Multidisciplinary Research Grant Proposal Form

for Fiscal Year 2017


1. General information

1.1 Research project title (Thai)......


1.2 Keywords ......

1.3 Principal investigator name (Thai)......


Academic title ......

Department ......

Tel...... Fax...... E-mail: ......

2. Details of research project proposal

2.1 Background, rationale, research problem or hypothesis

2.2 Related researches and references

2.3 Research objectives

2.4 Expected benefits

2.5 Research method

2.6 Scope of research

2.7 Research period: From Month ………..… Year …….. to Month ………… Year ……………

2.8 Action plan for the entire project

2.9 Research site

2.10 Research equipment

2.11 Research budget

3. Details of research team members

3.1 Principal investigator name (Thai)......


Academic title ......

Department ......

Tel...... Fax...... E-mail: ......

Signature ......

3.2 Research team member names (please indicate all members)

3.2.1 Name (Thai) ......

(English) ......

Academic title ......

Department ......

Tel...... Fax...... E-mail: ......

Research responsibility ......

Signature ......

3.2.2 Name (Thai) ......

(English) ......

Academic title ......

Department ......

Tel...... Fax...... E-mail: ......

Research responsibility ......

Signature ......

(Note: In case of insufficient space, please type more details in additional space.)

Principal investigator’s sign...... (...... )

Submittal Date/Month/Year ......

Note: Please attach CV of project’s principal investigator and all team members.

Chulalongkorn University

Guideline for the writing of research project proposal for a research grant application

For their own benefits, applicants must indicate key aspects, in order of importance, of the research project on the first page of the proposal as follows:

  1. Indicate title of the research project both in Thai and English. The title should be consistentwith the proposed research topic.

2. Indicate details of the proposed research project

2.1 Indicate the fundamental conceptual framework or problem, background

and significance of the research project.

2.2 Indicate the association and relationship of the proposed research project

with pastresearch projects conducted in Thailandand overseas, outlining

their background,research site, time and progress, etc. Cite related

references to demonstrate the researcher’s earnest monitoring of preceding


2.3 Clearly specify the research project’s objectives or goals in order of

importance. Clarify each objective in terms of its importance or interesting

aspect(s). To avoid lack of research focus, the number of research

objectives or goals should be limited.

2.4 Indicate the expected benefits of the research findings such as to promote

theresearcher’s research and teachingcompetence, etc.

2.5 Specify the research methods to be used.

(1) Specify the data collection procedures and methods. Clearly explain

how thedata will be collected and why such methods are selected. (2) Specify precisely the number or size of research samples.

(3) Specify in details the procedures and methods of data analysis and


2.6 Specify the scope of the research.

2.7 Specify the research period from beginning to end.

2.8 Specify the steps and duration of the research’s action plan in order of the

researchprocedures. Clearly indicate theresearch schedule.

Research schedule

Research activity/procedure / Month
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
1 ………………………………….
2 ………………………………….
3 ………………………………….
4 ………………………………….
5 ………………………………….

2.9 Clearly specify the research site, its specific location together with

reason(s) for itsselection.

2.10 Indicate budget details for the entire research project. Classifying the

budget by the categories set forth in Chulalongkorn University’s

regulations on disbursementof the University’s income budget as follows:

(1)Temporary wages budget. Specify the educational level and rate of

payment for such position.

(2)Expense budget. For communications, fees, service charges, printing and

photocopying, etc.

(3)Supplies budget.For stationery supplies and printed forms, etc.

(4)Materials budget. In case of necessity, give reason(s) for such needs in

detail for research grant deliberation and approval.

Note: No researcher’s numeration is provided.

  1. Indicate details about the research project’s principal investigator and all team


Researcher CV

Name (Thai)……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………

(English) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Academic title………………………………….…..……………………………………………………………………….


Tel...... Fax...... E-mail: ………………………………………………………….

Current address………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………


Academic record

Degree / Field / University / Year awarded (B.E.)

Published research paper(s) within the past five years (indicate place and year of publication)


In-process research project(s)

No. / Principal investigator / Title / Source of research grant / Year granted / Expected year of completion

Ratio of research responsibility (in percentage)

Teaching workload…………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..

Research workload………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Administrative workload …….………….…………………………………………………………………………….

Student affairs workload……………….…………………………………………………………………………….


I hereby certify that the above statements are entirely true.


Date ………. / ……………….. / ….……….