Exam News

Ms. McLellan’s Mi’kmaq Studies 10 Exam Newsletter


The purpose of this newsletter is to prepare you, as students, for your upcoming examination. With preparation and knowledge of what is expected, you should have all the tools you need to be successful. Read through the newsletter for study tips, the time and date of the exam, course material that should be reviewed and a few extras. Good Luck! I believe in you.

Exam Outline

You are responsible for all concepts covered on quizzes, tests, class work, assignments etc. A complete list of topics can be found below and continued on the back page of the newsletter.

Units Covered: Introduction, Culture, Spirituality, Education, Governance, Justice

Exam Format: Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, Definitions, Short Answer, Long Answer (Essay)

Go back through your reviews, assignments, class work and tests and complete the following questions in preparation for the exam:

Exam Topics:

Provide a definition and explain the significance of the following terms in Mi'kmaq Studies.

Peopling Theories, Talking Circles, Glooscap, Mi’kma’ki, L’nu’k, Nikmak, Wigwam, Reserve, Band, Birch bark, Waltes, Wampum, Traditional districts, Sweat Lodge, Algonquian, Crown Land, Elders, Drum, Residential Schools, Missionaries, Petroglyphs, Heiroglyphs, Smudging, Oral Traditions, Talking Circles, Day-School, Treaty, Grand Council, Jurisdiction, Legislation, Roman Catholic Church, Assimilation, Bill C-31, Seasonally-mobile, Medicine Wheel, Systemic Discrimination, Reconciliation, Sentencing Circle, Rules of Protocol

Topics for Short Answers:

A.  Mi’kmaq Spirituality

a.  Key concepts

b.  Sacred items

c.  In everyday life

B.  Oral Traditions

a) Summary of an oral tradition

b) Significant characters

c) Lesson

C.  Talking circles

a.  How they work

b.  Guidelines

c.  Types/uses

D.  Traditional Mi’kmaq government

a.  Levels

b.  Persons involved

c.  Responsibilities

E.  Treaty process

a.  the government disadvantaging of Mi’kmaq people in 20th century

b.  concepts of land ownership

c.  impact on traditional way of life

F.  Traditional Mi’kmaq education and the changes with European contact (French and British)

a. missionaries

b. day-school system

c. residential schools

d. recent changes

G.  Systematic discrimination in Criminal Justice system

a.  Specific evidence

b.  Case of Donald Marshall Jr.


You will be given a short reading about residential schools and you will need to answer questions using the text and all course information on residential schools. Specifics will include assimilation, reconciliation, the devastating impact of residential schools on First Nations communities.


Paragraph 1 – introduction (thesis statement and main points to discuss) Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 – developmental paragraphs with information/details, etc Paragraph 5 – conclusion (restate main points and bring to a close)

You have the choice of two topic statements:

A.  European contact and changes to traditional Mi’kmaq way of life


B.  Oneness with nature and the traditional Mi’kmaq way of life

“Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.” ~ William A. Ward

“The best way to finish an unpleasant task is to get started.”

~ Anonymous