Mudra School of Dance and Music
Studio Rules
Ø All students must pay the tuition by the 10th of every month to avoid a $5 late fee.
Ø The Studio Door will be open 10 minutes before and after the class. Please be on time.
Ø All parents to drop off their children and pick them up right after the classes are over.
No parking available at the studio but for drop-offs
Ø Only students are allowed inside the studio during the class. Parents are only allowed in the studio under certain special circumstances with prior notice.
Ø Dance students must wear the appropriate dance uniform to class and are strongly encouraged to bring a water bottle (especially when coming for the dance class)
Ø Students SHOULD NOT run around inside/outside the studio room and must remain inside the studios till the parents come for pick up.
Ø We understand that every one’s time is precious. The School will be glad to discuss any concerns/questions about the kids with prior appointments with the dance/music teacher and not necessarily before/after regular class session, as otherwise it delays the rest of the day’s schedule for kids, parents and the teachers.
Ø Please remind kids the importance of keeping quiet and attentive during the class as it makes the class highly productive.
Ø We may occasionally post pictures of Mudra School’s Students on our website. Training materials provided (Music & Video DVD’s) are for the sole use of students ONLY and under no circumstance be copied and distributed.
Ø Mudra School of Dance and Music, its Directors/teachers accept no liabilities for
Injuries/accidents (physical or mental/emotional) that may occur at the studio/while performing in or out of state. My signature below confirms my acceptance of the rules and conditions stated above.
Student Signature: Date:
Name in Capital Letters:
Parent Signature: Date:
Name in Capital Letters: