Multicultural Greek Council 2015

Legislative Meeting (September 9, 2015)

Speakers: Martin O’Malley Campaign, Professor Motier Haskins – Winter Interim Program

o  We had a guest who informed MGC about Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland and his campaign in the Iowa City area. Anyone interested in working with and/or collaborating or volunteering with the campaign can speak to Lisa Thai for contact information. Opportunities include volunteering and internships.

o  Motier Haskins spoke with MGC delegates about the India Winterim Program and would like anyone who is interested to reach out and talk with him. The application is due soon so please contact him within the next few days if interested.

Advisor: Laila McCloud ()

o  The Fraternity & Sorority Life common application for student involvement in Greek Week is now available and can be found on orgsync. The application is due on November 6th, 2015. Please consider applying and encourage your chapter members to apply, MGC has never had representation within this leadership opportunity.

Chapter Updates:

Sigma Lambda Gamma

o  Sigma Lambda Gamma will be hosting a fundraiser at Shorts Burgers! Address 521 West B Drive 2 on September 16th from 5:00pm – 10:00pm. Please be sure to stop by and support the Gammas.

Sigma Lambda Beta

o  No chapter updates

Pi Alpha Phi

o  No chapter updates

Delta Phi Lambda

o  Delta Phi Lambda encourages all MGC members to register to vote. A possible collaborative event could be “Voter Registration with MGC Organizations” in order to promote voting within a minority population.

Delta Lambda Phi

o  Delta Lambda Phi has just finished up recruitment events and will be welcoming in new Lambda Men soon! Collaborative events are in the works and more updates are to come in the future.

Gamma Rho Lambda

o  Gamma Rho Lambda has started recruitment and will be recruiting this week for new members!

Lambda Theta Nu

o  Lambda Theta Nu will be having a fundraiser on October 5th, 2015 at Pizza Ranch, be sure to stop by and support the Lambdas. Also, the Lambda have begun their first ever recruitment semester!


o  PHOENIx will hosting a bake sale tomorrow, September 10th, 2015 in the Hubbard Commons from 11:00am to 6:00pm. Be sure to stop by and support PHOENIx.

Officer Reports

Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing: Melissa Zapata ()

o  Email upcoming event details and online event page, will be promoted on the FSL page.

o  NPHC-MGC recruitment/marketing video – Please take this idea back to your chapters and inquire about who would be interested in participating. 1 to 2 members per chapter would be ideal for participation. Email Melissa those names by Sept. 15, 2015.

o  Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00pm - 3:00pm

o  Please remember to send any event details to Melissa, she is a resource to you all and can help with Marketing and Advertising all of your events to the University as a whole.

Vice President of Programming: Linh Do ()

o  Volunteering opportunities

o  CDE Pen Pals

§  K-12 students - 12 hours of service

§  Application due September 17th

o  Celebrating Cultural Diversity Festival

§  Sunday October 4th

§  Training session Thursday October 1st - 5 PM-6 PM - Illinois room

§  Free T-shirts!

o  Fun Night at Hills Elementary

§  Friday October 23rd - 5:30 PM-8:30 PM

§  Setting up,serving food, cleaning up

o  Office Hours: Thursday 2:00pm – 4:00pm

o  There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and volunteer, please share this information with your chapters and consider volunteering. This is also an opportunity for collaborative volunteering.

Vice President of Finance and Operations: Tito Castañeda ()

o  Delegate Emails

o  Supplemental Funding – September 11, 2015

o  CSIL Funding – September 15th, 2015 – Orgsync

o  MGC Dues

o  Finance Roundtable/One on Ones - Interest in council position?

o  Office Hours: Mondays 11:30am – 1:30pm

o  Thank you all for being flexible with the emails. Remember that Supplemental Funding Deadline is Friday September 11, if anyone still needs assistance with this application please feel free to contact me with any questions, I am more than available to help. MGC dues invoice will be sent out soon, and payments will be due to Tito or the SOBO office by October 21, 2015. Anyone interested in the VP of Finance & Operation position feel free to contact me to set up a time to shadow, if interested.

Vice President of Recruitment: Erika Valerio ()

o  Meet the Greeks Feedback

o  Email for Recruitment Roundtable

o  Office Hours: Friday 10:30 am – 12:30pm

o  Feedback for Meet the Greeks; Rooms that are closer to the tabling portion, structuring chapter time and more organization with timing in regards to how much time is given and when each chapter will be presenting.

President: Lisa Thai ()

o  Pilot Programs – Socials & Educationals

o  Homecoming Week ! – YAY JOANNA! October 3 – 10 Kappa Alpah Theta Lambda Chi Alpha – Theme for Iowa Shout – Cheerleaders & Football players – September 18, king and queen application- banner competiton, decorations- t-shirts order for tomorrow, cultural diversity festival, hawkeye hustle a relay, only 5 per pairing.

o  Delegates and social chairs of chapters will form committees for socials. Chapter will plan socials in groups of four and Tito will contact the delegates for information and progress.

o  MGC will no longer be hosting educationals but rather providing dates and times for educational opportunity already occurring on campus. MGC is requiring 75% of the chapter to attend a minimum of one educational each semester. The intention is to foster collaboration with other councils and provide more opportunity for chapter members to pick and choose times, dates, and topics that interest them, rather than obligate chapter attendance to something that may not be interested in or have time for.

Open Floor: