IRIS questionnaire form
·  This questionnaire is to be completed only by an employee of a medical regulatory body or appropriate government department.
·  Please return by post to :
General Medical Council
Registration Information Team
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Or by email to:

·  The information provided will be held in our database and used in the assessment of applications for registration
·  Please direct any queries to
Medical Education – Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ)
Name of PMQ
(Eg MD, MBBS…) /
Length of study (in years) /
Primary language of teaching and examination /
Medical Education – Internships (basic medical training)
When is the internship completed? Please indicate by ticking relevant box) / Before graduation (issuing of the PMQ certificate) / After graduation (issuing of the PMQ certificate)
In which country does the internship training take place? /
Is registration required to undertake an internship? /
Duration of internship
(in months) /
What does it cover? (Eg medicine, surgery), and how many months are spent in each specialty? / Speciality / Duration (in months)

Medical Education – Other

Is military service compulsory in your country, for men or women? / Men / Women
Is there an obligation to complete military service before a medical qualification is awarded? /
If yes, please give further information (duration, etc) /

Registration for doctors

Do doctors have to be registered to practise medicine? If ‘No’, please state why /
Types of registration and purpose / Types of registration / Purpose
Organisation(s) responsible for registration and regulation of doctors /
Organisation(s) responsible for issuing certificates of good standing (CGS)/certificates of current professional status (CCPS) /
Organisation Contact details
Official name of organisation /
Address /
Website/URL /
Email address /
Telephone number /
Fax number /

Completed by

Name /
Position /
Date / D / D / M / M / Y / Y / Y / Y
Last updated on 10 November 2016.
W: T: 0161 923 6602 (+44 161 923 6602 when calling from outside the UK)
The GMC is a charity registered in England and Wales (1089278) and Scotland (SC037750) / IRIS1
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