Lineage III

By Angelion

Mt. Gagazet – The base of the mountain is unusually busy as merchants from across Spira come to sell and trade goods with the Ronso tribe. The Ronso’s proficiency at hunting fiends and the hostile environment of the mountain make for rare goods that merchants love to sell to the upper-class of Bevelle at a high price. While the Ronso seek materials not easily found on the mountain like metal, plant goods and material for clothing.

Though the Ronso are known for not covering up due to their fur, they are still prone to the chills of the mountain. Today is such a day; although with clear blue skies, a chilling wind sweeps across the mountain's landscape.

The young Ronso warrior Garik is browsing the merchant stalls. Wearing a traditionally hand woven poncho, he goes about unhindered by the chill of the wind only to be amused by the hume merchants trying to haggle with teeth rattling.

It’s been an entire moon cycle since his last encounter with Biran inside the cave. An encounter that’s been on his mind ever since. The thought of his master’s cock deep inside him, the smell of his master’s body and the orgasmic climax still giving him a hard-on to the day. Something he has to be aware of so not to pitch a tent with his own member in public.

Then across the market he spots him; Biran was standing next to a hume stall while two Ronso pups were bargaining with the merchant. It seems like the pups traded something for what looked like a crystal from Macalania forest. The pups are overjoyed, but their celebration is cut short as Yenke comes by and grabs the crystal. He holds it over them, taking great delight at their attempts to get it back.

Garik never liked Yenke. He always thought he was self-serving and hardly contributed towards the tribe. He knew though that Biran and Yenke go way back, but the real bitterness is that Yenke gets to spend more time Biran than anyone.

Suddenly Biran walks over to the taunting Yenke and gives him a smack behind the head. Yenke drops the crystal into one of the pup's paws. They run off laughing at Yenke's misfortune. Yenke turning to look at Biran, sneering while rubbing his head. Biran gives him a shove and they both walk off.

Garik cant help but snicker a bit at the sight. He walks onwards, but before taking another step, he notices something; Biran had stood still and was looking at him from across the market. He must have known he was there all along. Eyes fixed they stare at one another; the hustle between them going on unnoticed between them. Then Biran breaks eyesight in a passive manner and walks away.

“What did that mean?” Garik thought. His stare was neither hostile nor warm. Maybe it was time that he went to go see his master.

The sun was slowly setting and the last of the merchants were leaving before darkness descends on the mountain. Garik walked along the mountain route hidden away from the main square to where the other Ronsos reside. A Ronso dwelling is a mismatch of materials put together in a way that seemed planned from the start. Some of the Ronso lived blocked off caves while others built huts out of stone. All of which was clinging onto the steep mountain with smoke pillars rising from each household.

At the end of this village which could be considered the “ideal” spot on a treacherous mountain was Biran's household. A large tent erected in an alcove, attached to a stone room with smoke billowing out of it's tiny chimney. He was home.

Garik walked up the the entrance of the tent, making sure he wasn't noticed by the others. He hesitates to enter and stares at the entrance. Though protected from the worse of the elements the material was tattered and flapped in the wind violently. He musters up the courage and enters.

Nobody dares enters this tent without prior invitation, doing so was surely suicide. However Garik knew that things were different between him and Biran. Still as he walks through the entrance room, he was starting to sweat at the thought of what consequences this transgression would bring.

He enters the main room of the house. He takes off his poncho slowly. The room is dimly lit, but his eyes soon adjust. A large center pole reaches high; the roof of the tent hanging from it's center – reaching lofty downwards to the side anchors. There were ornate trinkets and chests strewn on low furniture and various rugs.

These were clearly Kelk Ronso's previous belongings, but with him in Bevelle all the time; it must have been best suited to give it to the guardian Ronso.

Make no mistake though; there were no soft furnishings or scented incense burning. This household clearly belonged to a beast. Pelts and skulls from various fiends adorned the space. The smell of musk was only challenged by the smell of smoke coming from the stone room. A large chair looms at the back of the room. Now in tatters, it looked like it was once a plush throne for a maester. It's legs replaced by stone blocks, no doubt to better support Biran's hefty weight.

He suddenly hears a shuffle from the side. Through a draped screen he sees a large figure with it's back to him. It was Biran. Garik's heart stopped; he fought terrifying fiends, but nothing scared him as much as this moment. Biran's head lifts up and looks to the side; his ear flipping. He knows.

Garik is frozen in his tracks. Biran slowly turns around to face him. What seemed like an eternity passed for Garik, but Biran just stood there. Realizing he has to do “something”, he walks hesitantly towards the looming giant. He pulls away slowly the draped screen and their eyes meet. Biran sporting him the same passive eyes as before.

Garik realizes he came in while Biran was undressing. Now only down to his faulds armor around his hips and loincloth. Garik walks up to Biran, he wants so say something but is too afraid that whatever he says will have a negative response. Biran doesn't say anything either and simply stares on at his young pupil.

Garik moves in closer, expecting to be shoved away, but still Biran does nothing. He can feel from his snout and lips the heat emanating from Biran. He tries to pick up nuances in Biran's face before following his neck line down to the chest. Garik slowly raises his claws and places both of them on Garik's chest. Biran pecs tighten at the touch and Garik quickly pauses.

Realizing he hasn't been smacked across the room yet, Garik slowly starts to massage the large Ronso's chest. It's just like he remembered; Biran's chest was large and firm. Each pec bulbous and between them there was a field of soft fur. Garik continues to massage Biran's chest; rubbing his claws up and down against it. He starts to rub the nipples with his thumbs. He looks up to Biran to see any disapproval, but he shows no signs.

Garik realizing that he may continue, starts massaging more aggressively and starts working towards the shoulder. Large and muscular they defined Biran's foreboding figure. Garik can tell that Biran has been training hard by the feel of his muscles. He moves one of his claws down along Biran's arms and then to the side where the latch of his fauld armor. He looks up at Biran once more while placing his claw on the latch.

Biran continues to be passive and so Garik undoes the latch with his one claw. The fauld slides down Biran's one leg and hits the ground with a thud. Garik places the claw on Biran's hip where the thether to his loincloth is. Suddenly Biran raises his arm!

“Have I gone to far?” Garik thought.

Biran slowly places his large claw at the base of Garik's throat. Caressing the neck upwards to where he places his thumb on Gariks lower lip. Biran leans in and kisses Garik; gently pushing the tip of his tongue into his maw. Garik is so taken back by this that he just stands there frozen, however his tongue responds with more eagerness and welcomes Biran's.

Biran pulls back to see the wide eyed Ronso staring back at him. Biran rubs the back of Garik's neck to “revive” him. Realizing where this is leading to, Biran pulls on the tether holding together Biran's loincloth. It flounders to the ground; exposing Biran's large member to the air.

Biran looks down and Garik follows suit. He sees that Biran's cock is already growing; he slowly grabs it as if greeting a handshake. Biran twitches but shows no sign of disapproval. Garik gently tugs and strokes Biran's cock with his fingers as it slowly grows larger and larger. He reaches lower and cups the balls. They fill his entire palm; large and heavy. He massages them gently as Biran let's out a soft grunt.

They know they can continue on here; they would not be disturbed. Garik knows, nobody would dare enter this tent unannounced...unless you were Yenke.

Biran suddenly looks up, Garik turns around to see Yenke standing at the entrance way wide eyed.

Not second goes by that Yenke lunges at Garik with a snarl. They fall to the ground and start tussling. Yenke getting a few blows in as Garik tries to shove his aggressor off.

“What Garik thinks Garik doing, huh?! Garik some chamber maid?! Biran deserves better!” Yenke snarls.

Equals in both size and strength they wrestle till they grasp one another in a tight hold. Garik holding onto Yenke's throat as in turn Yenke holding onto Garik's horn.

“Yenke will break Garik's horn.” Yenke mutters through the choking grip. Slowly applying pressure on Garik's horn.

“ENOUGH!” Biran finally yells, pulling Yenke off of Garik. Falling back, trying to catch his breath and Garik slowly gets up.

“What's this pup doing?!” Yenke shouts.

“Silence!” Biran retorts. Forcing Yenke into an obedient silence.

Garik observes; not sure whether he should abruptly leave. He looks up at Biran and Biran meets his gaze.

“Biran knew this would happen.” Biran says through a sigh.

“Biran knew Biran had to keep Garik and Yenke separate. Train separate. Ronso too full of pride; get too jealous.”

“Jealous?” Garik thought he heard wrong, but then he understood. He looked at Yenke and realized the situation; they were both given the same treatment. More over they are both being trained to take over Biran's role as the Ronso guardian. He cant help but feel a bit upset, but it now made sense why Yenke was always with Biran.

“Biran cant do this! Yenke trained with Biran since a pup! Biran...!” Yenke suddenly breaking silence.

“Yenke cant decide! Biran will decide who Biran trains! Garik getting a word in.

“Quiet!” Biran growls once again. Shutting the two up; realizing that their bantering could attract unwanted attention.

“Biran will decide, but it too soon.” Biran says unsure of himself.

Yenke not happy with that gets up quickly and storms up to Garik. Biran keeping them apart.

“Yenke will bury this pup!” he threatens, trying to grasp at Garik.

“Yenke too stupid. The mountain laughs at Yenke!” Biran sporting his “best” retort.

Biran keeping them apart soon realized that this bickering the two had an odd effect on him. His cock was rock hard and dripping with pre. An idea comes to mind and he smirks.

“If Garik and Yenke want to fight, then fight right here...”

“Right! Garik will...” Garik starts mouthing off.

“...naked.” Biran finishes with a smile.

They both go quiet. Thinking for a second if they heard wrong. They look at Biran trying to confirm if he was jesting in anyway, but his smirk holds firm. They both suddenly become aware of his massive boner and they would be fighting for his amusement.

“What?” Yenke asks confusingly.

“What's the matter Yenke? Is Yenke a Chocobo? Ready to run away?” Biran jokingly teases.

Yenke pauses looking back at Biran. There's no way he's going to be sidelined for this young upstart.

“Fine!” Yenke says, breaking the silence. He grabs st his chest-plate's latch and removes it violently.

“Anything to show this pup his place.” he continues.

Realizing that this is going to happen right here, right now Biran starts removing his armor as well.

“Yenke talks big, but the mountain still laughs.” Biran retorts.

They both strip down till all three of them are left standing completely naked. Garik and Yenke cant help but size one another up; checking out who had the bigger shoulders, the biggest chest and naturally the bigger junk. They both try to take a peek, but try not to get caught. Regardless they are both blushing and Biran takes notice. The sight of his two pupils stark naked is making his cock twitch and he occasionally gives it a tug.

There is an awkward pause. Garik thought for a second that Yenke wouldn't go through with it.

“Begin.” Biran suddenly mutters standing to the side.

Suddenly Yenke runs up to Biran and starts swiping at him with his claws. Garik taken by surprise get hits in the face by the first swipe and tries to fend off the rest. He starts blocking the blows and grips up one of Yenke's arms, but he's left himself exposed. Yenke uses his free arm to take a jab at Garik's ribs under the arm that's holding him. Garik lets got and is quickly met by a side kick from Yenke, but he grapples the leg. Before Yenke can retaliate Garik moves in closer using his foot work and momentum to trip up Yenke.

They're both on the ground now, wrestling with much vigor. Their muscled bodies entwined with one another. Biran watches on at the spectacle, slowly jacking off at the site.

“Remember what Biran taught you.” Biran starts to mutter as he watches on.

The two muscular Ronso continue rolling on the floor, each trying to get the upper hand over one another.

“Exploit your enemy's weakness, no matter what that is.” Biran continues to lecture.

“Weakness?” Garik thought. Yenke may not be the smartest Ronso, but he is adept at fighting. He's having a hard time trying to get the upper hand in this fight. Yenke is fighting just as ferociously as Biran does. Garik begins to think how he gained the advantage over Biran before. He then recalls that time at the hot spring. When he grabbed hold on Biran's cock.

Would this work on Yenke he thought. Yenke was is so mad right now, he wasnt sure if anything would work. Still he thought it would be worth a try. Garik while trying to get a firm grip on Yenke himself, looks to see if he can reach Yenke's dick. He tumbles to the side to get still gripping onto Yenke, he then has a view of his target. Yenke's cock was fully erect, whether he was conscious of it or not he must be getting some pleasure out of this.

Garik doesnt hesitate; he reaches and grabs hold of Yenke's cock and starts massaging it. Yenke pauses his assault in surprise. It gives Garik the chance to gain the upper hand over his opponent. Garik pins Yenke to the ground face first.

“Submit!” Garik shouts while still having a firm grip on Yenke's cock.

“Gnngh, Never!” Yenke retorts. He gets his arm loose and elbows Garik in the face.

Garik falls to the side and quickly toppled by Yenke. He sits on the waist and holds Garik down by the arms, thinking he has the advantage. However Garik has a new mindset for this fight. He plants his feet on the ground and left Yenke rear up into the air. As soon as it was in the clear he starts thrusting his cock against Yenke's ass.

“S-stop that!” Yenke objects, but his cock is leaking pre from this sudden tactic. He looses his footing trying to maneuver his butt away from Garik' large cock.

They continue to tussle as Biran watches on from his chair; stroking his cock. He's fully enjoy the display, but he has to make a point.

“Part of the Ronso warrior lineage is to lead. Ronso has to be in control for the sake of the village. Ronso has to be dominant. Ronso has to show who is in charge.” Biran mutters.

Garik pins Yenke down again; pressing his head down with his knee. Yenke tries to break free, but Garik pulls out his secret move. He sucks on his middle finger and then starts shoving it down Yenke's butthole.