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MSW Completed Theses
Year Completed / Student / Thesis Title2016 / Barker, Jaspen / Exploring individuals’ experiences of time-sensitive practice in rural Newfoundland and Labrador.
2016 / Younis, Corrine Lynn / Solution-focused practices in child welfare supervision.
2014 / Church, Mary-Jo / Falling through the cracks: an exploratory study regarding the perceived barriers to mental health services for rural Cape Breton youth.
2014 / Griffin-Fillier, Lorna / The storied self: the effects of spinal cord injury on identity narratives.
2014 / Legge, Rhonda J. / A qualitative evaluation of the home share St. John’s pilot program.
2013 / Simons, BriAnna Justine / Is ignorance really bliss?: child welfare workers speak out about their understanding of best practice when working with children exposed to domestic violence.
2011 / Duggan, Melinda Mary / Vision rehabilitation services in Newfoundland and Labrador: Identifying the needs, barriers, and pathways.
2008 / Kielley, Henry Gerard / The impact of admission and transfer policies on long term care clients and their families.
2005 / Tobin, Sean W. / Social work and child protection: Is anti-oppresive social work practice relevant and applied in child protection work?
1993 / Melendy, Michelle Lynn / The victims’ – survivors’ perceptions of participating in the Hughes Inquiry.
1993 / Smith, B. Wayne (Bronson Wayne) / Impaired driving programs: a review of the Canadian experience: what makes for an effective intervention?
1992 / Bennett, Bert J. / Communication, commitment, intimacy, and dyadic perception in lasting marriages: implications for social work assessment and couple therapy.
1991 / Dunne, Gordon / Stress in child welfare: a study of perceived causes and levels of stress among child welfare workers in Newfoundland and Labrador.
1991 / Robbins, Dorothy B. / Babies and work: a study of employed parents of infants.
1990 / Antle, Beverley J. / Guilt, food, and control: three women’s experience with eating disorders.
1990 / Bolger, Donna M. / Female and male voices in social work revisited: a systematic critique of Liane Davis.
1990 / Crawford, Elizabeth A. / Children in care: victims of the system.
1990 / Fagan, Carol (Carol Patricia) / Issues of elderly caregiving: an exploratory study of the caregivers.
1989 / Barbour, Roy E. / A study of client perceptions of the St. John’s Work Activity Project and the perceived benefits of program participation.
1989 / Skinner, George William Newman / Public perceptions of alcohol problems, treatment policies and treatment services: a Newfoundland perspective.
1989 / Smyth, Mary a. / Psychiatrists’ and social workers’ disclosure practices with regards to the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
1989 / Griffin, Dianne / Adolescent pregnancy and changes in family functioning: the views of pregnant adolescents living at home and their mothers.
1988 / Foster, Catherine Walsh / The design of an evaluation model for an outpatient alcohol and drug abuse treatment program.
1988 / Morris, Richard Joseph / Confidentiality in social work, the professional secret or the profession’s secret?: a study of social workers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward confidentiality.
1988 / Richler, Sheila M. / Unmarried adolescent motherhood in St. John’s, Newfoundland – an assessment profile.
1987 / Cameron, Carmen / Social work periodical literature on battered women, 1970-1984: a content analysis.
1987 / French, Geraldine / Rural social work in Canada and the United States: concerns and curricula.
1987 / Hurley, Audrey Land / The use of an extended axial model for examining social work core knowledge about early attachment.
1987 / Savoury, George Robert / A study of the appeal process for social assistance recipients in Newfoundland.
1986 / McCormack, Marilyn Howell / A study of the effectiveness of group counselling as a treatment modality for adolescent female incest victims.
1985 / Leland, Caroline Cadwalader / Program evaluation of two residential care group homes in the province of Newfoundland.
1985 / Simms, Madonna Dean / An investigation of the school social worker’s role as perceived by high school principals in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
1984 / Carlson, Terry Maxwell / An assessment of factors related to recidivism among adult ex-offenders residing in a community-based residential centre in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
1984 / Fulcher, Connie E. / Social service organization policies on confidentiality in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
1983 / O’Flaherty, Frances O’Neill / A follow-up study of Bachelor of Social Work graduates at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
1982 / Lawlor, Denise E. / Yalom’s 60 item Q-sort of curative factors in group therapy applied to parent training groups.
1982 / McConnell, Susan Manning / The problem of autonomy: informed consent in social work.
1982 / Nugent, Roxanne Power / A study of victimized daughters’ perceptions of mother-daughter dyads in incestuous families.
1982 / Vincent, Beverly Ann / A study of outcome in a parent training group in St. John’s.
1981 / Browne, Maureen E. / Application of an empirical model of social work practice in a family service agency.
1981 / Ma, Connie / Content analysis of periodical literature on social work supervision, 1970-1979.
1980 / Johnson, Ruth Jerrett / A study of the need for social workers in the schools in Newfoundland.
1980 / Payne, Wayne Howard / A study of some selected family variables and their relationship to the satisfaction of parenthood.
1980 / Sheppard, George Mancel / A study of the generational factor in child abuse.
1980 / Tucker, Bonita Ann / Enhancing interviewing skills: a structural approach to the initial field placement in social work.
1979 / Krishnamoni, Devaki / An investigation into the motives of women seeking therapeutic abortion in Newfoundland.
1978 / Dawe, Clarinda Mary Sharpe / A comparison of the use of support and control in the child-rearing practices of foster parents.
1978 / Eddy, Irene Mary / An assessment of foster parents with respect to their adequacy and satisfaction.
1978 / Gabriel, Reginald / An examination of authoritarianism in child-rearing attitudes as manifested by foster parents.
1978 / Handrigan, Helen Marie / The effects of parenthood status on kinship relations.
1978 / Newlands, Elizabeth Anne / A study of self-concept in women as heads of one-parent families.
1978 / Purcell, Bryan Edward / A study of social adjustment among children of one parent families.
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