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FT/28 – Circular – March 2011
Dear Confreres,
We are in the midst of intense preparation for the Provincial Chapter. The Organizing committee has already sent guidelines for our personal reflection and sharing among members of the apostolic communities. We have already participated in the meetings held at the apostolic communities. I sincerely thank everyone for their presence and participation in these meetings. The studied reflections will certainly enlighten the participants of the Chapter. In addition to these preparations, we keep praying for the success of the Provincial Chapter. It is my hope and prayer that the Chapter becomes a defining moment in our continued journey as missionaries- mystics and prophets at the same time in Northeast India.
There is no doubt, we have the unique role to play in the history of the Church; and nothing should stop us from giving our best in the “here and now” of our journey. The Charism of our Congregation, which is our privilege, cannot be kept hidden. We have to keep studying St Francis De Sales; imitate his virtues and style; and apply his methods and approaches to guide the people. It shall be our joy to pursue this endeavor in all earnestness. During the General audience on March 2, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI gave an excellent expose on the contemporary relevance of the teachings and methods of St. Francis De Sales, our patron. The Pope concludes his thoughts on St. Francis De Sales:
“Dear brothers and sisters, in an age such as ours that seeks liberty, even with violence and disturbance, the timelines of this great teacher of spirituality and peace should not be missed, a teacher who gave to his disciples the “spirit of liberty,” the true one, as the culmination of his fascinating and complete teaching on the reality of love. St. Francis de Sales is an exemplary witness of Christian humanism; with his accessible style, with words that at times have the touch of poetry, he reminds that man bears inscribed in his deepest self nostalgia for God and that only in him is found his true joy and most complete fulfillment.”
This profound reflection of our Holy Father should inspire each of us to delve deep into the spirituality advocated by our Patron. We are blessed to be called missionaries; nay, missionaries of St. Francis De Sales and this title adds a special flavor and makes a world of difference to our names! For us, the saint shall always remain the best model and inspiration for following the Lord. Under his guidance, we should be enthused to venture into new frontiers of life and ministry. And these efforts should answer people’s hunger for God. Let this Provincial Chapter help us become truly “Fransalians” in the Church.
The Season Lent - Starting the Year of Renewal in the Province
The season Lent is at our door. Once again, Church calls every believer to a time of penance and for personal transformation. Lent is a time for the spiritual house-cleaning. I take this occasion to call for a year-long renewal program in the Province. Our Superior General has made an earnest request to “each Province to organize its own program of renewal under the direction of the provincial” (Cf. sgmsfs-2af-14). I am extremely glad to heed this invitation of Superior General and request the confreres of the province to pursue the path of personal renewal. A separate letter has been dispatched to each confrere of the Province with the details of the proposed program. I request every member to pursue the plan and join the collective effort of the Congregation that seeks renewal, which alone can guarantee the quality of effectiveness and personal witness.
Annual Retreat in 2011: Constitution Retreat on Community Living
I am glad to announce the dates of the Annual retreat 2011. The retreat will focus on Community living, which is crucial to religious life. As in the past three years, we will arrange two retreats, which would offer the opportunity for everyone to attend either of these retreats:
First Retreat: July 1-6, 2011: Venue: MSFS Study House, Shillong.
Animated by Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil and team
Second Retreat: Oct 1-6, 2011: Venue: MSFS Provincialate, Narengi.
Animated by Fr. Benny Koottanal and team
I request all the confreres to mark these dates in their Year Planner and make the necessary arrangements for attending either of the retreats. Confreres working or studying abroad are also invited to participate, if it is feasible for them to do so.
Regional Assembly, USA Region
The second Regional Assembly of MSFS USA Region was held from February 7, 2011 to February 11, 2011 at Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, Dallas, Texas with the theme: “Nurturing belongingness in community toward a fulfilling mission and ministry in USA”. Thirty four, out of the forty three confreres in ministry in USA, participated in the Assembly. Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil, was the delegate of the Superior General. During the Assembly, a team of 5 confreres were elected to assist the Regional Superior: Fr. Joseph Mullakkara (Councilor), Fr. Mathew Thottiyil (Councilor), Fr. Santhiyagu Arokiam (Adviser), Fr. Davis Chackaleckel (Adviser), Fr. Joseph Pottemmel (Bursar). ( courtesy: rsmsfsusar-at-18, March 5, 2011) .
We assure Fr. Augustine Tharappel and his team the best of our collaboration and support; and pray that the Region takes every effort to achieve the goals.
It is a joy to know that the Region has established the mission office of our congregation in USA with the name, “MSFS MISSION OFFICE”. Fr. George Puraidam has been appointed Director of this Office. More details about this office will be announced shortly. The address of the Office: MSFS Mission Office, Villa Luyet, 3474 Pate Drive., Snellville, GA 30079 (courtesy: rsmsfsusar-at-18, March 5, 2011)
Second Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Anil Topno
The second death anniversary of Rev. Fr. Anil Topno will be observed on March 30, 2011 at MSFS Study House Mawroh. Let us remember our beloved confrere in our prayers.
Transfers and Appointments
With the consent of the Provincial council the following transfers and appointments have been made:
NAME / PLACE / DESIGNATIONFr. Joseph Bamhingbe / Community at St. Paul’s Church, Peren / Translation of the Bible into Zeme dialect
Fr. Adani James / MSFS Study House, Mawroh, Shillong / B Ed. Studies
Fr. Santhosh Charavanal / Mission at Sateek, Mizoram / Priest in-charge
Fr. Lukose Kavungal / Holy Angels Church, Tato, Arunachal Pradesh. / Parish Priest
Fr. Thomas Paul Varapdavil / Holy Rosary Church, Basar, Arunachl Pradesh / Parish Priest
Fr. Tomy Anakallel / SFS Printing and Tech school, Imphal / Asst. Director
Fr. Genes Shangpliang / St. Joseph’s Church, Manikbond / Associate Priest
Fr. Avilhou Stephen / Community at Holy Redeemer Retreat Centre, Umroi, / Staff
Fr. Albert Shayaraj / Community at SFS Parish Nongalbibra / Associate Priest
Fr. Michael Chottakara / Community at SFS Parish, Gogamukh / Associate Priest
Hearty Congratulations
Fr. Mathew Vazheparambil has secured Second Division for his L.L.B studies from Assam University, Silchar. He stood first in the Diphu Law College where he enrolled himself as a regular student. Congrats Fr. Mathew Vazheparambil!
Silver Jubilee Celebration of Catholic Community at Namey Village: Telam Parish
The Silver Jubilee celebrations of Catholic community at Namey village in Arunachal Pradesh, under Telam Parish took place on the 13th March 2011. The celebration began with Holy Eucharist presided over by His Excellency Rt. Rev. John Thomas, Bishop of Itanagar and concelebrated by many fathers who have come from far and near. The Holy Eucharist was followed by Solemn Eucharist procession and cultural events. Almost 600 people participated in the celebration. Fr. Mathew Puthumana, one of the pioneer missionaries to Namey Village in his address to the people encouraged them to keep their faith firm. The guest of honor, Mr. Tako Dabi, the honorable Minister of Home affairs of the State of Arunachal Pradesh, who hails from Namey Village also spoke at length about the need of religion to work sincerely for the wellbeing of the community. The Jubilee celebration was well organized by the fathers, sisters and faithful of the parish. (Reported by Fr. Shiji Poonthuruthil)
Change of Addresses and Phone Numbers
Fr. George Parampukattil 08121862526
Fr. Jijesh Palatty 09957245737
Fr. Carlus Barowa 08956714606
Fr. Benjamine Nakho 09536074878
Fr. Lijeesh Kaduthanathu 09615837112 ()
Email address of Fr. Augustine Thundathil ()
P. Gracious Chirattolickal MSFS
Pfarrei Christkönig
Kardinal Faulhaber Platz - 10
83022 Rosenheim, Germany
Phone (Landline) : 08031 187523
Mobile : 0176 3589 6378
Fax (Office) : 08031 187530
Let us pray for the sick
Mrs. Annakutty, the mother of Fr. Francis Poovelil, who is seriously ill.
Programs and Visit in April 2011
1-4 : Guwahati
4-11 : Visit of FCC sisters to our missions
12-18 : Guwahati
19-23 : Holy Week programs
24 : Cathedral Parish, Rukminigaon Vigil service
27 : Blessing of Village School at TingbaKhullen, Purul parish
As I conclude this circular, the Television channels continue with the live coverage on the devastation left by the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. The natural calamity has caused great destruction, loss of lives and property. Let us remember the people of Japan and share our concern with the suffering humanity. I also take this opportunity to offer a cordial welcome to all the participants of the Provincial Chapter. May each member of the Province join the participants of the Chapter in spirit and sincerely pray for God’s blessings upon us all.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Francis Thadathil, msfs
Northeast India Province
MSFS Provincial House
SFS Church/School
Paanch Mile, Nagar Road
Pune - 411014 INDIA
cm-pif-2 24th January 2011
Dear Confreres,
Greetings and good wishes to each of you as we Fransalians celebrate the feast of our Patron St. Francis de Sales, whose footsteps we are called to walk in, by making his spirituality our own.
Pope Paul VI in his exhortation on Evangelization (Evangelii Nuntandi, 1975 No. 41) “people today listen more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, or if they listen to teachers it is because they are also witnesses”. It is by our life as MSFS that we will be able to be a witness to the spirituality of SFS. In this context plenty of efforts are made by all concerned that we as a Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales be that witness through our life of fidelity to the Lord Jesus. Constant exhortations from the Superior General, evaluations at various meetings, renewal and update progrmme, a call to participate in the implementation programmes, new administrative structures are only pointers to us as Fransalians to become true witnesses to this way of life. Wish you a Very Happy Feast of our Dear Patron. LIVE JESUS
Fr. Superior General in his letter sgmsfs-af-14 dated 6th January 2011 section VI (page5) has given his approval with the consent of his council at the recommendation of the Provincials of India Forum & Provincial of East Africa to the proposal of establishing 10 local communities in GAH with effect from 24th January 2011. We thank our confreres in GAH for accepting this proposed organization. It has taken sometime for the Administration to come up with this arrangement. We wish our confreres all the best and encourage each of them to give their best so that this system that has been evolved will help us give a united witness as MSFS.
Administrative Structures: (1) A Delegate of the Superior General (DSG) is appointed. (2) Two Advisors who will assist the DSG to coordinate the life of the Local Communities. (3) Local Superiors who will animate the 10 Local Communities which have been constituted consisting of members living or serving in the same diocese or nearby. This is a provisional Organization till the next General Chapter. As mentioned earlier this System will take effect from the 24th of January 2011. Please pray in a special way on 24th January at our Eucharistic Celebration for this new Administrative Structure, persons involved and for the confreres in GAH.
Rajesh Lugun / Johny Kuttikottayil
Lalit Tigga / Benoy Veliathu
Solomon Sahayaraj / Gracious Chirattolickal G
Kamil Tete / Saji George Puthiyakulangara
Marianus Kujur / Mathew Ottapally
Francis Venmenikattayil / Prakash Naidu
Sebastian Paredom / James Panikerveetil
Augustine Vellarmkuzhy
James George Pattarakalayil
Jimmy Mathirmapuzha
Samuel Patton / PASSAU / A. Joseph Amalraj
Mariadas Kalluri / S. Deivasahayaraj
Maria Pushpam / Viswasam Gnanadhikkam
Joseph Sebastion
AUGSBURG / Nazareth D’silva / Kishore Reddy
Christopher Rajamani
Joseph Pazhayattil / EICHSTAT & / George Chirayil
James Mukalel / REGENSBURG / Tomy Mullasseril
Benedict D’Souza / Siby Manickathan
Austin Abraham / Thomas Mekkattu
Binod Puthenpurackal
WUERZBURG / Sony Paul Kochumalayil / Santhappan Joseph
Jose karickal / Thomas Chozhithara
Baby Kalathuparambil
Joe Kaniyarakathu
Sylvester Ottaplackal / MUNSTER & / Reddy Joseph
Mani Panthalany / HOLLAND & / Mathew Vempala
Y. Mathais / A’CHEN / Daman Kumar
Wilson Pakiam / Joy Vazhappillil
S. Rajkumar
ROTTENBURG / J.B Thadews / A. Arockiam
&STUTTGART / Kannikai Nathan Daniel / G. Sebastion
& TRIER / Arul Selvamani
Savarimuthu Antony
VIENNA & / Sibichen Thomas / FULDA & / Alex George
-B’LAND / Bobby Jacob / HILDESHEIM / Sabukuttan Francis
Joe Emmanuel / Jojo Thomas Pazheveettil
Sen Vellakada / I. James
Mathew Thomas / Edward Xavier
Salu Mathew