CISSA Member Schools 2009/10
BISS=British International School Shanghai (Puxi, Pudong and Nanxiang)
CISS=Concordia International School Shanghai (Pudong)
DCS=Dulwich College Shanghai (Pudong and Suzhou)
FSS=French School of Shanghai
GSS=German School of Shanghai
HIS=Hangzhou International School
NIS=Nanjing International School
SAS=Shanghai American School (Puxi and Pudong)
SCIS=Shanghai Community International School (Puxi and Pudong,)
SMIC Private School (Pudong)
SKS=Shanghai Korean School
SSIS-Sh= Shanghai Singapore International School
SSIS-Su=Suzhou Singapore International School
YCIS=Yew Chung International School (Puxi and Pudong)
Mission Statement
“CISSA is a multi-inclusive sports organization that emphasizes involvement for all international schools and fosters individual and team excellence in a co-operative, friendly and enjoyable environment between all participating students.”
1. Equity of involvement :
- access to all those wishing to play; equal involvement of all those who do play; developing team and individual excellence through friendly sport
2. Positive, socially desirable behaviors are to be encouraged.
3. Provision of a selection of multi-inclusive, international team sports, based on the needs, interests and abilities of participating students, as well as the availability of safe and appropriate facilities and equipment.
4. Freedom to negotiate changes in rules, facilities, equipment, player numbers, ages, mix of sexes, in order to create more equitable and inclusive interactions.
5. Encouragement of a healthy physical and social lifestyle through participation in sport in a non-threatening environment.
6. Encouragement of administrative and parental support as well as teacher involvement.
2009/10 Table of contents
1. Competition Philosophy 1
2. CISSA 2009/10 Guidelines
a. Players 3
b. Results 3
c. Match Equity 3
d. Match Alterations 4
e. Match Times 4
f. Host School Responsibilities (season) 4
g. Host School Responsibilities (tournament) 5
h. Player Behaviour 5
i. Coaches Expectations 5
j. Athletic Directors’ Expectations 6
k. Representative Games 6
l. Member School Expectations 7
3. CISSA Positions of Responsibility
Chairperson/Secretary 8
Season Convenor 8
School Allocation (Convening/Hosting) 9
Voting 9
Chair History 10
4. Directories/Schedules/Hospitals
CISSA Schools Directory 11
CISSA Schools Addresses (Pinyin/Mandarin) 12-13
Shanghai Emergency Information 14
2009/10 Schedule 15
2009/10 CISSA Game Night Rotation 16
2009/10 Hosting Schedule 17
2009/10 Duty Schedule 18
2009/10 SISAC Tournaments 19
5. Rules
a. Touch 20-23
b. Soccer 24-25
c. Hockey 26-28
d. Volleyball/Newcomball 29-32
e. Track 33-34
f. Basketball 35-39
g. Elementary Soccer 40-41
h. Swimming 42-43
i. Table Tennis 44-45
j. Badminton 46-47
k. Cross Country 48-50
6. School Maps
· Sports involve USA System Grades 3 to 8 (Year 4 – 9 British system) students who are enrolled in international schools that are CISSA members. No exceptions.
· For co-educational sports, it is expected that an equal balance of boys and girls participate. As a general rule, at any given time during a game there should be a minimum of half minus one players taking part who are girls (eg touch rugby -at least three (3) girls out of 7 players on the field at any time). ** There will be times that schools do not get the required number of opposite sex players. AD’s should communicate with other AD’s before CISSA matches so that schools can make necessary adjustments.
· Participation of players on all teams should be equal (i.e., all players should have the same amount of time on and off the court / field).
· Each team should have at least one (1) adult supervisor/ coach.
· Results of games will not be recorded or collated by a central body.
· Gross imbalances in games should be minimized since we have introduced the two tier Senior Divisional leagues. Prior to any match, schools should discuss concerns (number of team members, ages, sex, abilities, etc). However, ensure in the Junior leagues that imbalances in games are minimized by changing players positions, rotating players on and off and ensure that we emphasize fair play in all games.
· When an imbalance occurs in a game, the coach of the stronger team must adjust their team to avoid a score “blow-out” – rather than tell individuals to reduce their efforts. Methods should include allocating players different positions and responsibilities. This should be done when a difference of the following occurs:
· Touch Rugby 5 tries
· Soccer 5 goals
· Volleyball 10 points
· Hockey 5 goals
· Basketball 20 points
· These actions may not reduce the margin, but simply slow the growth.
· If as a result of any of the above action, the margin is reduced, the Coach may switch back to their original order.
· Schools must make contact early in the week of a game to confirm all match details.
· Schools must negotiate all alterations to matches as soon as possible. “Wash-outs” - traveling teams must be notified of a potential “wash-out” by noon of an event day (8 am on the morning of a Grade 3 to 5 Soccer Day). These games may be replayed at a later date if desired. Contact must be made by phone from AD to AD (failing this, a phone message must be left with the school’s front office).
· Traveling teams are expected to get to a venue as quickly as possible, departing prior to school dismissal (if possible).
· Games will start by 4:00 PM. This is to ensure that meaningful time for a match may be played given transportation realities and financial considerations. Teams must commit to playing until 5:00 PM.
· Home teams waiting for the visiting school/teams may use the time to warm-up, practice, watch match videos, etc. before the match is to begin.
· On arrival, coaches need to negotiate match length according to their preferred departure time etc.
· Organize game officiating. Schools should share officiating (i.e.: 2 refs in soccer, basketball, hockey but not referee their attacking half). In other sports, each school may referee 1 half of game each. Coaches must discuss common rules/approach before games then explain to players.
· Game venues may be changed for concerns with facilities, dates, etc.
1. Clean venue with lines marked
2. Water
3. 1st Aid
4. Nurse
5. Match Ball
6. Pinnies/bibs for away team if uniforms clash.
1. Greet and show toilets, changing-rooms and water locations
2. Confirm the number of players match time/length, officiating
· Call for school attendance 2 weeks prior to the event.
· Distribute event details / draw one week prior to the event (include refereeing schedule), in a format suitable for website (including CISSA letter-head and website address).
· Ensure consistent CISSA time allotment for tournament (4.5 hours plus warm-up)
· Host event (see section f - “Host Team Responsibilities” section), including provision of nurse and snacks/drinks for sale.
· Call and lead pre-event coaches meeting and post – event “wrap up.”
· Coaches meetings, if scheduled, may take place at 8:45. Games begin at 9:00.
· Rep Game – organize presentation of Rep. Team uniforms, team photos (later email photos to the schools), East and West team coaches (for positions and subs) and referees.
· Students who exhibit inappropriate behavior (both on and off the field / court) should be dealt with appropriately and as soon as possible. For example: Derogatory comments, arguing, boasting, being overly aggressive, and questioning the Referee.
· Major offences (e.g., fighting) should be dealt with by the schools’ AD, coach and school principals. After consultation between the CISSA Chairperson or Event Convener and the coach, the student may be withdrawn from the remainder of the competition as well as a removed from a minimum of one CISSA game/event that immediately follows the offense.
· Fully inform all their players of CISSA philosophy/guidelines and season rules.
· All coaches must have a mobile phone at all times that they are in the presence of their team. All communication with other schools needs to take place through their own AD, who will in turn contact the school(s) concerned.
· Any conflicts that arise must only be referred to their own AD.
· Coaches’ behavior needs to reflect that of which is expected of their own players.
· Ensure that students are appropriately attired and adhering to safety regulations for each individual sport (e.g., metal spikes, shin guards, eye protection)
· Nominate Rep Team players for the “end-of-season” tournament.
· Confirm participation for various seasons / events according to the due dates set in the CISSA schedule (by missing the due date, you can expect to miss the season).
· Ensure when entering multiple teams for a season, that each team is balanced in numbers, ability, age (and gender when applicable).
· Fully inform all their coaches of CISSA philosophy/guidelines and season rules (e.g., meeting with coaches and photocopy of philosophy/guidelines).
· At the start of the week, initiate confirmation of Home games – acknowledge correspondence for Away games.
· Cell Phones – Must be on and carried during the day of events from 7am until events have concluded and / or the team bus(es) have returned.
· Any concern / conflict between schools (i.e. students, coaches, parents etc) must be dealt with between AD’s only.
· Conflicts in rules need to be referred to season convener.
· Conflicts in CISSA guidelines need to be referred to CISSA chair.
· Constant communication with the whole school community.
· Teams are provided with appropriate playing attire, equipment and facilities.
· Regular attendance at CISSA meeting (send a proxy if unable to attend)
· Meet CISSA expectations set for Hosting / Convening
· Apart from an AD’s first year in CISSA, they are expected to be available for nomination as Chair or Secretary.
· At the conclusion of some seasons, two (2) teams will be chosen from all schools to take part in an “All Star” game. All schools will have equal representation in teams (pro rata, based on number of teams entered). Girls must be equally represented on co-educational teams.
· Schools are to nominate players based on the overall quality of their participation including cooperation, reliability, etc., rather than on their skill level alone. Representative games will be played at the conclusion of “end-of-season” tournaments and selected players will be presented with a Rep Shirt for the match and pre-game photo. The schools are divided into a West and an East division. The West teams are the Puxi teams and the East teams are the Pudong teams. If there is an imbalance that would affect the play of the rep game, some flexibility may be required by schools. All players are to be encouraged to stay and watch the Rep. Game.
· AD’s are to print out and present students with Rep. Team certificates back at their schools.
New Members
· Schools can become a member of CISSA upon attendance of a CISSA meeting, followed by a meeting with the CISSA chairperson for briefing of CISSA guidelines and philosophy.
· For the remainder of that school year, schools will be welcome to participate in all CISSA events provided that school continues to attend CISSA meetings and the AGM.
· Schools will gain a voting membership the following school year.
Current new member schools:
Existing Members
· Attendance at all CISSA meetings by AD’s or nominated proxy.
· Attendance at the AGM by AD and Principal.
· Discuss and vote upon league matters that are pertinent to their school campus and overall program.
· Attendance at a minimum of 50% of CISSA events per year and attendance at the meeting immediately prior to that event. *Because of geographic disadvantage, the 50% participation rule does not apply to schools from Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou, who are allowed to participate in tournament events.
Current existing member schools:
British Int’l School Shanghai, PuduongBritish Int’l School, Shanghai Puxi
British Int’l School, Shanghai Nanxiang Campus
Concordia Int’l School Shanghai
Dulwich College Shanghai,
Dulwich College Suzhou*
Eton International School, Suzhou*
French School
German School
Nanjing Int’l School*
Shanghai American School Puxi
Shanghai American School Pudong / Shanghai Community Int’l School Pudong
Shanghai Community Int’l School Puxi
SMIC Private School
Yew Chung Int’l School Pudong
Yew Chung Int’l School Puxi
Suzhou Singapore Int’l School*
Shanghai Singapore Int’l School
Hangzhou Int’l School*
Schools who do not meet the expectations may have their membership revoked.
· Serve a one year term
· Nominations / voting needs to be completed before AGM
· An attempt should be made to rotate through the schools (see Chair History)
· Organize/chair meetings and agendas, oversee general proceedings of CISSA
· Mediate CISSA guideline conflicts between schools
· Update the CISSA booklet and ensure that each school (Principal and AD receives the copies) prior to AGM
· Encourage attendance of all Principals and AD’s at the AGM.
· Establish Chairperson and Secretary for following year prior to the AGM.
· Lead nominations for Hosting and Convening Schedule for the following year
· Oversee adherence to deadlines for Hosting and Convening Schedule.
· Brief new schools that wish to take part in CISSA.
· Brief AD’s who have missed meetings.
· Serve a one year term
· An attempt should be made to rotate equally throughout the schools
· Take attendance and minutes, and, distribute to all schools by the end of a “CISSA-meeting-week”
Season ConvenEr:
· Call for accurate school team nominations according to CISSA schedule Due Dates.
· Distribute season draw / times within several days after nominations.
· Mediate any rule concerns / conflicts between schools. Those which cannot be immediately resolved are referred to the Chair / next meeting.
· Make all necessary bookings of required facilities for following school year’s events.