Eucharistic Assistant Training…..

Will be held on Wednesday, May 19th at 8:30 p.m.

Parish Flea Market

Saturday, June 5th between 9:30am - 11:00am Parish Hall - anyone with items to donate, drop off Friday June 4th between 7-8:00 p.m.

Victorian Afternoon Tea

The 150th Anniversary Committee is holding a Victorian Afternoon Tea, in the Parish Hall, on Saturday, June 12th from 2.30-4:00 p.m. Tickets will be $5.00. Come along, bring a friend and enjoy an afternoon, filled with fellowship, entertainment, prizes and a cup of tea served in 1860 style. Any inquiries, please call Shirley @368-9504 or Cindi @ 834-7587

Our penny total stands at $195.36 for 2010. there are penny containers at the back of the church if you would like one. For further information call Marg @ 834-4517

New Parish Website
Visit regularly to see what's happening in our Church: Special Services; Events; Announcements; Prayer Requests; On-line Donations; Church groups; etc.

Benefit Card Game, May 26th at 7:00 p.m. at the St. John the Evangelist Parish Hall, 20 Rectory Road, Topsail, CBS In aid of Stephanie Richardson. Cost will be $5.00. Bring your own cards & baskets. Refreshments served and usual prizes. For further information please call Barb at 834-4157. All are welcome!

Welcome to the Parish of

St. John the Evangelist

Conception Bay South, Newfoundland

May 16, 2010

The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God

And in Loving Memory of

Edward Metcalfe

for his birthday


Wife, Jessie,

Son’s, Glenn & Family & Fred & Family

& Sister, Lila Sheppard

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord”. Hearts lifted to God in the Eucharist signify our own ascension, says St. Augustine. Human beings have a profound desire to reach the transcendant and to discover their life’s meaning and mission.

In the gospel Jesus guides the eleven disciples up a mountain on which He alone is worshipped. He imparts to them the mission to teach, to baptize and to invite others into discipleship. They will not be abandoned on the mission for the Spirit of Jesus will always be with them even to the end of tiem.

God Bless,

Father John +

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

PRAY for Colorado - (USA) The Rt. Rev’d Robert Neill

Tri-Diocesan Intercessions

Parish of the Resurrection

Rector-The Ven. Gerald Westcott

Parish of St. Anthony

Rector- The Rev. Ralph Moore

Parish of Pistolet Bay

Rector- The Rev. Bruce Graham

The sick

Helen SheppardMark MulcahyStephanie Richardson

Debbie SaundersBev AresCatherine Whalen

Bev ChaytorMuriel FowlerGerald Cross

Freeman TaylorChes TappGeorge Petten

We are pleased to pray for your sick family members and friends. We only ask that you give us an update on their progress. Please let us know when they are well enough to be removed from our prayer list.

The BereavedFaithful Departed

Olga Barnes & FamilyHettie Tucker

Please not the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 24th for the Victoria Day Holiday

A donation has been given to the Old Church Fund to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Olive Stephen (Trickett) Lovingly Remembered by brother, Graham & Family

A donation has been given to the Old Church to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Charlie & Ethel Mercer by daughter, Irene Crisby

A donation has been given to the Old Church Fund to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Olive Stephen-Trickett Lovingly Remembered by Robert & Amelia Harnum & Family

A donation has been given to the Old Church Fund to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Olive Stephen (Trickett) Lovingly Remembered by Mrs. Hilda Mercer

A donation has been given to the Cemetery Fund to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Shirley & Beatrice Eason by Gerald & Doreen Hanrahan

Catechism Class…..

…continues on Thursday night beginning at 7:00 p.m. Lesson six this week. All are welcome.

150th Anniversary Committee…

is making an appeal to ladies of the congregation who knit or sews. We would appreciate any items that you would like to donate to our craft table. As well we would love to have any crafts made by the men of our congregation for our Garden Party on July 10th

Anyone that is interested in buying or mug with a picture of both churches on them commemorating our 150th anniversary, we will have them available for sale as well. Hope to see you there!


Closing dinner will Tuesday, May 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the Woodstock Inn.