31 Oct 08
Update #2
Aloha Family and Friends,
This is a short update and much more frequent than I normally have time for, but I thought it appropriate you know we enjoy a little Halloween in the middle of work at sea. We are involved in some major exercises and we are all focused on executing the mission yet there is still time for some fun. I recommend you take a quick look at some of the Halloween pictures we posted on the daily pictures section.
We set up a contest for the best decorated door, the best carved pumpkin, and the best costume. We weren’t sure what would happen but we had some really impressive efforts. There were so many good displays we created some categories to better recognize the effort involved. The winners were:
Scariest display: A haunted House in Supply Support
Best Door decorations: NC1 Cory’s door (spider webs, smoke and other stuff).
Most creative: Supply Office Pway (our chefs)
Best ghost/scary guy: Fwd Bos’n Storeroom
The best pumpkin was the deck division pumpkin.
There were quite a number of great costumes as you can see from the pictures, but the best was a Michael Phelps costume – It was not R rated, but I decided against posting a picture of the winner.
Anyway, just a quick note – I know we all wish were home with families/friends participating in the Halloween fun with you. I wanted you to know we had fun at the same time. Many thanks to the MWR organization for making it happen.
Very Respectfully,
Mike McCartney