CGU Board Meeting Minutes 1/16/15
Motion-Mike to get the meeting started
Beth second the motion
-Change of agenda
Beth talked about the roster and deadlines.
-Treasure report
$-11,000 deficit, there’s 30 plus families who have failed to pay. There’s $118,000 on hand to carry through. March 1st the budget is due. Fundraising has changed a lot this year. It has to stay with CGU not the specific team, for gambling license. Among the team the funds have to be evenly distributed.
-March 19th is Youth Expo, there will be 4-5 people from CGU representing.
-Photos are april 21 and 22 at CGMS August 4 and 5 for session 2.
-Recap for board roles.
Each position needs to be voted on.
If you want to stay in the fall, you need to run and be voted in.
There are three new people who want to join but looking for someone with a soccer background for competitive.
Question brought up, do new board members vote or not vote and what is the length of the term each board member serves?
NEED Mike Buth’s position filled-FIELD COORDINATOR
-Randy moves to approve a minimum of 2 members at large not to exceed a registration fee ($600) not extra academy fees and nonvoting.
Mike Buth seconds the motion. All approve. Motion carries.
-summer rec registration update and how many have registered. Stacey talked about everyone using CGU email so that we are all on the same page and everyone trying to respond in a timely manner.
7/11-7/16 East Districts
5/15-5/17 RWTW
8/29 Summer Jamboree
Need to figure out for summer REC what day is last day for summer REC- after conversation 8/30. Mike is going to finalize the Coerver Cup for the last weekend in September. CGU is looking into 6v6 goals this summer or next summer. We might need more 6v6 fields.
LOOK FOR SOMEONE TO TAKE OVER THIS POSITION. Kim Is now the vice president so no longer in fundraising. Raffle tickets in the Spring are going to be happening but we are to be spending less on the prize costs. Still question about whether or not we will be doing baskets for the raffle tickets.
High school girls will be working with the U9’s to start making a connection with the kids. Clinics are on April 18th where the HS kids will be handing out flyers for the CGU night which is September 12th. July 20 and 21 the HS kids will come and run a practice with the little kids, coaches should be there observing. Park is in need of older aged referees. They would be compensated $55 a game. CGU is looking to get more boys playing CGU soccer, an idea to bring in the Boys HS team to get involved with the youth teams.
Jeff is finding three more coaches, he thinks he only has one left to find. February 28th is the last day for rosters. Jeff sent out an email to U15 girls to combine teams and find a new coach if needed. Beth will need to refund the money if the teams combine and some of the girls end up not playing.
All area bulletin is being sent to 16,000 houses, it’s a half page ad for $640.
Stacey asks for a motion to get one colored half page back-to-back weeks up to $1300.00 The ad comes out Feb. 25 and March 4th.
Beth S. seconds the motion.
We are looking for a third bulletin to talk about.
Stacey motions for: up to $2000.00 to place ads in bulletins. Jennifer seconds. Accepted and passed.
October 4th is Gold Plate Dinner. We have no inventory for the store-someone will have to keep track of the store. Stacey will put together budget for next meeting.
Finalized flyer
Get website up to date. Kari is working with HS kids to get more involved with REC. What do we need to do different to get REC kids to Competitive-what do we do to bridge the gap? Everyone was asked to brainstorm on how we continue our mission to make the program better.
Google drives are all up-to-date. Teams have to be submitted to MYSA March 2nd. June 18th is roster freeze date. There needs to be an email sent out to coaches that coaches and manager passes will be available until the second week of April. Jeff is going to remind coaches that background checks and concussion tests need to be done before the passes arrive. Only roster of teams is one online-need to make sure everything is correct.
Future agendas: Registrar needs to be at least 3 year commitment.
There was 200 items ordered last flash store. Uniforms are going down to $90/person. Late March we are opening another flash store for competitive. There will be try ons again at tryouts in the fall.
4 hr/family for DIBS ages u8-u17.
Head coach, up to 2 assistants, manager and rec head coach are all exempt from volunteering.
Kim Burns is taking on the Vice President role. There is a coaching alliance meeting in April. Kevin changed the format of the meeting, which everyone agrees worked well. Checks need to be made to CGAA not CGU. Hamlet field is NOT available this spring/summer.