Work Instruction
Functional Area: Manager Self Service (MSS) / MSS End of Assignment
UC Separation/Retirement/End of Assignment is acustom designed form consisting of a combination of actions to provide efficiencies for the initiator. The form allows for the departure of an employeefrom one position/multiple positions and/or entirely from the University. Each action is selected based upon the situation.
Use this procedure to end an appointment of an employee (who has multiple assignments) from one position. The employee retains a main assignment. The End of Assignment PCR is one of three actions on the Combination form.The three actions available on the Combination Separation form are: 1) Retirement 2) Separation; and 3) End of Assignment.
Manual processes required prior to the submittal of a PCR action are documented in the Business Process information below.
This employee holds multiple positions and is not separating from all of positions.In the case of multiple positions, the initiator will select the End of Assignment Action from the other actions on the combination form. To change the option (End of Assignment) use the 'Previous' button to return to the beginning of the form to select a different action.
URL Address
Use the following URL to beginthis transaction:
Helpful Hints
  • If a student worker requestsa separation from your department (and the student has other active positions) please contact the other departments to ask them to process an "End of Assignment".
  • Note: If the student has more than one position, you cannot separate the student, but must end the student's assignment. To process a separation, the student must not have other active positions.
  • "PCR/New Hire Processing Schedules" -- good documentation regarding Payroll due dates for PCRs can be found on the Payroll Operations Web Site.
  • The "PCR Overview" tab in MSS provides a PCR Status Report for PCRs you have initiated.
  • The "Overview" tab will contain all PCRs that have been returned to you as the initiator to edit and resubmit.
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • The Effective Date field is the effective date for the action. Today's date is the default date automatically pre-filled in the PCR. You can change it to another date by typing the date in the format: MM/DD/YYYY; or you can use the calendar control to select the effective date for the action.
  • You can now search foremployees by using the Standard Search or an Advanced Search:
  • Standard Search allows you to find the employee by either the Last Name, First Name or Personnel Number (PERNR); or
  • Advanced Search provides more criteria to search for the employee: Last Name, First Name, Middle Name,Personnel Number, Organizational Unit, Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea.
Tips and Tricks
This Employee holds multiple positions and is not separating from all of them. Therefore, select End of Assignment. To change the option, select 'Previous' button to go back.
If a student worker has requested a separation from your department (and the student has other active positions), please contact the other departments to ask them to process an ‘End of assignment’.
Note: if the student has more than one position, you cannot separate the student, but must end the student’s assignment. To process a separation, the student must not have other active positions
- When an employee decides to leave the University on a voluntary basis, the employee informs their department manager, usually submitting a letter of resignation.
- When an administrative authority/supervisor who is considering termination of an unclassified employee should contact Employee Relations prior to taking such action.
- The administrative unit submits written documentation of the separation details to the Human Resources department. The administrative unit initiates the Separation Clearance Form.
- The administrative unit instructs the employee to return all departmental and university property to the office from which it was issued. All such equipment must be returned on or before the employee’s last day of employment in order for the employee to receive vacation and sick payouts, if applicable, on the first payroll after the employee receives final pay for time worked.
-Itis the org unit’s responsibility to initiate the employee’s separation from the University by completing the Separation PCR using UC Flex MSS. When processing a separation, timeliness of submitting the PCR is important because it affects not only the employee’s final pay out, but retirement contributions and benefits processing are affected as well.
- The PCR will contain defaulted data for the employee from the employee’s record in SAP and will allow the initiator to enter the Separation Reason, and the Effective Date (or the Last Work Day).
- In determining the correct end date to use for the PCR, the last day worked is the effective date of the separation/termination. It is also the date used to end the account lines and the date used to create a position vacancy for the org unit.
- The Separation PCR contains a drop-down selection for initiators to use to identify the reason for the employee separation action. The reason codes will be different for a “voluntary” separation versus an
“involuntary” separation. If the employee’s termination is originating from the employee, then employee submits a resignation letter or notifies the department for the separation reason (Voluntary Separation). If the department initiates the termination of the employee, then the department notifies the employee about the termination (Involuntary Separation).
Involuntary Separations
As all employee separations are not a result of the voluntary decision made by the employee, a department sometimes may need to terminate an employee due to certain circumstances that makes the separation involuntary. The administrative unit needs to contact the Labor and Employee Relations department when the separation involves an involuntary separation. For more information, please review the HR Policy and Procedures 15.2, 15.3,17.1.; ORC 124.34; andUniversity Rule 30-19-01.
The voluntary reasons for a separation of employment as they appear on the Separation PCR are as follows:
Reason Code # / Reason Name
11 / Accepted New Job (Acad/Non Acad)
12 / Personal Reasons
13 / Disability Termination
15 / Military
16 / Death of an Employee
17 / Death of a Retiree
20 / Retiree/Separation Add. Assign
Ver: Rev 2016-1 / MSS End of Assignment.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/1
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Manager Self Service (MSS) / MSS End of Assignment
1. / Login to the UC Flex Portal at
Welcome - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Windows Internet Explorer

2. / Click the Manager Self-Service tab .
Work Overview - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Windows Internet Explorer

3. / Click the Personnel Change Request tab .
Select Employee

4. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Last name: / Required / Employee's last name
First name: / Required / Employee's first name
Personnel Number: / Optional / Unique number assigned to an employee's job assignment
5. / Click the Start button .
Select Employee

6. / Click the button to select an employee.
Select Employee

7. / Click the Next button .
Select Process for Ma Jun

8. / Click the button to select the UC Separation/Retirement/End for Assignment PCR.
Select Process for Ma Jun

9. / Click the Next button .
Select Process for Ma Jun

10. / If no warning appears go to the next step.
Start Process for Employee - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Windows Internet Explorer

11. / Click the End of Assignment radio button.
Start Process for Employee - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Windows Internet Explorer

12. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Effective Date / Required / Date the changes become effective for the employee's record or Effective date of plan data (Benefits)
Please enter the Effective Date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
/ New Option: Save as a Draft to complete the PCR later. A draft creates a collision (just like an earmark). Finish processing as soon as possible to not block other PCRs.
Fill Out Form UC Separation/Retirement/End of Assignment for Ma Jun

13. / Scroll down to view more fields.
Start Process for Employee - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Windows Internet Explorer

14. / Click the Reason for Separation drop down .
15. / Click .
Start Process for Employee - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Windows Internet Explorer

16. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
New Comments / Required / Comments add to a PCR tofurther explainthe reason for the action
Paperwork on file
Fill Out Form UC Separation/Retirement/End of Assignment for Ma Jun

17. / Click the Next button .
Review Form UC Separation/Retirement/End of Assignment for Ma Jun

18. / Click the Send button .
/ This is the last screento check the accuracy of the entered data beforesending the form.The form can't be changed on this step. Click the previous button toedit the data.
Step Completed

19. / Click .
/ It's very important to logoff before closing the browser window. Your session could hang or remain open.
Welcome - UCFlex Enterprise Portal - Internet Explorer

20. / Click Yes .
End of simulation.

21. / End.
/ You have successfully initiated an End of Assignment PCR.
Ver: Rev 2016-1 / MSS End of Assignment.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/17
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Manager Self Service (MSS) / MSS End of Assignment
You have successfully initiated an End of Assignment PCR.
Ver: Rev 2016-1 / MSS End of Assignment.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/17