Multiple Intelligences/Chocolate Activities


Survey your class (approximately 15-20 students) and make a chart or graph of your classmates' favorite chocolate bar. Use color on your chart or graph. You may also like to organize your classmates into a human graph to show their favorite candy bars. Be prepared to present your findings to the class.


Write a story involving chocolate or add on to the story The Three Musketeers. Be prepared to read it to the class.

by Anna, Jillian, John, Parker

How Many Candy Bars Can You Find In The Story???

This is a story about Freddo Frog, Kit-Kat, O' Henry (the Three Musketeers), Mr. Badbar (the villain next door), Violet Crumble (former movie star), Baby Ruth (Freddo Frog and Kit-Kat's child), and finally, Curly Whirly (Mr. Badbar's apprentice and Violet Crumble's boyfriend).

It all began one fateful day, Payday to be exact. The tax collectors came for the taxes that Mr. Badbar needed to pay. He didn't have enough money and he got so frustrated that he decides to hi-jack an Aeroplane and travel to Mars.

It just so happens, luck really, that Kit-Kat and O' Henry are on the way to a basketball game on Jupiter. Freddo Frog is the star player, he's number Zero.

Mr. Badbar hi-jacks their Aeroplane and flies to Mars. When he's entering the atmosphere, he gets shot and goes into a twirl. He crash lands on the surface of Mars and gets knocked out.

When Kit-Kat and O' Henry finally get to the game, there are only ten seconds left, and Freddo Frog's team is one point behind. The coach calls a timeout and says "Get the ball to Freddo Frog." The referee's whistle sounds and play resumes.

Freddo Frog gets the ball off the inbounds pass, but he doesn't have an open shot. He passes the ball off, but gets it back again. He shoots the ball with two seconds left. SKOR!!!!

What Happens Next??

You can add a chapter to this candy bar story, but remember to include names of candy bars such as "Aero"plane and the "Three Musketeers" every once in a while. Good luck!


Make up a song, poem, or rap about chocolate. Be prepared to present it to the class.
Make up a cheer and add motion to it. Create a commercial. Be prepared to demonstrate it to the class.


Draw an advertisement for your favorite chocolate bar. Create a slogan. Be prepared to present it to the class.


Survey your class (approximately 15-20 students) and make a chart or graph of your classmates' favorite chocolate bar. Use color on your chart or graph. You may also like to organize your classmates into a human graph to show their favorite candy bars. Be prepared to present your findings to the class.


Draw an advertisement for your favorite chocolate bar. Create a slogan. Be prepared to present it to the class.


Research the cocoa bean, chocolate climates, and harvesting times. Present the information in a creative way.