Dated: June 7, 2005

Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Government of NCT, Delhi



1. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), is planning to employ consultants for “Preparation of Master Plan, Feasibility Studies for Non-sewerage component related Decentralized Wastewater treatment for Water Bodies in Delhi” (Project) under Yamuna Action Plan Phase-II (YAP-II) supported by the National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), Ministry of Environment & Forest, GoI, New Delhi and funded by soft loan from Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). Wastewater from a large number of drains from unauthorized colonies is being directly discharged into water bodies in the city of Delhi. The project will assist in reducing the pollution load on such water bodies and will be implemented in two stages:

i) Stage I for preparation of Master Plan and Feasibility Study for priority works, selection of area and technology for pilot project and necessary data collection for preparing Request For Proposal (RFP) for the next stage;

ii) Stage II for preparing Detailed Project Reports (DPR), tendering, construction, operation and maintenance (O&M) and evaluation for incorporating lessons learnt to finalise the feasibility study for implementation in future (YAP-III).

2. The MCD invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for Stage I only from reputed consultancy firms experienced in preparing Master Plans, Feasibility Study preparation for urban development works.

3. The objective of this consultancy project is preparation of “Stage I – Master Plan and Feasibility Study Preparation”. Its components include, but are not limited to:

Component 1: Master Plan:

The consultants shall develop base map; conduct comprehensive socio-economic surveys including site specific data collection for water bodies such as hydrological, topographical, quality of water including microbiological data; study current and past ecological status of water bodies; study the wastewater systems and estimate pollution load entering water bodies through various drains; identify land use, land-ownership of the water bodies and immediately adjacent spaces; review institutional, regulatory, and legal structure for managing the water bodies; prepare comprehensive master plan considering a suitable target year for maintaining the desired ecological balance at these water bodies and enhance their recreational utility, while ensuring sustainability of water quality improvement objective.

Component 2: Feasibility Study:

Based on the Master Plan prepared, the consultant shall identify priority works, including but not limited to decentralized systems for wastewater management, treatment, and disposal; conduct feasibility study on priority works; estimate costs; develop community and public participation (include tourism development or any commercial interventions) for area development; assess environmental and social impacts.

Component 3: Selection of area and technology, Signing of MoU (s) and RFP Preparation:

Based on the findings of component 2, the consultant shall select site and technology for implementation of pilot projects; develop and coordinate signing of MoU (s) between stakeholders i.e. community and the private sector for O&M; recommend framework for public participation and awareness, training and capacity building programs, and institutional arrangements for management of similar programs in the future; prepare EOI/RFP documents as per JBIC guidelines including identification of scope of work, cost estimation etc for DPR preparation in Stage II.

4. The total period for the consultancy assignment for the Stage I is envisaged to be

“Nine months”.

5.  Interested consultancy firms must provide information indicating their qualifications and expertise to perform similar services (brochures, description of similar assignments related to waste management services completed successfully and currently in progress, availability of appropriate skills among staff etc.), on their own or in a consortium with other firms, annual turn over, relevant expertise , current presence in India (for foreign firms) and profile of their employees. The selection of consultant will be done as per JBIC guidelines i.e. only technically number 1 consultant shall be invited for contract negotiations first.

6.  The Expression of Interest shall be submitted in sealed cover superscribed “Expression of interest for Decentralised Wastewater Treatment (DWT) for Water Bodies in Delhi”. The complete EOI indicating firm’s interest in taking up the assignment, with all relevant information as requested above with supporting documents and full contact address shall be submitted in original at the following address on or before………………….(date), ……………(time). The term of reference is posted on web and can also be seen in the office of undersigned.

7.  Consultancy firms must apply for all components listed above for this stage and no splitting of work will be allowed. Consultant selected for stage-I can also bid for stage-II at a later date. Local and International consultancy firms can associate with each other to enhance their qualifications and may apply jointly for short listing. MCD reserves the right to consider or reject any firm (s) without assigning any reason what so ever.

8.  Applications received after the deadline shall not be considered. MCD shall take no responsibility for any postal or other delays that may be caused in receiving the expression of interest. The expression of interest with all documents shall be sent to:

The Commissioner,

Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD)

Town Hall


Phone No. ………

Fax No………….