We are selling $5 raffle tickets for a chance to win a

new 2015 Hyundai Sonata donated by Thornton Road

Hyundai! All ticket proceeds will benefit South

Douglas. Grand prize drawing will be October 4 at

the Foxhall Family Festival. Wednesday, October 1st

is the last day to buy raffle tickets!

Check Out In The Dark

Prepare now to have fun in the Media Center on Friday, Oct. 31st. All day, the Media Center will be blacked out for good fun and surprises. Please bring a flashlight to light your way to a good book. We are accepting donations of bags of individually wrapped candy. Please write Media Center on your donation. Thank you.


The third Thursday of each month, Colbear will be visiting the Dog River Library. Colbear is a trained therapy dog with the Caring Paws organization. He and his handler Susie come to listen to children ages 6-12 read. It is a wonderful way to encourage and reward readers. Come by the Dog River Public Library and ask for Ms. Duffie. She will help you sign up for a date and time. Parents do need to sign a permission form. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Duffie at 770-577-5186.


During the week of September 29th to October 3rd, the SDES PTO is sponsoring a school-wide food drive in order to restock our pantry for the Backpack Program. The class from each grade level collecting the MOST items will win a Popsicle treat from the PTO. Collection bins will be outside each classroom. In order to serve our families best, we ask that each grade level bring specific items:

Kindergarten - peanut butter and jelly in plastic jars

1st Grade - granola bars, cereal bars, peanut butter crackers

2nd Grade - single serving cereal boxes

3rd Grade - single serving boxed meals (pasta dinners, microwavable mac and cheese, etc.)

4th Grade - fruit cups, single serving applesauce, Jell-O, pudding

5th Grade - single serving boxed meals (pasta dinners, microwavable mac and cheese, etc.)

Please note: We collect canned goods all year round in the basket by the office. Suggestions for donations are canned fruits, canned pasta, hearty soups, boxed dinners (mac and cheese, etc.), canned beans, and canned vegetables.