Accelerated Social Studies I Curriculum Map


Note: Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies for grade 9 will be incorporated throughout the curriculum.

August 7-10 / Unit I: Skills Handbook
Chapters 1 and 2: Studying and Writing Effectively/ Reading and Thinking Critically / SWBAT…
Research and write effectively. / Class introduction
*Current Events Notebooks
Multiple Intelligences Survey
Effective Note-Taking Activity
Commercials and Critical Thinking Activity
August 13-17 / Chapters 3, 4, and 5: Doing Research/ Interpreting Special Sources/ Completing Special Assignments / SWBAT…
Research and write effectively. / Political Cartoon Activity(A/H)
Using the Internet Activity
How to Give a Speech Activity
Unit I Quiz
August 20-24 / Unit II: Constitution and Foundations of Government
Chapter 1: Principles of Government
SS-HS-1.1.1: Students will compare and contrast various forms of government in the world and evaluate how they have been in establishing order, providing security, and accomplishing common goals. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Identify the origins and purposes of government.
Describe the characteristics of a nation-state.
Explain how political power is distributed.
Explain the similarities and differences among the major forms of government. / Chapter 1 Study Guide
Role-Playing Exercise: Philosophies of Government
*Current Events(RA)
August 27-31 / Chapter 2: Beginnings of American Government
SS-HS-1.1.2: Students will explain and give examples of how democratic governments preserve and protect the rights and liberties of their constituents through different sources. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Explain the major ideas in the Declaration of Independence.
Analyze the meanings of limited government, representative government, liberty, and equality.
Compare and contrast the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation with the strength of the Constitution. / Chapter 2 Study Guide
Updating the Declaration of Independence Writing Assignment(WA)
Primary Source Reading: The Articles of Confederation(RA, ACT)
Movie: 1776 or National Treasure
* Viewer guide
September 4-7 / Chapter 3: The Constitution
SS-HS-1.1.2: Students will explain and give examples of how democratic governments preserve and protect the rights and liberties of their constituents through different sources. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Explain the basic principles and structure of the Constitution. / Chapter 3 Study Guide
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“We the People” Activity- Foundations of the Constitution
*Current Events(RA)
September 11-14 / Chapter 4: Federalism
SS-HS-1.1.2: Students will explain and give examples of how democratic governments preserve and protect the rights and liberties of their constituents through different sources. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Define and explain the six powers of government. / Chapter 4 Study Guide
Group Activity: Federal v. States’ Rights- The Drinking Age at 21
Extra Credit Opportunity: Recitation of the Preamble
Unit II Exam
September 17-21 / Unit III: Political Behavior and Participation
Chapter 5: Political Parties
SS-HS-1.3.3: Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities and duties. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Identify the four roles of political parties.
Identify the major political parties that exist in the U.S. / Chapter 5 Study Guide
Evolution of American Political Parties
*Current Events(RA)
September 24-28 / Chapter 6: Elections and Campaigns
SS-HS-1.3.3: Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities and duties. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Describe the phases of a presidential campaign.
Identify the sources of funding for campaigns.
Define what political action committees are and their purpose. / Chapter 6 Study Guide
“The Presidential Campaign Game”
October 1-5 / Chapter 7: Political Participation and Voter Behavior
SS-HS-1.3.3: Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities and duties. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Identify various types of political participation.
Describe how voting rights have evolved in the U.S.
Explain the three factors that influence the choices that voters make. / Chapter 7 Study Guide
*Current Events(RA)
October 8-12 (Fall Break)
October 15-19 / Chapters 8 and 9: Public Opinion and Mass Media/ Interest Groups
SS-HS-1.3.3: Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities and duties. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Identify and define various political ideologies.
Analyze the impact of the mass media on the policy agenda in the U.S. government.
Analyze the effects of interest groups on the legislative process in particular and on the political process in general. / Chapters 8 and 9 Study Guide
Political Ideology Survey
“Selecting a Political Party” Group Activity
Unit III Exam
October 22-26 / Unit IV: Institutions of National Government
Chapter 10: Congress and the Legislative Branch
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Identify the basic qualifications for House and Senate members.
Explain the three differences between the House and Senate.
Analyze the stages of the lawmaking process in both the House and Senate. / Chapter 10 Study Guide
Standing Committee Activity
*Current Events(RA)
October 29- November 2 / Chapter 11: The Presidency
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Identify the constitutional qualifications for becoming President of the U.S.
Define what the electoral college is.
Identify the major powers assigned to the President. / Chapter 11 Study Guide
“The Electoral College: Is it Broken” Group Activity
BioBoard Activity: The Presidents of the United States(A/H)
November 5-9 / Chapter 12: The Executive Branch
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Define bureaucracy.
Identify the members of the President’s Cabinet. / Chapter 12 Study Guide
Know Your Cabinet Members Research Activity
Extra Credit Opportunity: Volunteering in Your Community(PLCS)
* Verification sheet and student reflection
*Current Events(RA)
November 12-16 / Chapter 13: The Courts and the Judicial Branch
SS-HS-1.2.1: Students will analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Explain the differences between civil and criminal law and between appellate and original jurisdiction.
Identify the different kinds of federal courts.
Analyze the process that the Supreme Court goes through to hear and decide cases. / Chapter 13 Study Guide
Landmark Supreme Court Cases Presentations(ACT)
November 19-20 / Chapter 13: The Courts and the Judicial Branch / SWBAT…
Describe various landmark Supreme Court decisions. / Unit IV Exam
November 21-23 (Thanksgiving Break)
November 26-30 / Unit V: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Chapter 14: 1st Amendment Freedoms
SS-HS-1.1.2: Students will explain and give examples of how democratic governments preserve and protect the rights and liberties of their constituents through different sources. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.3.1: Students will explain and give examples of the rights of one individual may, at times, be in conflict with the rights of another. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.3.2: Students will explain how the rights of an individual may, at times, be in conflict with the responsibility of the government to protect the “common good”. (DOK 2) / SWBAT…
Identify the first 10 amendments of the Constitution.
Explain what civil liberties and civil rights are.
Define and demonstrate an understanding of the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses.
Explain and give examples of limits on the freedom of speech and the press.
Identify key issues concerning the freedom of assembly and petition. / Chapter 14 Study Guide
Flag Protection Amendment
*Current Events(RA)
December 3-7 / Chapter 15: Rights of Due Process
SS-HS-1.1.2: Students will explain and give examples of how democratic governments preserve and protect the rights and liberties of their constituents through different sources. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.2.2: Students will interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the “common good”. (DOK 3)
SS-HS-1.3.1: Students will explain and give examples of the rights of one individual may, at times, be in conflict with the rights of another. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.3.2: Students will explain how the rights of an individual may, at times, be in conflict with the responsibility of the government to protect the “common good”. (DOK 2) / SWBAT…
Explain due process, its significance, and its constitutional basis.
Identify the basic protections of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments. / Chapter 15 Study Guide
Bill of Rights Scavenger Hunt
December 19 -January 1 (Christmas Break)
January 2-4 / Chapter 16: Civil Rights
SS-HS-1.3.1: Students will explain and give examples of the rights of one individual may, at times, be in conflict with the rights of another. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.3.2: Students will explain how the rights of an individual may, at times, be in conflict with the responsibility of the government to protect the “common good”. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-1.3.3: Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities and duties. (DOK 3) / SWBAT…
Analyze the history and key issues in the civil rights struggles of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, and Native Americans.
Explain the Equal Rights Amendment, its purpose and history.
Explain affirmative action and reverse discrimination. / Video: Eyes on the Prize
* Viewer guide
Unit V Exam
January 7-11 / Unit VI: The Economy and the Individual
Chapter 18 and 26: What is Economics?/Comparing Economic Systems
SS-HS-3.1.1: Students will give examples of and explain how scarcity of resources necessitates choices at both the personal and societal levels in the modern world and the United States and explain the impact of those choices. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-3.2.1: Students will compare and contrast economic systems based on their abilities to achieve broad social goals such as freedom, efficiency, equity, security and growth in the modern world. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-3.2.3: Students will explain how, in a free enterprise system, individuals attempt to maximize their profits based on their role in the economy. (DOK 2) / SWBAT…
Explain the fundamentals of economics.
Describe how to make economic decisions.
Discuss how to be an economically smart citizen.
Compare different types of economic systems. / Chapter 18 Reading Study Guide
Economic Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
*Current Events(RA)
January 14-18 / Chapters 18 and 26: What is Economics?/ Comparing Economic Systems / SWBAT…
Explain the fundamentals of economics.
Describe how to make economic decisions.
Discuss how to be an economically smart citizen.
Compare different types of economic systems. / Foldable Activity: Compare and Contrast Types of Economic Systems(ACT)
Chapter 18 Test with Open-
January 22-25 / Chapter 19: The American Economy
SS-HS-3.1.1: Students will give examples of and explain how scarcity of resources necessitates choices at both the personal and societal levels in the modern world and the United States and explain the impact of those choices. (DOK 2)
SS-HS-3.2.3: Students will explain how, in a free enterprise system, individuals attempt to maximize their profits based on their role in the economy. (DOK 2) / SWBAT…
List the major features of free enterprise.
Describe the factors of production and the Gross Domestic Product.
Explain the kinds of help available to consumers. / Chapter 19 Reading Study Guide
Entrepreneur Map Activity(PLCS)
*Current Events(RA)
January 28- February 1 / Chapter 19: The American Economy / Prom Budget Activity
Chapter 19 Test
February 4-8 / Chapters 20 and 21: Demand/ Supply
SS-HS-3.3.1: Students will explain and give examples of how numerous factors influence the supply and demand of products. (DOK 2) / SWBAT…
Explain the law of demand and understand the factors that cause changes in demand.
Explain how supply works and identify how supply increases or decreases.
Analyze the relationship between supply and demand. / Chapters 20 and 21 Reading Study Guides
Supply and Demand Curve Activity
Chapters 20 and 21 Test
Extra Credit Opportunity:
Reflection of the “State of the Union” Address
*Current Events(RA)
February 11-15 / Chapter 22: Business and Labor
SS-HS-3.4.1: Students will analyze the changing relationships among business, labor and government and how each has affected production, distribution and consumption in the United States or the world. (DOK 3)