Annual Progress Report / MSSRF Team Grant
Investigator / Grantee Name
Project title
Area of research the grant fits best under
(check ONLY ONE) / Progression / Therapies
Cause / Risk factors
Nerve damage / Repair
Symptom management / Quality of life
Period covered by the report
(date format: from yyyy-mm-dd to yyyy-mm-dd)
Report date:
(date format yyyy-mm-dd)


Please use this form to describe the primary outcomesof your research funded by this Multiple ScelorsisScientifc Research Foundation Collaborative Team Grantduring the past funding year.

If a question is not applicable to your research in the last year, please indicate N/A.

The EGID is your unique grant identifier in Easygrants. You can find it if you login into Easygrants and select the grant file you are reporting on, or on page 2 of your grant agreement.

You are required to submit a completed report to the MS Society before January 15th.

For any questions please contact

  1. RESEARCH IMPACT(Limit: 500 words or 1 page)

Describe the keyoutcome(s) or finding(s)resulting from theprojectin the past funding yearand the impact theseoutcomes will have in the MS field and for people affected by MS?(e.g. advancementof new knowledge and/or scientific methods, development of novel therapy, etc.).
Where applicable please comment on any impact of the study outcomes on policy (e.g. research cited in public policy documents, advocacy publications, etc.) or in health care practice and program delivery (e.g. research cited in health professional education material, clinical and service guidelines, how it may informprogram development and delivery, etc.)

  1. SUMMARY FOR LAY PUBLIC (Limit: 500 words or 1 page)

People affected by MS are keen on learning informationabout the ongoing research funded by the MS Society. Such information not only provides hope for a future free of MS but also demonstrates the Society’s accountability for the funds entrusted to us and engages the community to continue to support our efforts.

The information in this section will be used in communication materials that will be distributed to people affected by MS, donors, general public and other key stakeholders. Please ensure that the lay summary is written in a readable style for someone who does not have a scientific background. Use short, clear sentences and simple terms.

In your lay summary please provide the following information:

a)Project summary (What is the hypothesis or objective your research project aims to address?)

b)Project description (How you are conducting the study?)

c)Research findings and updates (What has been accomplished in the past funding year?)

d)Impact and relevance (How does your research fit in the bigger picture? How will the results of your studyinfluence the lives of people affected by MS?)

  1. TEAM SITE COORDINATION AND COLLABARTION (Limit: 500 words or 1 page)

Describe the degree of collaboration between the studysites.How havethe sites worked together thus far in order toachieve the aims and milestones of the project? Describe the level of knowledge and data exchange among the study sites and how the team has leveraged resources and expertise to advance the study. Describe the administrative and operational structure of the team,including the roles and tasks of the core team members involved in the project.

  1. SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS (Limit: 1500words or 3 pages)

The summary should include details of the workconducted with support from the Team Grant, during past funding year. List the original aims of theproject, and the major scientific accomplishments or findings in the past year. If the original aims have changed, please indicate the changes and the reasons. All unpublished information should be identified as such, and will be treated as confidential.


Please provide a list of all papers, meeting abstracts, presentations (scientific and lay) and manuscripts in preprationduring the past funding yearthat include results obtained from this grant. In addition, list any collaborations with other researchers, policy makers, advocacy organizations, health care practitioners or other stakeholders as well as any commercialization activities resulting from this project in the past year.

Type / Number / List / Description / References
Peer-reviewed publications
Non peer-reviewed publications[1]
Manuscripts in preparation[2]
Commercialization activities[6]

Indicate the number and names of trainees involved in this project in the past funding year:

Trainee level / Number of trainees / Trainee Names
Summer Students
Masters Students
Doctoral Students
Postdoctoral Fellows
(please specify):

Students and postdoctoral fellows promoting the research program

Young researchers are uniquely positioned to generate enthusiasm about MS research. List the names of any students or postdoctoral fellows working on this projectwho would be suitable for or may be interested in delivering presentationsto the public about their work. They may be invited to speak by their local MS Society office.

Student name / Training level / Institution / Email address

If the project involves the use of human subjects and/or animals, please attach the most up-to-date copy of documentation of ethicsapproval for the grant from the appropriate institutional committee(s).


[1]e.g. technical reports/ papers,government publications, handbooks, science magazines, editorials, brochures, etc.

[2] Including publications in preparation or submitted.

[3]Presentations at conferences, workshops, meetings, both scientific and lay

[4] Citations in relevant scientific literature, cited in text books, reading lists, policy documents, health professional education material, clinical and service guidelines, program development, publications, etc.

[5] Collaborations formed with other researchers, health care practitioners, program delivery experts, policy makers, other stakeholders resulting from this project. Engagement with other research centres, networks, academic institutions, government agencies.

[6] Commercialization activities such as patents filed/granted, invention disclosures, copyrights, licenses. Please specify name, number, inventors, and dates.