High Hesket, CARLISLE, Cumbria CA4 0HU TEL: 016974 73386
Head teacher: Mrs Margaret Taylor
Email: Website: www.high-hesket.cumbria.sch.uk
Dear Parents Thursday, 16th February 2017
Extra-curricular clubs after school
Our after school activity clubs will continue after half term exactly the same as they have been this term; Gymnastics, revision clubs, football and sports club with Mr Barnes (who will vary sports and activities offered).
World Book Day – Thursday, 2nd March
To recognise World Book Day next term, we would like the children to bring a favourite book and teddy bear (if they wish) that they can share in school on Thursday. Each child should have received a World Book Day voucher for £1 which can be used in your local book store.
Fabulous Fairtrade Fortnight Friday – 3rd March
As you know our Fairtrade Afternoon Tea will be held on the first Friday after half term. The event is now fully booked in Slots 4 and 5 (later times slots). There are still places available in the earlier time slots 1, 2 and 3 only. If you would still like to make a booking for these earlier times, please return your booking slip and payment tomorrow (Friday 17th February). Additionally, we shall be holding a raffle and would welcome any Fairtrade items you may wish to donate that can be included in a hamper. We hope this will be an enjoyable event and also enable us to provide funds for Tanzania.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids 2017 vouchers
We are once again collecting Sainsbury’s vouchers and we hope to be able to obtain free resources. Please forward your vouchers to school.
Red Nose Day – Comic Relief – Friday, 24th March
We shall be selling red noses in school from Monday 20th March which cost £1 each. Please can we ask that the children initially only purchase one nose to ensure everyone has chance to buy one. Any surplus noses will be available to purchase at the end of the week. We shall advise you next term what our theme for the day will be and details of any activities that will be taking place in school.
Yours sincerely
Mrs M Taylor