EU-LAC JIRI: cross-cutting working group on good practice and funding Report to the SOM

Concepcion – Chile, March 20th – 21st, 2012

WG name: / EU-LAC JIRI: cross-cutting working group on good practice and funding / Date / 29/02/2012
LAC 'lead' (in bold) and participants / CONACYT Mexico, MINCYT Argentina
EU 'lead' (in bold) and participants / FCT Portugal, European Commission
1. WG Specificobjectives /
  • Examining the possibilities for combining instruments at national, regional and bi-regional level in a complementary and synergistic manner for implementing activities in line with the working group's objectives
  • Provide a common approach for pilot activities in the different areas, offer a general scope, stimulate input from other countries
  • To make the long-term perspectives and strategies for cooperation to influence the concrete instruments of cooperation

2. Workprocess / Main working mode: videoconferences – email
October 11th, 2011: Videoconference meeting to formally set up the working group and take up the work regarding the modalities for cooperation and for successfully combining funding to address the requirements of the Joint Initiative
Tasks of the members and focus of the working group:
  • Review concepts, modalities and experiences of how to combine different national, regional, bi-regional and EU or LAC funding instruments. Identify good practices taking into account different objectives and circumstances
  • Share the analysis with other senior officials to take into account their experience and produce a consolidated review of good practices and contribute with recommendations and possible next steps
  • Update good practices in the light of experiences in the thematic groups (by mid 2012)
The group considered the need to identify the programmes/schemes/instruments that might show potential to be used for supporting joint pilot activities in order to get a general picture on the possibilities and constraints of using the various schemes and how to mobilize support.
To that purpose a matrix was prepared with the objective of identifying instruments potentially available to support pilot joint initiatives and get an overview of possible on-going financing schemes for bi-regional activities as a first step to bring key inputs in a way as simple as possible (including multilateral schemes and national level programs, taking into consideration that many countries have particular funds for financing other countries experts participation -mainly through scholarships/ technical assistance support, etc).
The co-leaders of the EU-LAC Working Groups were invited to join efforts, by filling in the matrix, to find suitable modalities for cooperation and for successfully combining funding to address the requirements of the Joint Initiative.
Based on the information on the country programmes, schemes or instruments potentially available to support pilot joint initiatives received from some country members of the various working groups as well as senior officials from other countries, the group analyzed its findings on relevant instruments available that are contributing or could contribute to EU-LAC cooperation within the objectives set by JIRI and its senior officials working groups.
In this analysis the group did not intend to get commitments on the availability of programmes/schemes to provide funds or contribute in kind to joint activities but to compiling just very critical (and condensed) information on the possible sources of support to joint pilot initiatives. This information would provide a general picture of possibilities.
The information gathered is attached as Annex 1. The aim of this document is to provide a basic description of general trends of actions identified, as well as levels and patterns of international cooperation for research issues, approaches and focus.
The scope of both documents does not seek to examine into impact and capacity nor assess specific instruments, projects and programmes. Instead, based on the secondary information collected and in compliance with the scope of work, it describes possible instruments of international cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the EU, and highlights key aspects for illustrative purposes providing general inputs for action in the decision making process for pilot activities.
Additionally, agents from funding bodies and agencies (IADB, AFD, AECID, LAIF) were approached in order to explore their mechanisms and potential interest.
Representatives from the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB), the Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF) and French Development Agency (AFD) have expressed interest in further knowing the activities and advance of the working groups and evaluate if there is something in the region which could be brought up for consideration.
In general terms, funding agencies have expressed interest in the potential pilot activities to be developed in the scope of the JIRI, however in order to define further steps to proceed the members from all working groups should primarily agree on a consistent and orderly manner to approach said agencies, if suitably, through common spokesman(s)
Concerning funding sources, the door should be kept open to national funding options up to what each country will be willing to collaborate with, in addition to other opportunities that may arise from the European Commission (7FP), IADB, or/and follow other benchmark schemes like EULANEST, for instance.
-There are several initiatives leading to fragmentation of efforts which is a several constraint
-Need of greater coordination, synergy and visibility of funding mechanisms in order to reach integration of funding instruments at EU level, at LA Regional level and within each LAC
-Need to strengthen the participation of partners from smaller countries in both bilateral and bi-regional projects since mostly the same LAC countries and EU Member States are almost always represented
-Need of follow up activities beyond the life of the projects. Follow up activities should be aimed at giving shape to possible future cooperation scenarios and attaining steady and sustained policy dialogue
-In general terms, funding agencies should primarily be approached in a consistent manner from a high political level platform
3. Identification of Joint or coordinated Activities / Each working group aimed at preparing a set of pilot activities to support the implementation of the JIRI. Pilot activities should cover three axes (a) Scientific and technical needs, (b) Country strategies, (c) country market needs and innovation, (d) bi-regional dimension. To that end, each working group carried out a series of activities including expert meetings and workshops aimed at identifying common priority topics among LAC in a wider regional dimension. Complementary, common obstacles, challenges, synergies and future opportunities in EU-LAC Cooperation in the areas of each working group (Bioeconomy, Biodiversity and Climate Change, Renewable Energies and ICT) should have been identified.
The implementation of the proposals for pilot activities might be complemented by the findings of the EU-LAC cross-cutting group on good practice and funding presented.
A common approach for EU-LAC Cooperation
The core strategy should go beyond the project-based cooperation and exchange of ideas. A shared vision with joint priorities envisaging the setting up of an “EU-LAC Knowledge Area” becomes even more important. The creation of such EU-LAC knowledge-based society requires openness to the world.
Research is a global issue and the strengthening of bi-regional dialogue structures and opening of joint programmes to research groups from EU-LAC will lead to collaboration with counterpart organizations around the world and facilitate research cooperation.
The development of ICT infrastructures and widening of the interconnectivity between research organizations and networks together with data sharing will widespread access to common research instruments and facilities aimed at global cooperation for the advancement of science to address global challenges.
To this end there is the need
-To support measures to attain knowledge access and dissemination
-To promote capacities in a balanced manner (human resource training)
-To increase synergies with other EU policies and instruments, especially those managed by the European Commission (e.g. FP, Horizon 2020, CIP –Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme-, external cooperation programs, EuropeAid).
The approach of the funding strategy should:
  • Seek for a better integration and visibility of funding schemes within LAC at national level and at regional level
  • A more systematic and accessible architecture of existing opportunities
This approach should result in financing programmes, initiatives and instruments available at EU level could more easily act as multiplier for dynamics and cooperation schemes.
Possible steps that could help the thematic working groups to implement joint activities in line with their objectives:
  • Setting up of multi/bilateral cooperation initiatives aimed at pursuing greater integration of funds at all levels for the respectively mutual priority themes.
This approach will generate continuity and capitalisation of existing initiatives and a greater impact thanks to convergence of funding schemes on common priorities.
These actions should lead to a mapping of funding mechanisms at national and regional level within the thematic areas of mutual interest with the final objective of evaluating the elements for future cooperation scenarios where funding instruments can be majorly integrated and complementary.
  • Establishment of thematic networks on issues of mutual agreement to facilitate exchanges between European and Latin American research organizations. The training component should be included in these networks through schemes like the ALFA programme but focused on research and researchers
  • Bringing together programme owners/managers of the countries involved or wanting to be involved in joint activities in view of identifying the most suitable mechanisms and players who could best achieve the set objectives. This could be preliminary be achieved through follow-up meetings supported by the three INCONETs after the SOM.
  • In order to ensure prompt action on the decisions taken consensually at the SOM, particularly as far as concrete joining of forces of participating countries and opening to additional ones, expressions of interest should be put forward by the SOM EU-LAC Sennior Officials to the SOM co-chairs regarding which thematic area and proposed activity their country is willing to take part. This could be done through an “Expression of Interest for Cooperation Fill in Form” prepared for that purpose.
  • The 2012 Call for proposals included an INCO-NET covering Latin America and Caribbean in an inclusive way to increase the number of partner countries and to develop activities having also countries not included in the network as beneficiaries. This new INCONet should support by mandate the JIRI and systematically look for the participation of countries from the smaller countries that are underrepresented.
  • Follow up activities beyond the life of the projects aimed at giving shape to possible future cooperation scenarios and attaining steady and sustained policy dialogue:
  • The 7FP is currently the main instrument for S&T cooperation between the EU and third countries. For Latin America it is advisable to keep strengthening the role and activities of NCPs as a way to spread information and as technical support in order to increase the LAC participation in European programmes, encouraging the participation of companies.

4. Otherforms of cooperation / Cooperation for the strengthening of successful previous experiences
Support/synergies with bi-regional thematic projects/initiatives:
  • EUROClima
  • Cooperación triangular y sur-sur
  • EUROSolar
Co financedinitiatives:
  • Argentina: KBBE Twinning projects
  • Mexico: FONCICYT & Coordinated Calls in Nano
  • Brazil: Coordinated Calls Energy, ICT…
Regional/ Sub regional/ Iberoamerican cooperation initiatives/ programmes:
  • CYTED, ECLAC, IADB, LAIF (not exhaustive)
Innovation: Innovation Program, Joint Technology Initiatives and Platforms (EUREKA, Biotec-SUR)
Coordination of information and activities of -going projects, inventories of pertinent past and on-going projects and networks in the region with the objective of seeking synergies where necessary, and building on existing work could be preliminary proposed to complement the information in International Cooperation for Development Observatories
5. Fundinginstruments / The search for funding instruments is a difficult task specially when trying to match the instruments with the needs. There is a need for easy- to-understand information to provide the essentials easily.
Annex 1 intends to provide in a glimpsecountry information on possible national instruments in support to the pilot activities proposed. The information therein contained, although not exhaustively, includes:
-Programme/ Scheme/Instrument (Name or acronym)
-Funding Organizations (Name or acronym of the funding/managing organization or governmental or international body)
-Key objectives (Insert just the main objectives and/or policy rational)
-S&T Areas (Specify the main fields at stake)
-Typology of the projects (Cooperative projects, networking, mobility, twinning, ...)
-Geographical Scope (National, Transnational, European, Latin-American)
-Eligible Beneficiaries Specify types of entities -universities, firms, other - including explicit restrictions)
-Possibilities for combining funds (Potential possibility/availability in combining the associated scheme funds with funds from other sources -nationally or internationally)
Types of collaboration:
Transnational projects may be funded through two types of collaboration
  1. Opening of national thematic or non-thematic programmes for international cooperation
  2. Defining of mechanisms/instruments for bi- tri- or multilateral cooperation.
National programmes might organize co-funding of bi-national projects based on the international agreements signed with partner agencies. These agreements are evidence of the common will to support jointly research projects on one or more scientific areas that both parties consider strategic.
For specific transnational joint calls, a common call text is prepared and a joint evaluation committee including international experts is created. This committee evaluates and rank the projects to recommend those for funding. The funding organizations involved in the joint call determine the projects to be funded on the basis of the projects recommended by the committee. The funding is determined according to the national budgets available.
A call for expressions of interest in participating in bi-regional cooperation, with assistance of senior officials in their country, should be greed at the SOM.
The funding strategy of each working group might take advantage of the set of pre-existingand new actionswhich combine targeted and horizontal instruments (cross-cutting ones):
Joint calls involving EU and different key LAC countries.
Joint funding from EU and LAC agencies.
National funding options up to what each country will be willing to collaborate with, in addition to other opportunities that may arise either from the European Commission, IADB, or/and other alternatives.
Other entities funding or working in the four areas of the working groups (i.e. GEEREF Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund, IRENA, AIE, etc, for Renewable Energies activities). Although these agencies might not be direct funding options for the purposes of the EULAC SOM pilot activities their activities should also be taken into consideration for possible synergies.
Other funding alternatives:
InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB)
Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF)
Era-Net scheme: To improve the coordination and cooperation of national research (i.e: EULANEST)
Twining of ongoing projects in order to coordinate activities and exploit results.
Framework Programs (FPs): providing cooperation and support to science and technology capacity building. Key instruments to facilitate the participation of LAC countries.
Calls for proposals targeting the LAC region (FP7, SICAs)
Measures to strength scientific capabilities and facilitate access to cooperation opportunities (i.e NCP`s nominations)
Joint proposals & technology transfer activities: to create conditions for better interaction and cooperation between public and private research actors in order to increase the participation of industry with emphasis on SMEs.(Matchmaking Events, Brokerage)
Initiatives to promote LAC research potential and mobility by a combination of instruments (ERASMUS & Marie Curie)
New financial instruments:
Design of a "Joint Cooperation Fund". Shared costs (in kind and/or in cash) taking into account mutual interests and capacities between both regions
Latin America Investment Facility (LAIF)
IADB call for international cooperation projects
6. Indicators /
  • Types of mechanisms agreed

7. Self-assessment / -The cooperation in the working group has been supported mainly by Mexico, the European Commission, Argentina and Portugal.
-The involvement of the EU-LAC SOM working groups has been intermittent.
-Sennior Officials contacted did not identify clearly the activities of the group since other working groups were also requesting them collaboration related to funding schemes.
-No complementary information (documents, websites, etc) was received so a general document on funding agencies, instruments and possible instruments was compiled for reference (Annex 2)
8. Nextsteps / -Evaluate the possibilities to carry out a first back-to-back follow up meeting of the co-leaders of the working groups after the SOM in April together with the Innovation workshop arranged by EULARINET-MIRA in Spain in order to ensure prompt action on the decisions taken consensually at the SOM, particularly as far as concrete joining of forces of participating countries and opening to additional ones could. The aim would be to agree on a the vailability to coordinate a meeting/workshop to bring together programme owners/managers of the countries involved or wanting to be involved in joint activities in view of identifying the most suitable mechanisms.
-Coordinate a meeting/workshop to bring together programme owners/managers of the countries involved or wanting to be involved in joint activities in view of identifying the most suitable mechanisms

Cross-cutting working group-Conceptual Note-29022012-ff