we collect, use and disclose is accurate complete and up to date.

Data Security

We take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Access and Correction of Personal Information

Subject to exceptions permitted by law, an Individual may obtain access to the Personal Information we hold about them by contacting the Foundation at the address set out below. An access fee may apply. If we are informed by an Individual the Personal Information we hold about them is not accurate, complete or up to date, we will take reasonable steps to correct it.

Where we receive and keep Personal Information about an Individual from another source, generally that person will have the same access to that information and it can only be used for the same purposes and shared with the same persons as the Personal Information that you give us. However, to the extent permitted by law, Personal Information that we receive from other sources will be kept confidential.

Informing Individuals

You must inform each Individual of the contents of this Statement and Consent. By signing the Application for grant, you acknowledge you are aware of this Statement and, on behalf of each Individual, consent to sensitive Information being collected if it is necessary for the purposes of the Application.

If you require any further information about privacy, please contact us:

Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation Inc.

89 Liverpool Street

Port Lincoln SA 5606

Phone: 08 8682 6588

Mobile: 0400 685 520

Fax: 08 8882 5081

I have read the terms and conditions relating to the application for a grant from the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation, including this Statement and Consent to Use of Personal Information, and agree to those terms and conditions.

Name (print): / Click here to enter text.
Witness Signature:
Witness Name (print): / Click here to enter text.
Date Signed: / Click here to enter a date.

Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation acknowledges the Tasmanian Community Foundation re this Privacy Statement and Consents document.

Grant Application Assessment Criteria


In assessing applications for a grant the EPCF will give priority to projects which:

  • Are locally run and led,
  • Use volunteers for most tasks,
  • Involve minority or disadvantaged groups,
  • Are innovative and demonstrate community collaboration,
  • Are focused on sustainable long term community development and capacity building, and
  • Demonstrate good operational and management practices.