Programme Specification Template
This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17
- Awarding Institution / Body
- Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery
School of Built and Natural Environment
Preston PR1 2HE
- University Department/Centre
- External Accreditation
- Title of Final Award
- Modes of Attendance offered
- UCAS Code
- Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s)
- Other external influences
CIOB Educational Framework Masters
QAA HE Framework
- Date of production of this form
- Aims of the Programme
The generic aims of the MSc are to establish and develop :
- a critical awareness of contemporary issues in construction management informed by the framework of the construction and built environment sector
- a detailed understanding of the nature and application of design, management, economics, legal and procurement issues in the context of the construction management function
- leadership and team skills which can be appliedto the construction management process.
- effective e-learning and IT skills as applied to construction management and the research process
- creative and innovative approaches to investigative research including the review, evaluation and selection with justification of appropriate research methodologies and the communication of findings in an objective, coherent and professional manner
The subject specific aims of the MSc are to establish and develop :
- a critical awareness of contemporary issues in construction management and economics informed by leading edge research and practice and the capacity to apply emerging principles to standard and unpredictable professional practice scenarios
- project management knowledge areas and control methods which can be applied in the construction management and economics process
- the capacity to undertake and reflect upon strategic and complex project decision-making, in the construction management and economics process
- relevant skills in order to pursue life-long learning and continuous development in the context of professional practice within the subject specialism
- the ability to identify, retrieve and assess the rigour and value of published research as the source of alternative perspectives that inform and underpin the construction management and economics decision making process and investigative research
- Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
A.Knowledge and Understanding
A1 Critically evaluate contemporary approaches to the construction managementrole in the context of economic, legal and managerial scenarios including emphasis on environmental and health and safety issues
A2 Comprehensively appraise the issues related to construction procurement and risk assessmentin the context of the application of construction managementskills in the workplace
A3 Review and develop the principles of delay analysis and dispute resolutionand the selection of appropriate solutions and analysis tools as applied to the construction process.
A4 Critically evaluate a range of contemporary cost engineeringtechniques and the selection of appropriate tools in their employment
A5Evaluate and appraise knowledge and practice underpinning the discipline of construction management and economics in order to reflect a critical awareness of contemporary issues
A6 Justify and explain the need to evaluate and adopt a considered theoretical perspective or conceptual framework within which research can be undertaken in relation to construction management and economics
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Integration of effective use of electronic distance learning and face to face interaction between the students, the course team and other contributors to the course.
- Electronic learning materials which offer directed study through a series of subject sections and section-assessment questions (SAQs)
- An introduction to planned approaches to research problem identification and alternative research methodologies available
- Individual meetings with research supervisors via Breeze or on campus
Assessment methods
Assessment by SAQs, essays, reports, case studies, research papers, presentations, group exercises and dissertation
B.Subject-specific skills
B1 Critically appraise strategic techniques and solutions to construction management scenarios in terms of contemporary innovations, procurement and risk assessment
B2Observe and reflect upon leadership and group interaction within simulated exercises.
B3Pursue a critical research oriented approach to the study of construction management and economics through review and evaluation of external factors and leading edge research
B4Identify and critically analyse cost engineering issues that are relevant to construction management and select appropriate strategies to resolve problems and implement the decision making process
B5 analyse project management and contractual problems and provide innovative solutions to professional practice scenarios
B6Produce independently a major piece of written work using an appropriate and justified research methodology, which employs evidenced based argument, as part of managing an effective research projects relating to professional practice
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Teaching and assessment methods as above to facilitate development and effective implementation of critical analysis and evaluation
- Submission of assessments and dissertation requiring students to demonstrate the ability to communicate findings in a professional form which is accessible to lay people
- Meetings with individual supervisors in order to demonstrate a planned approach to research projects and effective time management which can be applied to the workplace
Assessment methods
Assessment by SAQs, essays, reports, case studies, research papers, presentations, group exercises and dissertationC.Thinking Skills
C1 Appraise and evaluate contemporary issuesand procurement routes and apply principles and practice relating to skills employed in construction management and economicsC2 Carry out risk assessments, evaluate potential constraints and apply appropriate contemporary solutions
C3Critically appraise course material, current construction management practices and published documentation to develop theories and communicate the same effectively both orally and in writing to specialist and non-specialist audiences
C4Pursue creative and innovative approaches to identification and resolution of standard or unpredictable problems arising in construction management and economics scenariosand selectappropriate qualitative and quantitative methodologies to address them
C5 Effectively employ techniques of evaluation and critical analysis in investigating solutions and the presentation of findings in an unbiased and objective form
C6Review and evaluate methodologies used in a range of research project and justifythe selection of methodologies appropriate to the theoretical perspective or conceptual framework employed in the research
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Teaching and assessment methods as above to facilitate development and effective implementation of critical analysis and evaluation
- Submission of assessments and dissertation requiring students to demonstrate the ability to communicate findings in a professional form which is accessible to lay people
- Meetings with individual supervisors in order to demonstrate a planned approach to research projects and effective time management which can be applied to the workplace
Assessment methods
Assessment by SAQs, essays, reports, case studies, research papers, presentations, group exercises and dissertation
D.Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
D1 apply skills of ICT and research in the identification, retrieval, analysis and evaluation of resources related to construction management and make effective use of appropriate technology in the construction process including Project, computer aided procurement and cost planning and delay analysis
D2 apply skills of oral and written communication as follows:
- the preparation of clear, fully evidenced and referenced reports and case studies in an objective form
- collaboration with cohort and supervisors in order to communicate, reflect upon and critically evaluate ideas and proposals
D4 Utilise e-learning skills developed in the programme to aid decision making related to standard and unpredictable complex problems arising in the workplace and also to assist career progression and lifelong learning.
D5 Apply planning and time management skills necessary for undertaking a major project which can be applied to a workplace situation
D6 Plan and complete a major study that is underpinned by a critical awareness and appraisal of construction management and economics and facilitated by e-learning techniques and independent scholarship
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Teaching and assessment methods as above to facilitate development and effective implementation of critical analysis and evaluation and the application of appropriate research methodologies
- Online delivery facilitates critical awareness through shared student comments, feedback, discussions in preparation for assignment work and the dissertation
- Assessments require students to demonstrate independent learning and justification for recommendations and conclusions offered in a professional manner, within a problem resolution context
Assessment methods
Assessment by SAQs, essays, reports, case studies, research papers, presentations, group exercises and dissertation
Programme Specification Template
13.Programme Structures* / 14.Awards and Credits*Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 4 / BN4508
BN4509 / Research Methods
Dissertation / 20
40 / Master of Science in Construction Management (Construction Economics) with
Final award
The MSc comprises nine level 7 modules which includes the Year 1 and Year 2 modules
In total 180 credits must be achieved
Level 4 / BN4519
BN4518 / Financial Management
Delay Analysis and Dispute Resolution
Option : select one of the following :
Project Management
European Competition and Procurement
Environmental Law
Health and Safety Law and Management / 20
20 / Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Management (Construction Economics)
with pass/merit/distinction*
(Exit Award)
The Postgraduate Diploma comprises six level 7 modules which includes the Year 1 modules.
In total, 120 credits must be achieved.
Level 4 / BN4520
BN4530 / Construction Management Skills
Contemporary Construction Procurement
Risk Assessment and Management / 20
20 / Postgraduate Certificate in Construction Management
with pass/merit/distinction*
(Exit Award)
The Postgraduate Certificate comprises three level 7modules. (Year 1)
In total, 60 credits must be achieved.
15. Personal Development Planning
The course includes access to an individual electronic portfolio which allows the student to plan and record their achievements. This is available on elearn. The student will be required to complete a reflective analysis of the skills obtained on completion of each module in order to be able to progress to the next module on the programme.
- Admissions criteria
Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.
The requirements for admissions shall be in accordance with the Regulations set out in the University's Admissions Policy.Minimum Academic Entry Requirements
Applicants must be able to provide evidence of English Language competence and an IELTS score of 6.5 (or equivalent) and comply with one of the following three entry criteria
- A good University Honours degree in a property, construction or equivalent
- Professional qualification deemed to be equivalent to RICS, CIOB, MICE, RIBA or any other equivalent qualification relating to property or construction disciplines.
- Hold a relevant position within a construction or construction related organisation and possess extensive industrial/professional experience at an appropriate level. In addition two written references will be required and the applicant will be interviewed with a view to assessing suitability for the course
- Non -cognate entrants will be required to successfully complete a bridging course module BN3550.
Applicants with suitable previous qualifications and/or experience may be exempt from a maximum of two modules of the Postgraduate Certificate stage. The policy of APL and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is based on current University procedures and published guidelines. Applications for accreditation of prior learning, whether based on previous experience or certification of previous studies, will be considered on an individual basis.
17.Key sources of information about the programme
- School of Builtand Natural Environment Website:
- Fact sheet
- Course handbook
Programme Specification Template
18.Curriculum Skills MapPlease tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Core (C), Compulsory (COMP) or Option (O) / Programme Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding / Subject-specific Skills / Thinking Skills / Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
A1 / A2 / A3 / A4 / A5 / A6 / B1 / B2 / B3 / B4 / B5 / B6 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 / C5 / C6 / D1 / D2 / D3 / D4 / D5 / D6
PGCERT / BN4520 / Construction Management Skills / COMP / / / / / /
BN4510 / Contemporary Construction Procurement / COMP / / / / / / /
BN4530 / Risk Assessment and Management / COMP / / / / / / /
PGDIPLOMA / BN4522 / Delay and Dispute Resolution / COMP / / / / / / /
BN4519 / Financial Management / COMP / / / / / / /
BN4540 / Project Management / O / / / / / / / / /
BN4504 / European Competition and Procurement / O / / / / / /
BN4506 / Environmental Law / O / / / / / / / /
BN4518 / Health and Safety Law and Management / O / / / / / / / / / /
MSc / BN4508 / Research Methods / COMP / / / / / /
BN4509 / Dissertation / CORE / / / / / /
Note:Mapping to other external frameworks, e.g. professional/statutory bodies, will be included within Student Course Handbooks
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