Welcome to Visual Art for 2016-2017!!!

Clark-Shaw Magnet School

Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s), Students,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Art for the 2016-2017. I am excited about working with you to discover and create art!

Please read and discuss all the following information. This should be “everything you need to know” for your art course this year. ATTENTION: Please sign and return the form on page 3. Keep the first 2 pages for important information.

HIGHER STANDARDS: We are proud to follow the Mobile County Standards for Fine Art Education, The Alabama Standards of Art Education, and the National Standards for the Visual Arts.

The National Standards for Art Education represents, in part, the results of a two-year effort by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations to set standards for arts education in the United States.

Program characteristics of all the above (and our objectives and activities) include:

·  Creative Problem-Solving: Generating multiple solutions to a given problem or project; choosing the most appropriate solution for implementation

·  Interdisciplinary Learning: Exploring the concept that the Visual Arts also include math, history, language and science.

·  Multicultural Awareness: Understanding the cultural diversity of the world.

·  Technology: Combining the creative spirit with technological advances in computer-generated imaging, video production, film-making and photography.

·  Critical Thinking Skills: Analyzing, comparing, evaluating, and synthesizing information and ideas.

·  Life-Long learning: Maintaining throughout one's life the curiosity experienced through the Visual Arts Instruction.

GRADES: A student must achieve a proficiency level of 70% in all subjects, including Art. Each student's grade will be averaged as follows: 60% exams and projects, 30% tests, notebooks, and daily grades, 10% essential question/bell-ringer, and homework.

DISCIPLINE: Students will be expected to follow system, school, and classroom rules and regulations without exception. The consequences are: 1.Warning, 2.Refocus by questioning, 3.Communicate with Parents or Guardians, and 4.Referral to Administration.

PARENTS’ ART COMMITTEE: Please signup to be on our Parents’ Art Committee. The committee will have an important role in calendar events planning, fund-raising, and the art shows and exhibits. Please return the Parents’ Committee Form.

SUPPLIES: Many supplies will be provided from the art fee, additional supplies you will need to purchase. Students are required to bring at least a regular pencil and eraser the first day of school. Students are responsible for keeping their supplies and their artworks. Students are required to have their own supplies and not to ask other students for supplies. If you have genuine financial difficulties, we will assist in your student having supplies.

Supplies provided from the Art Fee:

There will be a $20.00 art fee for each student. The following more expensive, and larger amounts of the most used supplies will be provided from the art fees: larger containers of acrylic paint, canvas boards, water color paint, water color paper, various brushes, various sizes and types of drawing paper, pottery clay, glazes, various tools and equipment used in making and firing pottery, printing supplies, hot glue guns/glue, scissors, rulers, and cleaning supplies.

Additional Supplies Students need to Purchase:

Art 1 and new Art 2 students: Needed now: One 1” binder with loose leaf notebook paper, color pencils (Crayola recommended), regular pencils (not mechanical), pencil sharpener, 2 white erasers, 1 large white poster, wide postal tape, small Scotch tape. You will be notified to bring these items at a later date: an old long-sleeved shirt for painting and pottery, one old large towel, tacky glue, small amounts of scrap material and yarn, small bottles of acrylic paint (hobby size or larger-red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, brown with a hair-tipped brush-NOTICE: the paint that comes in small plastic connected containers is not recommended), one 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 sketch book with white paper ( Go economical! The more sheets for the least amount of money the better!), and one black sharpie.

Returning Art 2 and new Art 3 students: Needs now: One 1” binder with loose leaf notebook paper, color pencils (Crayola recommended), regular pencils (not mechanical), pencil sharpener, 2 white erasers, 1 large white poster, wide postal tape, small Scotch tape. You will be notified to bring these items at a later date: an old long-sleeved shirt for painting and pottery, one old large towel, tacky glue, small amounts of scrap material and yarn, small bottles of acrylic paint (hobby size or larger-red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, brown, NOTICE: the paint that comes in small, plastic connected containers is not recommended), one hair-tipped medium brush, one 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 sketch book with white paper (Go economical! The more sheets for the least amount of money the better!), one black sharpie, color markers, and one 8.5" x 11" photo or print of your face for a self-portrait study (all of your face and hair, neck, and some of your shoulders covering most of the photo paper or print- PARENTS PLEASE NOTICE - this photo or print will be cut in half).

All students: Use a permanent black marker and label all supplies with your first and last name, and class period. I will store your labeled poster board. Unfortunately some of the supplies, whether they are the student's or the school's, are frequently "misplaced" or "borrowed/taken" by other students. Please be responsible in the use and care of all supplies. I will investigate and appropriately respond when supplies are stolen. I am not responsible for replacing lost or stolen supplies.

·  Practicing Artist since 1977-Drawing, Paintings, Pottery
·  Visual Arts Instructor-Clark Magnet School 2004 to Present
·  Private Art Instruction: Drawing, Painting - 1977 to 2004
·  Teacher-University of South Alabama: Art Appreciation 2002
·  Teacher-MCPSS Pilot Art Appreciation Program 1987
Professional Associations, Awards, and Selected Exhibitions
·  Member of the National Art Education Association
·  Selected and cited for Academic Excellence in Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 2005/2006
·  Dean's List
·  Area Award in Art-Mobile College 1988
·  Charter President of Mobile College Art Guild
·  Exhibited Paintings and Drawings - Birmingham
·  Exhibited Artwork - Mobile
·  Exhibited Pottery in Upham Gallery-New York
·  Exhibited Pottery in Fairhope Arts and Crafts
I have lived in Mobile most of my life. Obviously, I love art. I enjoy drawing,painting, and pottery. I also love to visit museums and art exhibits. I enjoy activities with my family. We enjoy music, movies, reading, and going to the beach. I am married to R. Sue Boone (an Administrator in MCPSS). We have a son, two daughters, and 6 grandchildren.
Mr. Rick Boone Visual Arts 7, 8 251-221-2106 Email:
Respectfully yours,
Rick Boone
Visual Arts Instructor



Children are sometimes photographed or videotaped while participating in school Art activities. This is usually done by school personnel or parents, but the local newspapers will occasionally take photographs as part of an article. If you agree or disagree to feature your child’s accomplishments with their photo, artwork, or video for media presentations, please complete and return the form below. In order to fulfill your request(s) we must have the form completed and returned to Mr. Boone. No Address or personal information (other than name and grade) is ever given.

______I agree to allow my child to be photographed or videotaped for articles or media presentations.

______I do not agree to allow my child to be photographed or videotaped for articles or media presentations.


Signature - Parent/Guardian Date


Student's Name (Please print)


Clark-Shaw Magnet School publishes a variety of information about our Art Program on the internet under our school website. Your child's photo, artwork, or video may be shown on our school website in order to recognize achievement, participation in an art show or art activity. If you agree or disagree to feature your child’s accomplishments or participation including their name, photo, artwork, or video on the school website please return the form below. In order to fulfill your request(s) we must have the form completed and returned to Mr. Boone. No Address or personal information (other than name and grade) is ever given.

______I agree to allow my child’s photo, artwork, or video to be shown on the school website.

______I do not agree to allow my child’s photo, artwork, or video to be shown on the school website.


Signature - Parent/Guardian Date


Student's Name


The art club is a wonderful opportunity to be involved with your child’s art experience! If you are interested in participating in our parents’ art club to share accomplishments, ideas or plan activities, please let me know.

Your Name (Please print clearly) ______

Your child’s name______

Your Mailing address: ______

______Zip Code______

Phone # Home______Work ______Cell______

(Please circle preference)

Your E-mail address: ______